PK - Grade 3

Grade Scope
PK/K Living, Learning and Working Together:
<Who are the helpers in our community and what is my role>
  • Experiences in families, school, and broader community
  • Who We are in Our Community
  • Mapping and Cambridge
  • Caring for our community
First Grade Individuals, Families, and Communities:
<How can I be a helpers in my communities (agency)>
  • Our Classroom Community
  • What is a Rule? (CDJ)
  • Who is in My Community
  • Where are My Communities on the Map
  • **Coming soon... Communities in Asia
Second Grade World Geography and Cultures:
<People who contributed to our community that showed agency>
  • World Geography: Land and People
  • Communities in Africa
  • African-American Contributions and Communities
  • Justice for All (CDJ)
Third Grade Massachusetts: Its Geography and Early History:
  • Cambridge and Massachusetts
  • Cultures in Massachusetts through 1763: Native American, Europeans and Africans
  • Wampanoags, Pilgrims and Puritans
  • The 13 Colonies and The American Revolution

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