Goal 2: Organizational Alignment and Capacity

Increase organizational effectiveness and efficiency and ensure high performance and support to schools.

The district leadership team’s primary role is to support the key functions of the District. It is my responsibility that we operate as a highly effective, cross-functional team, dedicated to a positive, professional culture focused on service and improving morale, so that the focus remains on meeting the needs of EVERY scholar. It is critical that I understand how the organization is currently operating--what’s working well and where there are opportunities for improvement.

Key Activities

Activity Progress
Meet one-on-one with every principal and central office administrators.
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Strategically attend key meetings (i.e. instructional council, departments, employment interviews, task force and working groups, etc.).
Send introductory communication to all administrators and staff.
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Review key district financial materials, budgets and most recent audits, grants. completed icon
Review all critical documents: employee handbooks, policy/procedure manuals, alignment of standards- curriculum-assessments and professional development, student achievement data by school, legal proceedings, safety and emergency plans, etc.
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Plan and facilitate multiple leadership retreats with the leadership/administrative teams to develop trust by outlining norms, role clarity, responsibilities, expectations, Theory of Action, and systems for mutual accountability.
Site visits at all schools and programs: Conduct meetings with each school’s instructional leadership team to obtain perspectives on the district’s/school’s strengths and opportunity for growth.
Determine how communication and decision making will occur with the executive team establishing meeting protocols and systems designed to focus on increased student achievement and continuous improvement.
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Review processes and systems that guide the distribution of resources and ensure that the allocation of resources aligns with students’ needs.
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Review district’s enrollment and financial projections, resource allocation and the process for building the annual operating budget; analyze how it is aligned to support the needs of all students.
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Review the district’s safety and crisis communication plan.
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Review all School Improvement plans.
Host school based listening and learning forums/focus groups for all staff to attend.
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Host focus groups for current high school and upper school scholars and former high school scholars.  ongoing
Conduct focus groups with all educator groups, including support staff to listen and learn.
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Determine how much autonomy and authority principals have in the current organizational structure and establish how much access and opportunity they have in decision making at the District level. In Progress icon
Ensure all necessary plans and preparations are in place to ensure an outstanding opening of schools; establish protocols for assessing the effectiveness of the opening of schools.
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