Tobin Weekly: October 30, 2015
Published on Oct 30, 2015 15:15

  October 30, 2015
nature walk

Nature Walk
Room 283 students went on a Nature Walk to Fresh Pond on October 22. It was a beautiful fall day, sunny and pleasant. The children played Sensory Scavenger Hunt game: they were searching for something older than they, something that smelled well, something with three or more colors on it, and other interesting facts. We would like to thank Taraneh, Kabil's Mom, and Karen, Elias's Mom, for joining us on the field trip.

extra, extra

A Big Welcome!
The Tobin Montessori School wants to welcome Dr. Kenneth Salim, newly named Superintendent of Schools, to our community.

pumpkin carving

Pumpkin Carving
Dennis Bellach, Prahlad's Dad, taught room 283 children how to carve a pumpkin.


Spotlight on Jeffrey Konigsberg 
Dig this Q&A with our very awesome art teacher!
Read on >>

Parent Ed

Parent Ed Corner Tip of the Week

Welcome to the Parent Ed Corner Tip of the Week!
Have you marveled at the remarkable order of the Montessori classroom? Has your toddler told you that at school she pours her own juice? Does your teenager hang or put away all her clothes – without being asked? 

Encouraging order, independence, and self-motivation are fundamental to the Montessori approach. Carefully designed classrooms allow students to develop competence in caring for themselves and their surroundings. And from the sense of pride that “I did it myself!” blooms the confidence to take on the world. Bringing Montessori principles into your home can be a valuable bridge to what your child learns at school. Each week we will provide some ways to build that connection. 

Stay tuned here for weekly tips!


News from the Library 
First we had Read Across America!
Last year we Read Around the World!!
This year we will Read Across Time!!!

Look for information on this year's whole school reading challenge as we read books that take place during the past or the future. Historical fiction, biographies, time travel, science fiction – anything that clearly takes place in another time period from out current one. Books can be in all formats, read independently or as a class or family.


November 17 – Tobin Author Celebration

Did you know that the Tobin School is chock-full of talented writers? Students from Children’s House all the way up to Upper Elementary have been thinking deeply about how writers craft narrative stories. They have learned how to tell stories about their lives with pictures and words. They have studied how to zoom in on small moments to bring the reader into the story. They have learned about adding details to help the reader see, hear and feel the story.

Are you excited to read their writing? We are so excited to share it with you! Please mark your calendars for November 17th and come join us for a morning of celebrating our amazing authors!! Stay tuned for more details from your classroom teachers!



November 4
Report cards go home

November 5
Early Release Day
11:55AM dismissal

November 5
Parent Teacher Conferences
1-3PM or 5-7PM
Your child's teacher will be in contact with you to schedule a time to meet with your during these hours or at another time during the week.

November 11
No School | Veteran's Day

November 12 | 8AM
School Council meeting

November 17
Tobin Author Celebration
Details on next page

December 3
International Night
Be on the lookout for more information.

School Calendar
District Calendar



Work in an area with proper lighting that avoids glare and reflections. Limit eye strain by following the “20/20/20” rule: take a break every 20 minutes, stop for 20 seconds, and look at least 20 feet away from the homework or computer monitor.


Have you ever wondered how you can help out at the school? See the many opportunities that are available to you here:


Tobin Montessori School
197 Vassal Lane
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6890
Staff Listing
Tobin Website

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