Baldwin Broadside: November 2, 2015
Published on Nov 2, 2015 13:39

November 2, 2015
silly stories

Silly and Scary Stories!
Hear all about Pajama Storytelling Night at Baldwin. Read more >>

Our students in kindergarten and first grade participate in storytelling theater where the students are the actors. Storytelling is a powerful medium that helps develop visual imagery skills and is an effective bridge to emergent literacy. Learn more >> 


Fourth Grade Celebrates National Writing Day – A Virtual Visit
On October 20th, the 4th grade celebrated National Writing Day. Both classrooms connected with author Kate Messner via a virtual visit. The students learned the process that authors go through when writing a book, much like what students writers do in fourth grade. They brainstorm, research, draft, get peer feedback, revise and publish. Messner talked about how students can develop their writing skills and ideas for topics to write about. Kate also shared how authors work with illustrators and editors, collaborating as a team, to publish a book. They got to learn about writing in the world, not just in school. They were so inspired that they are taking their writer's notebooks home. It was a pretty cool way to have an expert guest in the classroom.

Fourth Grade Visits the Mapparium
Some of the students in fourth grade were very excited to share information about their recent trip to the Mapparium.

"It was like you were standing in the middle of the world looking at all the continents and countries. I loved the part where you would look at pictures of all famous places and people like the Niagra Falls which was so beautiful, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Eiffel Tower in France and the Lincoln Monument, Albert Einstein and Susan B. Anthony. " - Maimouna

"It was so amazing. I could see the whole world. I liked that you got to hear about all the places in the world." - Sophia
"The trip was so fun. We saw a film about famous people in the world like Gandhi and Paul Revere. It was cool seeing the old books people read." - Zionnia

ball chairs

Ms. Moylan, first grade teacher, ordered new chairs for her classroom. The students were wiggling appropriately with delight with their new seats. The research shows that this is the most effective kind of seat for 6 and 7 year-olds to heighten their attention and give them the proper proprioceptive feedback that they need.


Welcome to our new building substitute teacher, Brittany Williams. Brittany comes to Baldwin from San Francisco where she was a special education teacher.

Welcome to the newest member of the Baldwin family, Rowan Vincent Miller! Congratulations to Mrs. Miller and her family.


Bilateral Symmetry
Fourth graders are learning about bilateral symmetry in art class. Bugs have a body that is symmetrical. If you draw a line down the center, it has matching halves. The right half is a mirror image of the left half. Arthropods have 3 parts of the body and 6 legs. You can find these symmetrical creatures in the back stairwell, 3rd floor.


Kodály Music in Grades JK-2
Kodály music has arrived at the Baldwin! Perhaps you've heard about songs from music class, seen "Ask Me" sheets come home, or have heard about the Musician of the Month. But what exactly is Kodály? Find out >>

Visiting Foreign Lands in the Library
5th grade students are learning about foreign countries using culture grams and google flights. Students were asked to create a postcard, with facts, about their selected country. Learn more >> 

All-School Meeting
At the first all-school meeting of the year, students in Mr O'Connor's first grade class shared their hopes and dreams for the year, soaring like a kite. Then, students in Ms. Jackie's kindergarten class shared what they like about kindergarten ... music class, phonics, choice time, sketching in their sketch pads and iPads. Ms. DellaCalce's kindergarten class sang "The Five Little Pumpkins" three ways --- in a speaking voice, in their singing voice, and in their robot voice. Thank you to Jada and Khadijah for leading the meeting and to Ms. Power's second grade class for greeting everyone as they arrived at the meeting.


Sketching in the Garden
Here's a peek at Tomatoes by Dilzafer.



Tuesday, December 8
5:30 PM

Baldwin Winter
Concert Series

Concerts start at 9:15 AM in the Baldwin Cafeteria  

Wednesday, January 27
Rooms 102, 104 and 217

Thursday, January 28
Rooms 212 & 215

Wednesday, February 3
Grade 1

Friday, February 5
Grade 2  

See more events at Baldwin and in our community >>

Be part of a group of parents and faculty that work in conjunction with the Baldwin faculty teams - Instructional Leadership Team and the Culture and Community team - to work toward the school's improvement goals, outlined in the school improvement plan. This year, the focus of the group will be to discuss and come to a consensus on 'the Baldwin Way' around topics like homework, drop-off, and communication. Meetings are in the school library. All are welcome (and children). Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 17 at 6PM in the Baldwin Library.

Each month, the Baldwin School has an all-school meeting. This is an opportunity for the entire school to get together as a community. It is run like a Responsive Classroom morning meeting starting with a greeting followed by classroom shares. Classrooms take turns sharing their work. All are welcome to attend. The next all-school meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 19 at 2:05PM.

School is dismissed at 12:55PM.
Thursday, November 5
Wednesday, November 25
Tuesday, March 15
Wednesday, May 18
Thursday, June 9

Thank you to the parents who helped with the pumpkins this year. Thank you Nina, Danae, Kjersti, LaToya, Erin, Elizabeth, Audrey, Kaitlin, Elisa, Todd and Melissa. Thank you to all the kids who also helped. We were very lucky to get a beautiful batch of pumpkins this year. Thank you to Leslie and CeCe for helping with the bread on Wednesday afternoons.  Thank you to Jada and Khadijah for hosting the first all-school meeting. Thank you to room 202 for greeting all the students. 

There is a large pile of clothing in the Lost and Found area, next to the Sacramento Street door. Please use a Sharpie or permanent marker to write your child’s name on the tag of their coat, hat, and other clothing. It would help us get their clothing back to them when it is left behind! We will be donating clothing items after a period of time, as piles like this can be a breeding ground for mold and mildew if things get wet. We will be partnering with the Child Assessment Unit at Cambridge Hospital for our donation site. In the meantime, please stop by the Lost and Found to pick up clothing that might be yours!   



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Cambridge, MA 02138
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