Haggerty Holler: December 1, 2015
Published on Dec 1, 2015 14:15

December 1, 2015
turkey trot

Turkey Trot Fun!
On the early release day before Thanksgiving break, we took turns gathering in the gym and doing collaborative games - our version of the Turkey Trot! Mr. Materazzo, our Physical Education teacher, led the crowd while dressed as a turkey. Our fourth and fifth graders were helpers to many of the younger grades. Thanks to parent Carroll Magill who was our day long DJ. It was a great way to welcome in the the long weekend.

molly's pilgrim cover

Literacy Corner

Molly’s Pilgrim by Barbara Cohen
By Hazel and Fatima

We think you should read Molly’s Pilgrim because it is interesting. If you read it you won’t want to stop. You’ll be sad that it is over. Molly was born in Russia and had to leave because the Cossaks were burning down homes and synagogues. Molly’s family left in search of freedom of religion. Then she lived in New York. In her new school there was a bully named Elizabeth. Elizabeth and four other girls were mean to Molly. One time two of them chased her home teasing her. Molly’s teacher doesn’t help Molly until the end of the book. We felt bad for Molly when she was teased. We also felt angry that the teacher didn’t care.

There are two copies of this book in our library. READ IT!


Music Corner
We reveal November's Secret Song, learn about rhythm syllables, and more. Read on >>


Stories Through Songs
Continues for 5th Grade

Folk New England (FNE) has had the pleasure of working with the Haggerty School through a grant entitled “Stories through Song” for three consecutive years. Learn more >> 


Technology Corner
Well, it's been quite a year of computing thus far at the Haggerty School! Hear more >> 


CitySprouts Update
By Greg Beach, School Garden Coordinator 

It's hard to believe but the growing season is almost over. Though we still have a few plants that are hanging on (such as the heirloom tromboncino squash), the CitySprouts season is over and I will not be facilitating any regular garden visits until next March.

A few highlights from autumn:
–Ms. Lacey's students tasted fall vegetables, planted winter rye seeds, and turned over our buckwheat cover crop to help improve our soil health!
–5th grade students harvested daikon and red radishes, spinach, kale, mustard spinach, carrots, peppers, lettuce, mustard greens, mizuna, and more from our mid-November garden and used this harvest to make delicious salads!
–Students of all ages were able to enjoy our annual cider pressing tradition in the beautiful fall garden!

library activity

Library Corner
Get the scoop on what we've been up to in our library and how we're using story extension activities to help bring stories to life! Read on >> 

PTO/Arts Council Meeting 
Tuesday, December 8  

Peace Day Concert
Friday, December 11  

Playground Opening Reception for Parents
Friday, December 11 

Do you have outer wear (coats, snow pants, boots, or mittens) that your children have outgrown? It is time of year again, and we will have a winter clothing exchange. Bring some in and look for bigger sizes. The coat rack will be in the lobby this week. Please send in clean, gently used winter items. We appreciate your help!

Just a reminder to make a routine of checking your child's hair for lice. It is just the nature of elementary school, but it has remained a recurring theme since this Fall. Please let our nurse Maureen Hanlon know if you find eggs or lice in your child's hair. Students should be treated before returning to school. Thanks for your help!

Mindfulness Workshops
Thursday, December 3
Fostering Resilience in Our Children and Reducing Stress in Our Homes 
An introduction to mindfulness for parents and adults who work with youth.  This session will cover some of the latest mindfulness research and information on the mindfulness curriculum I teach in classrooms.
King Open School, 850 Cambridge Street
Email [email protected] for a childcare spot

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