Tobin Weekly: December 18, 2015
Published on Dec 18, 2015 13:43

  December 18, 2015
Int'l Night

Last Week We Did It Again!
Our annual International Night was amazing! More than 200 people came by and enjoyed the activities table that represented many countries. We also got to enjoy the delicious dishes from around the world. The pictures will tell the story... Enjoy! See more photos >>

frosty conifer

Happy Winter Break!
This is the last Weekly before the break. Wishing you all a restful holiday break!

Winter Solstice & Pajama Day
We will be celebrating Winter Solstice this year by having a Pajama Day on Monday, December 21. Join in on the fun and wear your favorite pair of pjs!


Spotlight on Catherine Gerson 
Get to know our phenomenal physical therapist with this handy Q&A! Meet Catherine >>


Hour of Code 
Last week, for Computer Science Education week, nine Tobin classes participated in the Hour of Code, a one-hour introduction to computer science & coding lesson with our Technology Specialist, Sarah Rosenberg. Students in Children's house, Lower and Upper elementary learned the basics of computer programming. Some programmed Kibo the robot, some built and programmed Legos and some used coding language to create a video game. They had a blast! Research shows that a computer science curriculum helps nurture perseverance, problem-solving skills, logic and creativity in students. For more information on the global initiative visit                                     


Hanukkah Celebration
Emmy, Romy's mom, came in to celebrate Hanukkah with us. We read a story, tasted latkes, learned about the menorah and the dreidel game and song. We tasted yummy Hanukkah treats! Thank you, Emmy!

Read Across Time has Begun!
The timeline is now up and students have been looking for evidence that a story is set in a time that is different from our present time. They have practiced filling out the Timeline Slips that go on display on the large timeline that you see as you come up the ramp at Tobin. I invite you to complete them at home if you read a book that is set or is about some time in the past or the future. Students pick one image or idea that demonstrates the book is set in another time period to include on their record slip. Since everyone who comes to Tobin will be looking at our timeline we are taking time to create something complete and beautiful that we can be proud of. The timeline will grow all year. 
Download CH slips >>
Download LE/UE slips >>


Holiday Card Exchange
By Vanessa and Nourin

Upper Elementary, classroom 204, is doing something called a holiday card exchange. We make cards and send them out to different schools across the country. Our theme this year is "snow," while making the cards, we have to fill out a paper listing our school name, which state it is in, the average temperature in the winter etc. We sent out 29 cards, and we are hoping to get 29 cards back from different schools. We got 24 cards already, and we are waiting for more to come. Outside our classroom we hung up a map of the United States, and the cards we got and their location.

We are graphing out how many girls and boys are in each classroom and comparing them with other classrooms . Also, we are comparing the average temperature in the winter of each school, and we are putting them on a geo chart. Each kid in our classroom made 3-4 cards, so we have some extras, which we are sending to the Coast Guard Station in Alaska. The kids in our class each wrote a letter to the Coast Guard. In the letters, most of us were thanking the Coast Guard servicemen/women for keeping us safe, and wishing them a happy holiday.

We hope you can come by and take a look at the map and cards.


December 21
Pajama Day

December 23 
Jingle Bell Jump
All day in the gym; you're welcome to stop by and watch the kids.

December 24–January 3
No School - Holiday break

January 4
School resumes

January 7 | 8AM
Mindful Parenting

School Calendar
District Calendar

Create an Ordered Environment
To make things accessible to your young child: 
Put healthy snacks and foods on a low pantry shelf so your child can help himself.



If you have a student who is reluctant to read out loud, here is a fun reading activity to try! Read aloud from a book at your child’s level. Hold the book so your reader can also read along silently. Every so often leave out a word and have your child read that word. Then turn the tables and have them read to you and leave out occasional words. They will love to see if you are paying attention and can read the word they omit!

Two boys ages 3 and 5 need a ride home from After School at 3:30PM. They live close by near the Alewife T station. Everyday or as many as you can do. Please contact: [email protected].
Thank you!  

Have you heard that the City of Cambridge is competing for the Georgetown Energy Prize and that the outreach and cooperation with local schools is a big priority for city-wide energy reduction strategy? Lean more >> 


Tobin Montessori School
197 Vassal Lane
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6890
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