Tobin Weekly: January 15, 2016
Published on Jan 15, 2016 14:12

  January 15, 2016
new books

Loads of New Books!
I go to the American Library Assoc. Midwinter Meeting every January to get free or very cheap books for the library and for students. This year we were lucky to have it in Boston, which meant I could bring my car and collect as many books as I could carry! I brought over 120 books (!!) – about 40 new finished books to add to the collection and 86 ARCs (books that aren't yet published). I ask students to help me decide which of these new books we should buy for the library. So there's lots of new choices for winter reading!

–Ms. Jessica, Tobin Librarian

Photo above: Emi Rodes and Avery Carangelo reviewing some of the new ARCs.


Spotlight on Megan Cahill
Get to know our always smiling Children's House teacher! Meet Megan >>

parent ed

Parent Ed Corner
Teach Real-Life Skills   
Montessori students are taught to take care of themselves and their classroom and to be helpful to others. They wash tables, organize shelves, prepare their own meals, and assist younger children. In addition to mastering real-life skills, they come to see themselves as valued members of the community.

Having your child help at home can bring similar rewards. Take the time to teach each skill separately and to repeat the lesson as needed. Each task your child masters adds to his confidence and self-esteem.

–Young children, for example, can peel vegetables, fold their clothes, match their socks, and care for pets.
– “Tweens” can sort the mail and take out the recycling.
–Adolescents can prepare the family dinner, read to their younger siblings, help with computer maintenance and home repair, and manage their own bank account.

night at museum

Indoor Recess Fun 
Very cold days call for indoor recess! Room 283 has lots of fun fun playing The Night At the Museum game with Ms. Karianne

mock caldecott

Tobin Mock Cadecott Winners 
All the Lower Elementary classes spent the month of December evaluating 35+ picture books published in 2015. They looked at each book rating them for how well the pictures told the story, the design of the book and the excellence of the artist.

The overwhelming favorite was:
"Mummy Cat" by Marcus Ewert, Illustrated by Lisa Brown

Runner-ups or honor books are:
"Leo a Ghost Story" by Mac Barnett, Illustrated by Christian Robinson
"Meet The Dullards" by Sara Pennypacker, Illustrated by Daniel Salmieri


Chinese New Year
Jenny Wang, the mother of the former Room 283 student Daniel, came to Room 283 to tell the children about the Chinese New Year, it's customs and traditions. Thank you, Jenny!


Monday, January 18
No School
Martin Luther King Day

Thursday, January 21

Family Outreach
Room 129

Thursday, January 28

Math Morning
"Just counting the days..."

Friday, February 5

Winter Concert
Kindergarten through grade 4 will be performing.

School Calendar
District Calendar

bundle up
Check out our lost and found/coat and boot exchange. Have a jacket your kid no longer wears? A pair of boots that no longer fit? Bring them to the exchange.... You just might see something there your kid could use!


Three things in human life are important:
the first is to be kind;
the second is to be kind;
and the third is to be kind.

- Henry James


Do not over pack! 
The weight of the pack should not exceed 10 to 15% of the child's body weight. The 10% ratio is a guideline for elementary school children, and the 15% range can be used with junior and senior high school students. For example, a 60 lb grade one student should carry no more than 6 lbs; an 120 lb high school student should carry no more than 18 lbs.

On January 26 and February 1, I will hold on-site registration for new or returning Art & Science in One volunteers at Tobin, in the main office, from 12-2PM. If there are any parents (or grandparents or others) who would like more info about volunteering as a one-to-one mentor in this hands-on, outdoor, observational drawing program, please ask them to contact me directly. A firm commitment to the program’s sessions, which are on Fridays from 11:30 to 1:30 beginning in April, is required. Training is provided by Cambridge School Volunteers.

–Julie Croston
Parent in Room 206

Help shape the plan! Volunteers are needed for the Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee and topic-specific working groups. Learn more >>


Tobin Montessori School
197 Vassal Lane
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6890
Staff Listing
Tobin Website

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