Tobin Weekly: February 26, 2016
Published on Feb 26, 2016 13:44

  February 26, 2016

All-State Treble Chorus
Three Tobin fourth grade students, Avery, Emi, and Korbinian, auditioned and were accepted to the 2016 All-State Treble Chorus. Avery, Emi, and Korbinian, along with 200 other students from across the state, will perform under the direction of Dr. Rollo Dillworth, Chair of Music Education and Music Therapy at Temple University, as part of the Massachusetts Music Educators Association’s Annual Conference. Their performance on Saturday, March 12, will be attended by administrators, music professionals, and friends and families from across the region. This is a huge accomplishment, and we are very proud of them – congratulations and good luck to Avery, Emi, and Korbinian!

Spirit Week!
February 29th-March 4th
Monday: Tobin Gear Day – Wear you favorite Tobin Tee- Shirt and show you Tobin pride!
Tuesday: Book Character Day – Dress up as your favorite book character
Wednesday: Mixed Up Day – Mix up your hair...two different shoes...wear your clothes backwards! It's up to you to mix it up!
Thursday: Dress Up Day – Wear your fancy clothes to school!
Friday: PAJAMA DAY!!!


Spotlight on Susan Grassey
Meet the ALWAYS pleasant Susan Grassey, Upper Elementary teacher! Read on >>

Morning Arrival Time at Tobin
During the School Advisory Council meeting, on Thursday February 11th, a discussion of Student Arrival and Drop-off took place. (minutes can be found on the Tobin website's school advisory council page) There have been serious congestion and safety issues in the circular driveway of the school, much having to do with the disregard of posted parking restrictions and the large number of children arriving just before 7:55am.

This is a friendly reminder that classrooms officially open at 7:40AM
and teachers would appreciate students arriving as close to this time as possible. As we all know, the Tobin school day schedule is tight with very little room for diversions. Teachers want their students to have those 15 minutes before the second bell to socialize and settle in. When kids are given the time they need to prepare for the day, the classrooms are calmer and students are more prepared to work. And rest assured, your family will have a happier morning without the pressure of arriving late.

Tobin School has a wonderful culture of parents walking with their children into school. However, the enforcement of parking restrictions and safety protocols will be emphasized over the course of the next few months, and families are encourage to find parking outside of the circular driveway if they choose to escort their child to their classroom. Please keep a eye out for notification of the new morning drop off protocol that will be implemented after April vacation. Finally, parents of children from Lower and Upper Elementary are welcome and encouraged to allow their children to arrive unassisted to their classrooms.

Thanks for Your Support!
–The Tobin School Advisory Council

book fair

Tobin/VLUS Library Book Fair 
February 29th – March 4th

Mon., Feb 29: 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Tues., March 1: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 pm
Wed., March 2: 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 pm (note late closing time!)
Thur., March 3: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 pm
Fri., March 4: 7:30 a.m. - NOON
Credit cards, cash, & checks (made out to Friends of Tobin) accepted.

You may send your child to school with money or come yourself to purchase books. Students will be completing their wish lists Mon. - Wed. when they come to library with their class. Teachers will also provide their own “wish list bags” of books that you may help purchase for their classrooms.

Volunteers Needed for Book Fair!! 
Please sign up here >> 


Special Guest
Lalita Bellach, Prahlad's sister, is reading in Room 283. Lalita was a special guest in her brother' classroom, and she taught the children how to sketch and draw.

Staff Appreciation Lunch
March 15 is an early release day and our annual Staff Appreciation Lunch! 

This is our opportunity, as the families of students attending Tobin & VLUS to show our appreciation to our staff by bringing in main dishes, salads, and desserts for them to enjoy while participating in their professional development. It is SUPER helpful if you can let us know what you might bring in. You can be specific (lasagna!) or general (salad). 

We need volunteers to bring in:
–15 main dishes (serving 8 to 12 people)
–12 salads -- any kind, from green to potato
–10 desserts
(All drinks & paper goods will be provided.)

Volunteers are also needed to:
–Help set-up the school's cafeteria after the VLUS students have finished their lunch.
–Watch the children of other volunteers (so the nap room staff can eat too!)?
–Run food from the kitchen out to the tables.
–Clean up afterward.

–Drop off food contributions by 12PM (yes, you can do it earlier)
–11:55AM Start watching the children of volunteers
–12:30PM Make floral arrangements, set-up of tables -- tablecloths, plates, etc.,
–1PM Run food out from kitchen
–1:15PM Staff enjoys lunch
–2:15PM Clean up
–3PM We are all done!

Please, any questions or responses, contact Mary Frawley or me! And thank you, thank you, thank you.
–Joanna Fischer, [email protected]

Young Artists Show
Head to the Multicultural Arts Center for the Young Artists Show, which features artwork by Cambridge Public School students! The show will be up until April 1st. Learn more:


February 29-March 4
Tobin Spirit Week
See details on left.

February 29-March 4
Book Fair
See details on left.

March 3 | 8-9AM
Mindful Parenting
Room 129

March 4 | 5PM
Movie Night:
Kung Fu Panda
FREE admission! Keep your pjs on and come to Movie Night!
5PM: Pizza will be served for $1/slice
5:30PM: Movie will start
Grab a blanket, head to our gym, sit back & enjoy the movie. Popcorn will be served. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Open Houses!
Do you have a child who will be entering these grade levels? If so, you should plan on attending these information sessions. More detailed information will follow.
March 9 | 8-9AM
Lower Elementary Open House
March 10 | 8-9AM
Upper Elementary Open House

March 12 | 7-9:30PM
5th Annual Friends of Tobin Spring Event
Cambridge Skating Club

March 15
Early Release Day & Staff Luncheon
See details on left.

School Calendar
District Calendar


Whatever you are, be a good one.
–Abraham Lincoln

If you have a student who is reluctant to read out loud, here is a fun reading activity to try! Read aloud from a book at your child's level. Hold the book so your reader can also read along silently. Every so often leave out a word and have your child read that word. Then turn the tables and have them read to you and leave out occasional words. They will love to see if you are paying attention and can read the word they omit!

Promote Concentration
The ability to focus and concentrate is an important skill for learning. You can help develop your child’s concentration by observing what sparks her interest. Set her up with the means and materials to explore it, and let her work without interruption. While your child’s work environment should be free of distraction, it doesn’t have to be away from family activity. Some children prefer working at the kitchen table or reading in a cozy corner of the living room to holing up in a bedroom or study. Observe your child’s response to various environments, ask questions, and make adjustments as needed.

March 3 | 6:30-8:30PM
CRLS, Main Cafeteria
Snow Date: March 10
Learn about: Camp programs for youth (K-8); Day and Residential Camps; Programs for Middle School Students; Job Opportunities for Youth. Sponsored by Cambridge Community Schools. More info: 617.492.0235

March 14 | 7PM
CRLS, War Memorial Building
Please join us as the fifth grade students from the Baldwin, Graham Parks, Kennedy Longfellow, King Open, Morse, and Tobin Schools showcase their ballroom dancing talents and abilities through a variety of dances. Come out to see the Meringue, Waltz, Salsa, Tango and Swing performed by our students and professional dancers. A great night of dance and fun for all!!!


Tobin Montessori School
197 Vassal Lane
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6890
Staff Listing
Tobin Website

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