Welcome Back from Cambridgeport
Published on Sep 1, 2016 11:05

  September 1, 2016

Welcome Back!

Dear Cambridgeport Families,

I hope you are enjoying this most beautiful summer we have been having. I know that many of you have been having wonderful travels, experienced time with family, and refreshed in many different ways. I am so excited to see everyone again soon, and welcome many new faces to our community.

This one has been an exciting summer for me; I have become completely obsessed with math! I’m looking for it everywhere, seeing it everywhere, and wondering constantly why we, in our culture, have so much negative association with math. I’ve been wondering what it would be like if we encouraged kids to solve puzzles, and look for patterns as much as we encouraged them to read. I’ve been noticing how, with my own children, reading and talking about books is always our go-to activity when we want down time, time to connect with one another, and even time to have fun together. But we rarely break out the math games and puzzles. So I’ve started to look for math inspiration everywhere. 

In my quest, I happened upon #tmwyk. What?! A Twitter hashtag as math inspiration? It took me awhile to even figure out what this meant. But when I did, it made all the difference. It stands for Talking Math With Your Kids. I started looking for puzzles, patterns, and how numbers were working in my own life. So when we packed up our bags for a week at the beach, we packed one bag full of books, and another bag packed with Racko, Combo King, and Tiling Turtles. We spent some of our down time finding the joy in math, and this has gotten me really excited to get back to school and start talking math with all of YOUR kids!

On a different note, we have a lot of new staff this year, and I hope you’ll join me in welcoming them. 

Maya Walters—will be working in Kindergarten with Sarah Watson. 

Alden Griggs—will be working in Junior Kindergarten with Lorna. 

Morgan Staples—will be working as a 1:1 aide in Anna’s third grade classroom. 

Deborah Barolsky—will be teaching 4th grade in Room 202, as part of the 3/4 team.

Alexandria Grant—will be teaching 2nd grade in Room 101, as part of the 1/2 team.

Kerri Ann Weaver—will be our new psychologist, working 3 days per week.

Monique Harris—will be taking over for Sandra McClusky in Special Start while she is on maternity leave.

Khrystyna Leslie—will be an intern in Suzie’s room.

Witney Christine—will be an intern in Maisha’s room.

Julianne Gilligan—will be an intern in Jackie’s room.

Lindsay Perelli—will be in intern in Alexandria’s room.

Phuong Nguyen—is not new this year, but has now been permanently assigned as the OT at Cambridgeport (yay)!

Kristen Emack—is not new to the school, but new in her role as Family Liaison.

Some important reminders (or new information for those of you who are new):

  • The district will be mailing home the annual booklet of required forms. Please complete and bring this to school on the first day of school. 
  • Our cafeteria opens for breakfast at 7:45AM. The doors will be locked prior to 7:45AM. Please do not drop students off before 7:45AM. In the event that your child is on a bus that arrives before 7:45AM, we will be sure that they are supervised. 
  • Our school day starts at 8:10AM. Important learning for all children starts at this time. Please plan to arrive at school at 8:10AM. 
  • If you would like to walk your child into the school building (which we do encourage) and you are driving, please leave enough time to find parking. You may not park in front of the school to drop off. This space is reserved for bus parking.

summer learning

Summer Learning Time
Don't fall for the "summer slide!" Keep sharp with our summer learning resources. Happy summer learning! 

Summer Reading (Gr. K-8) 
Get the scoop on this year's summer reading program. 
Learn more >>

Summer Math (Gr. K-8) 
Find out how to work math into your adventures with our summer math calendars. 
Learn more >>


School Bus Information
Bus letters will be mailed out very soon. If you rode the bus last year, or are pretty sure your child will qualify, you can also look up the current list of bus routes and bus stops here.


Stay Connected

Get up-to-date news, announcements, event information, and school closing information. Follow Cambridgeport on Facebook and Twitter today.

First Day of School for Grades 1 - 12
September 6

First Day of School for Kindergarten
September 8

No School: Eid Al-Adha
September 12

Back to School Potluck
September 13 | 6 - 7PM

All School Share
September 15 | 8:45AM

Early Release Day
September 20

School Council
September 21 | 6 - 7:30PM

September 22 | 8:30 - 9:30AM

School-Home Partnership Night
September 29 | 5:30 - 7PM


Did you know that we have a mobile app? It's an easy way to stay connected! 
Download it here >>

Bus Schedules
Lunch Menus
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There are three ways to pay for lunch/breakfast at Cambridge Public Schools. To learn more, please click here. Please note: Paying  online is easy. CPS uses myschoolbucks.com


Cambridgeport School
89 Elm St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617.349.6511

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