An Update from Rindge Avenue Upper School: September 20, 2016
Published on Sep 20, 2016 09:35

  September 20 2016
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Greetings from Julie Craven
Happy first full week of school!

Now that we are entering week three, we are all settling into the routines of school. Teachers continue to do community building activities in advisories and classes and the energy continues to feel good. We do know that it is not uncommon at this time for the glow of return to start to wear off, as students face the reality that they have homework to do and remember that it is hard to get up early each day. Helping your student to develop a homework routine can support them through this period. If they get in the habit of checking the agenda and homework assignments soon after they get home, rather than waiting until after dinner, they can make a plan that allows time to complete everything without feeling stressed. If you notice that your student is struggling to settle into a routine, please let the teachers know.

We are also settling into our work for the year. In this newsletter, please look for information about
RAUC Core Values work--what is it and how can you contribute your ideas? There is also an update on Back to School Night and School Council. Finally, 8th grade learning previews are featured. Specials learning previews will come next week.

Have a wonderful week!

Julie Craven 


School Council Update
We had our first School Council meeting on Wednesday, September 14. Andrew Spooner, Aaron Oppenheimer, and Kelly Matthews are the family representatives. Regina Ota, Jason Everhart, and Ashley Mason represented the staff. Council meetings are facilitated by head of school Julie Craven.

We reviewed the goals of the School Council: To act as a bridge between staff and families; serve as an advisory voice for head of school on school and district initiatives, including School Improvement Plan (SIP) and family engagement; advise head of school on budgetary priorities in relation to school initiatives. The council members are eager to revitalize the council so that it better meets its goals, so please keep an ear out for opportunities to hear updates or share your thoughts with your representatives.

Learning Previews – 8th Grade 
Hear more details about what's going on in our classrooms at RAUC! Read the 8th Grade Learning Previews >>

Core Values

RAUC Core Values: What are they? How can families help create them?
We want to identify the key ideas we all believe will keep our school a caring community where everyone can get a great education. In other words, we want to identify RAUC’s Core Values. We believe that having core values we all care about makes us feel safer in the community because we know what it stands for. Feeling safe empowers all of us to learn, take risks, and grow together. We want staff, students, and families to help choose these values together because then we share responsibility in staying true to them as individuals and as a community. Each group--staff, students, and families, will come up with their ideas for core values. Then representatives from each group will come together to create RAUC's final core values. Read more >>

Back to School Night
Thursday, September 29 | 6 - 8PM
Please join us for Back to School Night, when we gather as a community that works together to support all our students. We hope to see all of you there! Child care will be available--please help us plan by letting Linette Maloney know if you would like child care by phone (617.349.4060) or email her.

Goals for the Evening:
Build relationships and sense of community Strengthen school-family partnership by hearing from families What they need/want from the school Their hopes and dreams for their students. Make sure families leave the evening with a concrete way to support their student’s learning. View the Schedule >>

Grade Level Entry Plan Meetings
with Julie Craven
Share your ideas about RAUC’s strengths and areas of need, as well as your thoughts on Julie’s entry plan. Reminder that the entry plan can be found online.
–Families of 7th graders: Wednesday, September 21 @ 9AM OR 5:30PM
–Families of 6th graders: Tuesday, September 27 @ 9AM OR 5:30PM

What's Happening Outside of CPS?
Fly. Honk. Buzz. A Flying Creatures Expo
September 24 | 2 - 3:30PM | Maynard Ecology Center
View Event Details >>

Science on Saturdays: Mad Science
MIT Campus
October 15 | 10AM - 12Noon
Event Details >>

Cambridge Police Department Boxing Program
Tuesdays & Thursdays | 4-5:30PM | FREE! 
(kids can get there as early as 3)
Boys and Girls in 6-12th Grade
YMCA Central Sq. (there's a school bus stop in front) 
The program is run by Officer JJ Jones, a member of the Youth and Family Services Unit of the Cambridge Police and assigned to the Peabody School, Rindge Ave Upper and the Gately Youth Center. He’s also been the lead instructor of the Cambridge Police Boxing Program since 2011. Here’s how he describes the program: “We are mainly a strength and conditioning program with a boxing focus. I provide all of the equipment and will teach the kids boxing basics. This includes: stance, balance, basic punches, defense and movement. We also work on things like control of emotion, how to deal with the physiological changes in the body when facing confrontation, how to walk away with pride and how to deal with a situation where you are left with no choice. I also try to sprinkle in some life lessons, fun and some food for thought.”
Registration form >>
Waiver form >>

FREE Bike Workshops!
The City of Cambridge is proud to offer free bicycle education workshops. Upcoming workshops are on September 29, October 5, 17, and 23. Learn more >>

Cantare Choir for Middle School Singers
A Division of Boston City Singers
Tuesdays | 4:30-6:30PM | St. John's Church
Directed by Joshua DeWitte
Contact [email protected] if interested.

TTT Mentor Program
Saturday program for grades 4 - 7 children interested in STEM and eager to learn. Learn more >>

Simoni Skating Rink Learn to Skate Program
Click here to download a one-time free skating pass.


Early Release Day
September 20

RAUC Family
Musical Auditions

September 21 - 22
Music Room
Learn more >>

Back to School Night
September 29 | 6 - 8PM

No School:
Indigenous People's Day

October 10

School Site Council
October 11 | 7:30 - 8:15AM

No School: Yom Kippur
October 12

Audition for this year's RAUC original musical! 
Auditions are on September 21 & 22
More details >>


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Did you know that we have a mobile app? It's an easy way to stay connected! 
Download it here >>

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Cambridge in Motion presents this week's healthy snack suggestion: Grape Tomatoes and Woven Wheat Crackers (Like Triscuits)

The Fall 2016 MSN Out-of-School Time Opportunities Guide is now available. Check it out >>


If you have a child at RAUC, you are a member of FRAUC 
(Families of Rindge Avenue Upper Campus). Learn more about FRAUC >>



Rindge Avenue
Upper School
70 Rindge Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02140
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