Cambridgeport Connections: November 10, 2016
Published on Nov 10, 2016 14:13

  November 10, 2016

Thank You! 
Thank you to ALL the volunteers who came out to Make a Difference Day! Our school looks terrific!


Who Are the People
in Your Neighborhood? 
Meet Anjano Upadhyaya. Anjano works at the Hampshire Market, one block from school. Many of you pass the market on your way to and from Cambridgeport!
How long have you lived in Cambridge?
Just one year. I have been in the United States for two years.
What is something about you that most people don’t know?
I was a high school teacher in Nepal. I started teaching when I was 19. I started with the little ones, in kindergarten. I worked for 20 years.
What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
I am very simple. I have not had many adventures. But I came to America by myself. Living away from my children temporarily is very hard, not an adventure, but courageous.
What is your dream job?
Same as before. I love to teach. This time I would go back to the kindergarten.
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
A dog. I love dogs. Dogs are very honest.


Voting for Our School Color 
All students at Cambridgeport took part in voting for a school color on Election Day in the cafeteria. This event grew out of the 3rd/4th grade elective run by Ms. Sturgis. Her students facilitated the process. This activity will hopefully help young Cantabridgians  begin to understand the voting process. All students in all grades, and their teachers, were given identification cards and were required to both check in and check out after casting their vote in private voting areas. The PTO purchased “I Voted” stickers which were passed out by Cambridge police officer, Anthony Santiago, once students had been checked out. By the time you read this, the results will be in! What color would you have voted for?

In Our Community

Club Z: In Home Tutoring Services
We are an academic solutions provider offering a customized learning program for each and every student. We have learning programs to fit any family’s needs and preferences-whether it’s in home, on school campus, at the library in a small group, or even online!

FUEL ASSISTANCE Representative to Visit Cport
Tuesday, November 15 | 2:15PM
Baby, it’s cold outside! With the cold comes higher heating bills. This causes many of us to feel worried about being able to cope with the bill. On November 15th, a representative from our local FUEL ASSISTANCE office will be here to help register families for this important service. Look for our information table in the Cafeteria at 2:15- 3:00. The rep will answer your questions, explain the sign up process and take your contact information. Kristen will be there to help. Please stop by!
Anxiety Talks
with Gail Nunes

Second Mondays of every month
Next talk:
Monday, Nov. 14 | 8:30AM 
In the Parent Room

School Council Meeting
Wednesday, November 16
In the Library

School Calendar
District Calendar

Danny, one of our hard-working custodians, just got a new cat. It is a little Bengal cat who is named… Tiger.

Have a coat to donate, or need a newer coat for the winter? Feel free to drop off outgrown winter clothes in the donation box outside my office. Feel free toTAKE a coat, boots, gloves or snowpants off the rack downstairs. No need to ask anyone, just find one that you like, then take it. Signs will be up shortly. Stay warm!


Share YOUR Priorities!  
Head to the School Committee Hearing on the 2017-18 CPS Budget on Tuesday, November 15 at 6PM. See details >>

CRLS Department of Visual Performing Arts presents In the Heights
November 11-12 & 18-20 
Fitzgerald Theatre
View the Flyer >>

All Community Schools, Youth Center Programs, DHSP After School, or King Open Extended Day will be closed on Friday, December 23rd.


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Cambridge, MA 02139
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