Tobin Weekly: November 18, 2016
Published on Nov 18, 2016 13:59

  November 18, 2016
jaime and joey

Cleopatra & King Tut
Principal Jaime Frost and Assistant Principal Mr. Huber visited the the Egypt table at International Night dressed up as Cleopatra and King Tut! Look below to hear & see more about International Night...


Spotlight on Heather Kolbe
Get to know our always smiling Literacy Coach! Read on >>

international night

International Night
What an amazing night! Our Annual International Night was huge success...again! We enjoyed the tables representing various countries as well tables of interest. Some families chose to talk about "what makes a family" and the American Constitution. At one of the tables you could get a henna, while at another you could make your own sushi! Making your own cannoli was pretty amazing, too!


Upper Elementary Students are in Production!
4th and 5th graders are creating library tour videos to introduce the sections of the library and the new catalog system to students, teachers and parents. One more week of filming then onto the editing process! Look for these amazing videos on our website next month.


STEAM-based "Making" is Coming
Did you hear? We are thrilled to announce that we have received grant funding to begin a STEAM-based maker program here at Tobin. What is "making" you may wonder? It can be broadly defined as using your hands, heart, and mind to create or improve things. Over the next month and a half we will be preparing to kick off our new maker program which will be available to all classrooms after winter break. In preparation for this concept of making with our students, many of our teachers visited the STEAM Lab at Lesley University to try out "making" and be inspired by the activities they can bring back to their classrooms.

Here's how you can help:

–> We need your recyclables! 
Please send in the following early and often:
Shoe boxes; Tissue boxes (not ripped); Toilet paper rolls (no paper attached); Paper towel rolls (no paper attached); Tape rolls (no tape); Clean egg cartons
There are collection boxes in the lobby for these items.

–> Parent volunteers needed!!!
Please help us kick off our long waited "Montessori Makers STEAM Program" here at Tobin. During national "Hour of Code" week, all Tobin students will have a chance to visit the maker space with their classrooms to try out some of the activities that will be available after winter break. In order to make this happen, we need parents to help staff each of the four activities.
We need parents on the following dates:
–Monday, December 5 - between 10AM and 2PM
–Thursday, December 8 - between 8AM and 2PM
–Friday, December 9 - between 8AM and 2PM
Stay for an hour or stay for the whole day, whatever you can do! Contact [email protected].

turnip tale

A Turnip Tale
Room 283 students are acting out the famous folk tale, The Tale of the Enormous Turnip. The characters vary from the turnip (Victor) and the old man (Kabir) to the little cat (Maddy) and the little mouse (Adriana). We have modified Storytelling Story Acting approach according to the needs of the children. Now, Storytelling Story Acting has become one of the favorite classroom activities.


Tuesday, November 22

Celebration of Learning
Lower & Upper Elementary
More info below.

Wednesday, November 23
Annual Turkey Trot
All family members are welcome to stop by and to cheer the students on. See schedule below.

Wednesday, November 23
Early Release Day; 11:55AM dismissal

Thursday & Friday, November 24 & 25
No School: Thanksgiving Holiday

Thursday, December 1

More details to follow.

School Calendar
District Calendar


When you are living the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best versions of themselves.
–Steve Maraboli 

Tuesday, November 22
Lower Elementary & Upper Elementary Students
Get a glimpse into your child's day! You'll learn all about early humans...You'll see children sharing stories that they have written...And so much more! It's amazing what your children know! Meet in the lobby.

Wednesday, November 23
Tobin & Vassal Lane

Turkey Trot Run Schedule:
UL – 8-8:45AM
LE – 8:45-9:30AM
CH – 9:30-10AM
VLUS – 10:30-12:55

Please, TEACHERS should accompany their class to help cheer on the students and help monitor the runners. If other staff members are available to HELP, please let us know. All Physical Education classes are cancelled for the day.

Thank you all in advance!

–Pam and John


Because of your generosity we were able to donate 61 coats! A special thanks goes out to Rachel Boyce who brought ALL those coat to Anton's Cleaners for us...Thanks Rachel!!

All Community Schools, Youth Center Programs, DHSP After School, and King Open Extended Day will be closed on Friday, December 23rd.


Tobin Montessori School
197 Vassal Lane
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6890
Staff Listing
Tobin Website

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