Tobin Weekly: December 2, 2016
Published on Dec 2, 2016 13:49

  December 2, 2016

Celebration of Learning
Our Celebration of Learning morning was a huge success! Families came and were amazed at the amount of learning going on in their child's classroom. Thanks to all of you who were able to attend!


Spotlight on Elizabeth Bermingham
Get to know one of our fantastic teachers and special educators! Read on >>


Turkey Trot
Thanks to Ms. S and Mr. B and all the families and staff who donated to our Annual Turkey Trot! The students had an amazing time at an amazing event!


Room 283 Happenings
Top photo: Anandi Chakrabarti, a Kindergarten student in Room 283, is presenting her show and tell. Anandi played a beautiful melody called The Song of the Wind. Bravo, Anandi!
Bottom photo: Anna Lee, a Harvard student and a professional musician, performed in Room 283. Anna played various tunes and children's favorite songs. Everybody enjoyed listening to the gentle sounds of Anna's violin. Thank you, Anna!

stone soup

Stone Soup
After reading about Stone Soup, room 284 made their own. Each student brought in a vegetable that they washed and chopped up themselves. The soup was delicious, and three students even ended up with a stone in their soup!


Maglev Train in Room 284
Keyna, Caleb Hutchinson’s mom, did a presentation on magnets and their use in our day-to-day life. She explained to the children about magnetism and demonstrated the principles of a Maglev train (magnetic levitation). She made a magnetic train with magnets and a battery. Children explored by moving a train through a tunnel made using copper coil. They were captivated by this science experiment! Anna, Caleb Schachter’s mom, also helped with the presentation. Thank you to Keyna and Anna!


STEAM-based "Making" is Coming
Did you hear? We are thrilled to announce that we have received grant funding to begin a STEAM-based maker program here at Tobin. What is "making" you may wonder? It can be broadly defined as using your hands, heart, and mind to create or improve things. Over the next month and a half we will be preparing to kick off our new maker program which will be available to all classrooms after winter break. In preparation for this concept of making with our students, many of our teachers visited the STEAM Lab at Lesley University to try out "making" and be inspired by the activities they can bring back to their classrooms.

Here's how you can help:

–> We need your recyclables! 
Please send in the following early and often:
Shoe boxes; Tissue boxes (not ripped); Toilet paper rolls (no paper attached); Paper towel rolls (no paper attached); Tape rolls (no tape); Clean egg cartons
There are collection boxes in the lobby for these items.

–> Parent volunteers needed!!!
Please help us kick off our long waited "Montessori Makers STEAM Program" here at Tobin. During national "Hour of Code" week, all Tobin students will have a chance to visit the maker space with their classrooms to try out some of the activities that will be available after winter break. In order to make this happen, we need parents to help staff each of the four activities.
We need parents on the following dates:
–Monday, December 5 - between 10AM and 2PM
–Thursday, December 8 - between 8AM and 2PM
–Friday, December 9 - between 8AM and 2PM
Stay for an hour or stay for the whole day, whatever you can do! Contact [email protected].


Thursday, December 8

School Council
Room 129

Friday, December 9 | 8AM
Picture Retake Day
Now is the time to have your child's picture taken/retaken. Picture envelopes are in the office.

Thursday, December 15

Family Outreach
Room 129

Friday, December 23
All day in the gym

Jingle Bell Jump

December 26-January 2
Holiday Break
Classes resume on January 3rd.

School Calendar
District Calendar


Kindness is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.
–Marcel Proust 


The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries. It started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It has since become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, and here at Tobin we will be celebrating all month long. You can do it at home too! For more info, go to or email our ITS Sarah Rosenberg at [email protected].  

Food for Thought Regarding Technology & Our Children
Are you and your family on the same page with screen time rules?
Bedtime: Is there a time devices go off? Can devices be in the bedroom? Where do they go in the house if not in the bedroom?
Homework: Can you have a computer out while doing homework? Can you have a phone out? Can you respond to texts, messages, Snapchats while doing homework?
Gaming: Are there rules around amount of time and or type of gaming? How about where you can game?
Social Media: Are there rules around time spent? Specific apps you can or can't use? Are there times you can't use social media?
Passwords: Do the parents in the house have passwords to every device and every account? 
Meals: Can you have your device out at meals?

City of Cambridge Participatory Budgeting 
December 3 - 9 
Are you a resident of Cambridge and at least 12 years old? Come out and vote on how to spend $700,000 to improve the city! Learn more >>

Please Note
All Community Schools, Youth Center Programs, DHSP After School, or King Open Extended Day will be closed on December 23rd.


Tobin Montessori School
197 Vassal Lane
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6890
Staff Listing
Tobin Website

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