Haggerty Holler: October 1, 2014
Published on Oct 1, 2014 08:35

October 1, 2014
Danehy Day

Haggerty's Concession Stand a
Big Success!

The Haggerty concession stand was a big success at the recent Danehy Family Fun Day! Thanks to many, many parent volunteers we sold homemade sandwiches, brownies, snacks, and drinks all day at the fun family event. Parents generously donated drinks and brownies, and other parents were able to donate their time to make the sandwiches and sell them at the stand. Read more >>


School Advisory Council Election Results
The Haggerty School Advisory Council needed to fill two parent representative seats and just held a school-wide election. Five willing parents threw their hats into the ring. Read more >>

International day

New Date for Our International Potluck
The date for our upcoming International Potluck is now Thursday, November 13th at 5:30PM. We had to switch from the original October date because it conflicted with a Hindu holiday. Please begin to think about what country you would like to represent at our potluck with either cultural information, artifacts, and/or a representative food dish. We will begin to plan for this wonderful community building event at our first PTO/Arts council meeting on Tuesday, October 14th at 8AM. Please come and help us shape this great representation of our diversity.


Dismissal for Students Being Picked Up
As you may have noticed, there is a lot of congestion at the Lawn Street/Playground dismissal area on the first floor. Parents and guardians can help with this by leaving the area as soon as you have gathered up your child. Often parents might like to chat and connect with other parents, and we ask that you do this on the playground or other outdoor areas in order to lessen congestion in the hallways. Thank you for contributing to the safe and orderly dismissal of our students!

Suggestions, Stories, or Photos? Want to help produce this newsletter? Have any graphic skills, writing skills, or just want to help? Please let Lissa Galluccio, Family Liaison know. It is a great way to be up on all the wonderful events and happenings at our school. Send newsletter submissions to [email protected].

Secret Song

September's secret song has been revealed! Find out what it is along with information about Leader Notes, Haggerty Chorus, and the All City Chorus. Read more >>

Look Up

A big “Thank You” to families who sponsored a book for the library on Back to School Night. You can now access our library wish list set up with Porter Sq. Books. Read more >>

No School: Eid
Al-Adha Day
October 6

No School:
Columbus Day

October 13

PTO Arts Council Meeting
October 14 | 8AM
Conference Room

All School Picture Day
October 21

Early Release Day
October 22 | Dismissal at 11:55AM

View the complete Haggerty Calendar >>


Haggerty School
110 Cushing St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6034
Staff Listing
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