Tobin Weekly: September 12, 2014
Published on Sep 12, 2014 08:14

  September 12, 2014

Our Garden
The CitySprouts garden is ready for classroom visitors!

5% Day at Whole Foods on September 17
Whole Foods in Cambridge is donating 5% of their profits on September 17 to the Cambridge Weekend Backpack Program! Stop by and stock up at any of the three Whole Foods in Cambridge that day – it's an easy way to show your support for an incredibly important program. Note: An opt-in application for the Weekend Backpack Program was sent home last week via email and backpack express; if you're interested, please send back the application right away, as we want to make sure that our families do not miss out on this terrific program.

Trying to keep everyone informed about what is going on in the school – as well as in the community – can be a challenge at times. But for the most part, I think we do a pretty good job!
Stay in the loop >>

Scooter Parking

Check out the new SCOOTER PARKING in the Family Area. Now our lobby windows are filled with beautiful plants instead. Great Care of the Environment, everyone!

Volunteers Needed in Library

Tobin Librarian Jessica Gillis is looking for at least one parent volunteer from each class for their library visits. This would entail a commitment of one hour/week. You need not necessarily volunteer during your own child's library class, but you may if you like. Shift can also be shared with someone else if every week is too much. We can also use help when students aren't there and on a drop-in basis, for shelving and other tasks. Please note by "parent" we mean any involved guardian; we would love to have grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, and the like! Schedule can be found here >>

Early Release Day
September 16

11:55AM dismissal

Nature's Classroom
September 17 - 19

This trip is for our 4th and 5th graders.

Whole Foods 5% Day
September 17

Gift Wrap Fundraiser
September 19 - October 3

Sponsored by the Friends of Tobin

Monthly Coffee
September 24 | 7:40AM

Parent Education Series
September 24 | 8AM

Topic & location TBD

No School: Rosh Hashanah
September 25

Summer Reading Assembly
September 26 | 7:55AM



Tobin Montessori School
197 Vassal Lane
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6890
Staff Listing
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