Update from Rindge Avenue Upper School | September 5, 2017
Published on Sep 5, 2017 14:08

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  SEPTEMBER 5, 2017
photo of julie

Greetings from Julie Craven

Dear RAUC Families,

Happy first-day-of-school! It is always uplifting to see the positive energy of students as they return to school, full of hopes and dreams for the coming year. They were greeted as they came up the stairs by the hopes and dreams teachers have for them.  

Students also spent the day building community in extended advisories at the start and end of the day and at grade level assemblies. These are all part of our plans for what we are calling the “First Four Days.” While students see all their classes each day so they can start developing their academic routines, we have a modified schedule all week that also allows time for connections and reflection. We believe that deliberate focus on intentionally building our learning community will yield a more compassionate, more cohesive school culture. Most importantly, we believe that a cohesive, compassionate school culture raises achievement for all students.  We hope that you hear positive reports about the week at home!  

We look forward to seeing you at Back to School Night on Thursday, September 28, starting with a community dinner at 6PM. More details will follow, but be sure to mark your calendars!


Julie Craven, Head of School

RAUC Learning Community Expectations
Our goal is for ALL students to have a safe and productive learning environment so that each student at our school can achieve academic excellence. In order for this to happen, we act in ways true to our core values: Reflect, Aim high, seek Unity, have Compassion. In addition, we have a few expectations for behavior in our learning community. After reviewing these expectations in advisory and during grade level assemblies, students have been asked to bring them home to share with families then return them signed. Please be on the lookout for them. You can also find them here >> 

6th Grade Learning Previews
See what our students are going to be studying this month! Read more >>

composition book and pencils

HW is in the Agenda!
To do well in school, students need to aim high to complete all homework--and staying organized is a big part of that. Every student has been given a RAUC agenda, which will be the central location for homework information. You can support your student in the following ways. DON’T ask if there is any homework--instead ASK TO SEE THE AGENDA. Then check it:

–Something should be written every day for every class.
–If there is no hw, it should say: NONE
–If hw directions are online, there should be a note, ie: See googleclassroom.
–Blank does NOT mean that there is no hw; it means your student wrote nothing.
–IF a class is blank, ask your student to reach out to a classmate, review notes or their binder, check any online classroom sites (not all classes have these) or get to school early to try to get the hw.
–If blank agendas are common, reflect with your student on what gets in the way of writing hw down. And of course, reach out to your student’s teachers.

Allergy Awareness
As many of you know, life threatening allergies are a serious concern in schools across the country. Although Cambridge does not support a school or district wide ban of any specific allergens, the Cambridge Public Schools recognizes that in keeping all children safe, an effective food allergy program depends on the cooperation of the entire school community.

At Rindge Avenue Upper Campus we have multiple students with various types of allergies, the most common being peanut and tree nut allergies. Some students when exposed to these allergens may require emergency medical treatment. Not sending in snacks that are intended to be consumed within the classroom which contain peanuts and tree nuts helps to reduce the risk of exposure for students with such allergies. A complete listing of CPS allergen avoidance procedures and guidelines can be found here

Below are practices that support students with many types of allergies which we reviewed with students at grade level assemblies on the first day of school. Please review them yourself and encourage your student to practice them in support of our school’s healthy habits and our core values of unity and compassion.

–Encourage handwashing before and after eating as a means of avoiding contaminating other surfaces and as a healthy habit
–Food and drinks should never be shared at any time in the school setting
–IF sending a snack to share with classmates, popsicles are a fun, allergy-aware choice.

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FRAUC Meeting
Wednesday, September 13 6PM
RAUC School Library

Early Release Day
Tuesday, September 19

No School:
Rosh Hashanah

Thursday, September 21

Flatbreads DC Fundraiser
Tuesday, September 26 
45 Day St., Somerville
Details to follow.

Back-to-School Night
& Community Dinner

Thursday, September 28 6PM
Details to follow.

Families are more effective partners in their children’s education when they know what is coming in the weeks ahead. They can engage their children in conversations about topics of study, proactively plan to support projects, and reinforce classroom learning strategies.

To support this partnership, we include Learning Previews in our weekly newsletters. Each week a different team provides a month preview that includes the topics of study, guiding questions and focused skills, general dates for important projects or tests, and suggestions for conversation starters with students. Teachers plan both proactively and reactively, so lessons may change based on student needs or other unexpected events. These previews should be seen as a resource for connecting to the classroom experience and not as an exact road map. Students are expected to keep track of specific assignments and dates in the agenda books given to all students on the first day of school.

First Tuesday of the month: 6th grade
Second Tuesday: 7th grade
Third Tuesday: 8th grade
Fourth Tuesday: Specials
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