Update from Rindge Avenue Upper School | September 19, 2017
Published on Sep 19, 2017 13:39

RAUC newsletter header
  SEPTEMBER 19, 2017
photo of julie

Greetings from Julie Craven

Dear RAUC Families,

As many of you know, I greet students at the door most mornings. In addition to it simply being a lovely way to start each day, I also use this time to get a sense of how students are doing. Last week I asked many if they had a favorite class. Students need to feel connected to learn, so it was gratifying that everyone I spoke to had a quick answer, including a concrete reason for their choice. I also commit to seeing each teacher in action at least once a week to make sure I have a sense of the classroom experience. From what I saw this week, it is clear that teachers and students are settling into the routines of learning that will help them aim high this year.

In this newsletter you will find details about Back to School Night, 8th Grade Learning Previews, and other information to support you and your student.

To those in our community who celebrate Rosh Hashanah, happy new year. This holiday is a reminder of the importance of reflecting on the past and contemplating the future.

Have a wonderful week!

Julie Craven, Head of School

6th Grader Highlights of Their 2nd Week
Teachers often use what we call “exit tickets” to get a quick sense of what ALL students learned or are thinking at the end of a class. It is an informal assessment that gives honest, quick information to guide planning for the next day. Today’s exit ticket from Intro to Middle School asked students what made this week great. Yes, there were a couple of “nothing” or “the weekend,” but mostly there were strong common themes: using lockers; figuring out schedules, not getting lost, going to the right classes, finishing homework... generally feeling on top of things; time with friends; "all the teachers," fun classes. Glad they are settling in!

Back-to-School Night
Thursday, September 28 | 6-8PM
**Here are links to see this invitation in Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Haitian Creole, and Spanish**

Please join us for Back-to-School Night, when we gather as a community that works together to support all our students. We hope to see all of you there! Students are welcome for dinner, then the gym will be open if they do not want to join you on the classroom visits.

Goals for the evening:
–Build relationships and sense of community
–Strengthen school-family partnership by hearing from each family
–What they need from the school
–Their hopes and dreams for their students
–Make sure families leave the evening with a concrete way to support their student’s learning.

Schedule for the night:
–6-6:30PM: Pasta and salad in the cafeteria – Connect with grade level families and staff; community partners will be there with info as well.
–6:30-6:50PM: Whole community meeting in cafeteria.
–7-8PM: Grade level meetings in classrooms

NOTE: Apologies for the conflict with CRLS Curriculum Night. They typically do it on the third Thursday and ours is on the 4th Thursday. This week’s school holiday meant they had to schedule a week later. We try to avoid conflicts for families with students in more than one school. Please know there will be hard copies of all information given out.

8th Grade Learning Previews
See what our students are going to be studying this month! Read more >>

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Let's Connect! 
Stay in the loop by joining our social media communities.
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Opportunities Outside of School
Calling 8th Grade Girls! 
Science Club for Girls hires 8th graders to be Junior Mentors in their clubs for girls in K-5 - come help younger women get excited about hands on science! One afternoon a week at one of three locations (Amigos, King Open, Margaret Fuller House), and it can also be done to fulfill community service hours. Apply here, starts soon! Training for Jr Mentors is on Sept 24th. Not in 8th grade? Check out STEMinistas for 6th and 7th graders! More Info >>

MIT Science on Saturday: Biotechnology
Saturday, October 14 | 10AM
Learn more >>

Bay State Skating School

Sign up for Learn-to-Skate Classes. Learn more >>

City of Cambridge Fuel Assistance Program
Program begins November 1, 2017. Learn more >>

Girl Scouts
Join a troop today. View details >>

TTT Mentor Program
A Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) program for Grades 4 through 7. More Info >>

Free Fall Youth Wrestling Clinics
Every Saturday, September 30 - November 18th
Learn more >>


Follow the Cambridge Middle School Network (MSN)!
Stay updated on what's happening for middler schoolers in Cambridge. Find @CambridgeMSN on Facebook and Instagram! Be sure to sign up (via Facebook) to get the MSN monthly e-newsletter. See more opportunities for your middle schooler >>

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Peabody Community Market
Wednesday, September 20

No School:
Rosh Hashanah

Thursday, September 21

Flatbread DC Fundraiser
Tuesday, September 26 
45 Day St., Somerville

Back-to-School Night
& Community Dinner

Thursday, September 28 6PM 

photo of beets

Wednesday, September 20th | 3:20PM | Cafeteria
Fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, cereals, eggs, milk, meat, and more. Food is free! (All food is donated by Food For Free) Bring your own bags. Contact Ellen van Bever at [email protected] if you can volunteer to set up, work the market, or clean up. Market happens the third Thursday of every month – mark your calendars! 

Tuesday, September 26

45 Day St., Somerville
Flatbread gives FRAUC $3.50/large pizza, $1.75/small pizza
(dine in AND take out)
Bring your family! Tell your friends! Funds raised support our mission of ensuring ALL students can go on 8th Grade Washington DC trip and other school trips.

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See annual forms, lunch menu, and more. Learn more >>
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Cambridge School Volunteers is looking for volunteers who want to help a student succeed in school! Learn more >>

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Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Take a peek at Find It Cambridge! 

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