What's Up @ G&P: October 2017
Published on Oct 8, 2017 09:35

  October 2017
Need this newsletter translated? Please contact the Bilingual/World Languages Dept. at 617.349.6468. Questions about the G&P newsletter? Please contact [email protected].

A Note from Principal Tony Byers
Although recent weather would suggest otherwise, we’re well on our way into fall. The first few weeks of school are behind us, and children and adults have settled back into the school-year routine. And while I say this every year, it’s worth repeating: routines are the foundation of a successful school year. Children feel safe and are more available for learning when expectations are clear and they can anticipate what comes next. Read more >>

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Our First Assembly of the Year! 
Our first Assembly of the year is always exciting. We gathered together as a school in the Gym and learned how to quiet down our bodies and our voices when Tony held up the sign, which we got pretty good at after a few practice rounds. The theme of this assembly was our CARES Values. Hear more about the day >> 

kids at potluck

Wow! What a Great International Potluck 
By Lauren Morse, Family Liaison
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful Back-to-School International Potluck! The G&P Potluck is always an incredible event. Nowhere else can I put dumplings, Injera (delicious Ethiopian bread and dip), quinoa salad, pasta, and bread from around the world on one plate. This year we set up tables in the courtyard so families could enjoy their meal and get to know each other in the fresh air while students run around in the garden. It is always an important night to celebrate our international school, welcome everyone back to school and catch up after a long summer. Thanks to those who cooked, brought pizza and desserts, and everyone who attended and helped to make it a great night! Special thanks to the Family Cultural Exchange Program (FCEP) for volunteering and co-hosting the event!

officer brooks

Staff Spotlight: Officer Brooks 
Meet Officer Brooks, the School Resource Officer at Graham & Parks! Read on >>

Welcome to the G&P 2017-18 Steering Committee! 
Thanks to everyone who voted in the year’s Steering Committee election! We had the highest percentage of voter participation in years. Special thanks to the teachers who helped explain the election during Curriculum Night and collect ballots. Here are your newly elected representatives >> 


Friends of G&P News 
Friends of G&P Dining for Dollars  
Thursday, October 19th at Bertucci's of Alewife
Friends of Graham and Parks is having its first fundraiser of the year with Bertucci's Italian restaurant at Alewife on Thursday, October 19th. Dine in at Bertucci's for lunch or dinner, or order take/out delivery directly through Bertucci's on October 19th. Bertucci's Alewife will donate up to 25% of all orders placed on that day to Friends of G&P to help support school field trips and enrichment activities in the classrooms. Don't forget to mention the Friends of Graham and Parks fundraiser when you order. Please tell your friends, neighbors and colleagues, too. See the menu. We earned over $800 last June. WITH YOUR HELP, we will be just as successful this year!

Our first-ever GameWright Game Night  
Friday, November 3rd
You're invited to play GameWright board games with you family in the G&P Cafeteria with the opportunity to purchase those games. Friends of G&P will receive 50% of the proceeds to be used to support our classrooms. Food will also be sold at the event. More information on GameWright >>

Friends of G&P Monthly Meetings
Our meetings happen the first Friday of every month at 8:30AM in the school's lobby. All are welcome to share ideas and stay for as long as you can. Please considering helping out in some way. Learn more >>


Technology Corner 
Back to School is a great time of year to re-evaluate the role that technology plays in our daily lives. Many of us connect, share, and communicate digitally multiple times a day. As our children grow and develop in a more and more connected world, it is helpful to check in with how technology and media are impacting their daily lives. The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages the development of a Family Media Plan. Here are a few questions they consider:
–Are there clear expectations for safe and healthy use of devices (phones, TV, computers, tablets) in your home?
–Are there any screen free zones or screen free times in your home?
–What time do devices get turned off at night? Where do they go?
–How often do adults co-view or co-play on devices with your child?

At the Morse, we encourage students to follow the Morse Code when they are online just as they do offline. Students are expected to be: kind, respectful, responsible, and an active learner. 

Additional Resources:
American Academy of Pediatrics: Family Media Plan
Family Online Safety Institute 
Connect Safely

A Note from Nurse Rollins 
Flu is a serious contagious disease that can lead to hospitalization and even death. You have the power to protect yourself and your family this season with these three actions to fight flu. Get a flu vaccine. Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine by the end of October, if possible. A yearly flu vaccine is the first and most important step in protecting against the flu. As long a flu viruses are circulating, it is not too late to get vaccinated! Hear more >>

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CARES in the Classrooms 
In Room 106, we have begun discussing the CARES values and students have brainstormed ways they can demonstrate these values at school. To help understand the meaning, we have read many books and students have engaged in class activities. Each day we have focused on one value. At the end of the day, students wrote about how they can show the CARES value. We went through each value, and students made self portraits to go along with the values!

In Room 108, we started the year talking about the CARES values and welcomed students from around the world. Each student decorated a puzzle piece, and we talked about how we all fit together and all have to show Respect for each other. Each student also decorated a hand, as a reminder to always Aim High. When discussing the value “Aim High”, we reviewed the idea of having a “Growth Mindset”. 

get involved graphic

Get Involved at G&P
Find out how you can get involved at G&P. 
Learn more >>

oak leaves

In Our Community 
See what's going on across our Cambridge community.
Learn more >>                               

School calendar >> 
District calendar >>

Monday, 10/9 – NO SCHOOL 
(Indigenous People’s Day)

Thursday, 10/12 – G&P Market

Thursday, 10/12 – Steering Committee

Friday, 10/13 – Family Cultural Exchange Program Coffee

Wednesday, 10/18 – Early Release
(Students are dismissed at 12:25PM)

Thursday, 10/19 – Friends of G&P Event - Dining for Dollars at Bertucci’s in Alewife

Thursday, 10/26 – Picture Day

Friday, 10/27 – Parent Coffee Talk

Save the Date!

Friday, 11/3/17 – Friends of G&P - GameWright Game Night 

Saturday, 11/18/17 – G&P Annual Family Folk Dance!
(Dancing 5-6PM, Potluck Dinner 6-7PM)
Please join us for traditional American and international folk dances with a professional caller. If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Debbie Sullivan at [email protected]. All are invited!

photo of our custodians

We want to thank Paul, Tevis and Marcos for the work they do every day to keep the Graham & Parks school building looking great. They worked hard over the summer to wax all of the floors and do many repairs. We are lucky to have a great team at G&P and we appreciate all of their hard work!


Please be mindful of the crosswalk in front of the school as well as the crosswalks on the corners of Avon St and Walker St. Do not block the crosswalks, particularly during Arrival and Dismissal Time. Thank you!


Title 1 Home School Compacts will be sent home to G&P Families this week through your child’s backpack. The Home School Compacts are required for Title 1 Schools, which includes Graham & Parks, and we are expected to get 100% of families to sign and return them! Please review them with your child, sign them and return the white and yellow copy by October 13th. Teachers benefit when families support education at home because students are more motivated to learn. Families benefit by having teachers officially recognize the importance of the family’s role in educating their student. This establishes a formal partnership between home and school, which really benefits the child. If your child is unable to sign the form, please have a conversation with them about it, then sign for them.


Stay in the loop by joining our social media communities! 
G&P Facebook >>
District Social Media >> 

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Keep informed via our FREE mobile app! 
Details >>  

find it

Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge!

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Cambridge School Volunteers is looking for volunteers who want to help a student succeed in school! Learn more >>


Graham & Parks School
44 Linnaean St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
School's Website
Main Office: 617.349.6577
School Cancellation Line:
Tardy/Late Line:
617.349.6577 x125

Contacting G&P Staff
For time sensitive messages, call the main office at 617.349.6577. While staff cannot take phone calls during the day, you can leave a voice message by calling 617.349.6577 and using the classroom number as the extension. Staff members have email addresses as follows: First initial and last name as one word, followed by @cpsd.us. For example, Jane Smith would be [email protected]. Staff members also have mailboxes in the front office where you may leave a note.


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