Cambridgeport Connections: November 3, 2017
Published on Nov 3, 2017 10:27

  November 3, 2017

Reflections from Katie 
The fall parent conferences are upon us, and I wanted to be sure that you all know about the importance of these conferences, and what makes conferences at Cambridgeport unique. During the November conference, you will receive a checklist of skills and a habits of mind target report, and in 1st-5th grades, you will have your child participate in a portion of the conference. Read on >>

The Story of UsThe Story of Us
Cambridgeport parent – and CPS teacher – just had an article, The Story of Us, published in Educational Leadership. It is about a collaboration between Graham & Parks School and the Cambridgeport School. Read the story here >>
You can also pick up a printed copy in the school lobby.


In-House News
A Note from a Group of Our 5th Graders

Hello Families!
We are a group of 5th graders at the Cambridgeport School. We are helping collect food for our annual Thanksgiving Food Bags and need your help! Each grade will be collecting a certain type of food, and each classroom will get a box to put the food in. The food will be put in bags along with turkeys donated by Mayflower Poultry, and given to families within our Cambridgeport community.

  • PreK/K will bring store bought desserts (pies, cakes, or fruit)
  • First Grade will contribute sweet and regular potatoes, and bread
  • Second Grade and Fifth Grade will bring fresh and canned vegetables
  • Third grade will bring gravy and cranberry sauce
  • Fourth Grade will be providing stuffing (boxed or bag) or beverages (juice, seltzer, shelf-stable milk)

Please bring non-perishable food items into your classroom from now until the 17th.

Baked goods and fresh vegetables should be dropped off in the Family Room (next to Kristen's office) on November 20th

Early Release Day
Wednesday, November 22nd

No School Days
Friday, November 10th in observance of Veteran’s Day
Thursday & Friday, November 23rd and 24th in observance of Thanksgiving

Math Night & Pasta Dinner
We warmly invite you to come out and join us for a FREE delicious Italian dinner in the cafeteria on November 8th, from 5:30 - 7:30PM!

After eating families can visit classrooms to have lots of fun playing math games together. We need many volunteers to help with serving food, table set-up and clean-up. We also need volunteers to help out with math games with students and families in individual classrooms.

Can you volunteer? Please contact Ms. Lev to help out with math games. Please go to the Google sign-up to volunteer with food, set-up/clean-up. We really want to see you there!

Night at the Museum

Night at The Museum Family Trip was a Fun Success!
Our FREE trip to the Museum of Fine Art was great! 66 people, young and grown took a bus from Cambridgeport and spent some time looking at art, mummies, sculpture, and painting for free last Friday night.

Hope you join us next time, too :)


Who Are the People
in Your Neighborhood? 
Meet CAPI After-School Director Christine Tierney!
How long have you been at Cport?
I think…..since 1993. I think it is my 24th year! Crazy, right? I started as an after-school teacher and became the director about 18 years ago.

What is something about you no one knows?
I am now an editor! I just launched my own online literary journal. It is called Little Leo.

If you were not an educator would would your dream job be?
I would be a veterinarian or own my own gift shop.

What kind of animal would you be?
A cat, of course! (my initials are C.A.T., so maybe I was a cat in another life)

Visit Christine’s online literary journal >>                               

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Connect with Us 
Stay in the loop by joining our social media communities! 
Social Media Communities >>

In Our Community
Title 1 Presents a Workshop for Dads and Male Caregivers

Thursday, November 9 | 5:30 - 7:30PM
Fletcher Maynard School
Dinner & childcare provided

21st Annual Cambridge Family Literacy Fun Day!
Saturday, November 4 | 10:30AM - 2:30PM
Cambridge City Hall
Sing along
FREE books
Face painting 

Stand Up For Puerto Rico

Saturday, November 11 | 7:30 - 10PM
La Fabrica in Central Sq
Tickets: $20

See more community opportunities online >>

All School Share
November 7 | 8:45 - 9:45AM

Math Night
& Pasta Dinner
Wednesday, November 8

More to come next week, but please put this event in your calendar. It's a lot of fun for the whole family.

No School: Veteran's Day
November 10

Room Parent Meeting
November 15 | 8:30 - 9:30AM

School Council Meeting
(Joint meeting with CSUS)

November 15 | 6 - 8PM

Early Release Day
November 22

No School: Thanksgiving
November 24 - 25

School Calendar
District Calendar

Take a Coat, Leave a Coat

Winter Wear
Clothing Swap

If you have outgrown or hardly used winter coats, hats, boots, gloves, and snowpants, please leave them in a box outside of Kristen’s office on the 1st floor.

If you need new winter clothes, just find what you need and take it! Or, ask your child to ask Kristen to help pick something out.

You can find the clothes hung up on the rack in the basement, across from our Lost & Found. Why spend money when we can do a swap? It is starting to get cold, so bring in those extra clothes now!

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Here's Cambridge in Motion's healthy snack of the week suggestion: carrot sticks and hummus.

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Keep informed via our FREE mobile app! 
Details >>  

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Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge! 

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Cambridge School Volunteers is looking for volunteers who want to help a student succeed in school! Learn more >>


Want to opt out of receiving a paper version of our newsletter and just get the email version? It's as easy as letting Maria Bermudez know by clicking here >>


Cambridgeport School
89 Elm St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617.349.6511
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