Tobin Weekly: December 5, 2014
Published on Dec 5, 2014 15:15

  December 5, 2014

Turkey Trot
Hear all about our annual Turkey Trot...and all the fun that we had! Read more >>

Spotlight on an Artist
Get to know our amazing art teacher Jeff Konigsberg with this informative Q&A. Learn more >>

Rooms 283 & 287 Sing! 

On Thursday, November 20th, wearing fall colors and hand made autumnal head bands, Ms. Mayya's and Ms. Sumi's students presented seasonal songs for the all-school assembly, lead by Ms. KariAnne. Parents from those classrooms even had front row seats reserved for the performance! The lovely repertoire included songs about pumpkins and other fall vegetables, squirrels harvesting nuts, being an acorn, and the classic Quaker song, "Simple Gifts." As Mr. Joey said afterwards, it's amazing they learned all those words! And if YOU would like to learn some of lyrics, you can ask 283 & 287 students on the playground, "because they're experts!"   –submitted by JennO

holiday cheer

It's Time for Holiday Cheer 
Let us know if you can participate in helping Tobin families in need this holiday season. Learn more >>


Stone Soup 
Our kids in room 284 had a great time making and eating stone soup recently! See slideshow >>

Hour of Code Comes to Tobin! 
The week of December 8-12 is Computer Science Education Week. Sarah Rosenberg, our Technology Specialist will be facilitating a one-hour introduction to computer science in many classrooms here at Tobin. For ages 4 to 104, Hour of Code is designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics of computer programming. It helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic and creativity. By starting early, students will have a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path. If you would like to participate or have questions, please contact Sarah at [email protected].

Concert Survey 
Don't forget to turn in the winter concert survey – this is how we'll know about all of our families' songs of importance! See survey >>

See a light bulb out? A broken or leaky faucet? A potted plant that needs watering? Please let Joey Huber know in person or by emailing him – he will follow up with the appropriate fixer-upper!

library mural

Parents Judy Bright and Michelle Lougee gave of their time to help beautify our library. Many thanks to them and to Tags Hardware store in Porter Sq. for donating the paint. What a team!


Monthly Coffee
December 10 | 7:40AM

Parent Education Series
December 10 | 8:15AM
Please join us for a "Montessori style" parent education session! Get more details here >>

Family Outreach
December 11 | 8-9AM

Last Day of School Before Break
December 23 (Full Day)

Winter Break
December 24 – January 2

Return to School
January 5

See full calendar:
Tobin Calendar
District Calendar


Family Game Night
December 10 | 6-7:30PM
MLK School
Learn more >>

Support Groups for Parents of Students with Disabilities
Learn more >>


Tobin Montessori School
197 Vassal Lane
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6890
Staff Listing
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