From the Amigos Principal | February 9, 2018
Published on Feb 9, 2018 15:14

  9 de febrero de 2018 / February 9, 2018

Dear Families,

We had a productive Amigos School Council meeting on Wednesday despite the snow and rain. Chief Operating Officer, Jim Maloney and School Committee member, Patty Nolan joined us in a conversation about our building and its challenges. At this meeting, we discussed the following:

  • While we don’t fit in our building, it is safe and in good shape
  • All construction of school buildings is managed by the city not the school department
  • If the city approves funding, it can take up to 5 years for a project to be completed - between the selection of architect - design bid, contract negotiation, programming, and construction
  • The district does their best to project student numbers - these can be found in the school department budget book
  • A 5-10 year development plan is forthcoming
  • The School Committee Buildings and Grounds Sub Committee is looking at a shift from large new school projects to smaller upgrade projects
  • Among incoming families, there is a demand for immersion schools as well as a demand for STEAM
The full details of our conversation will be outlined in the meeting minutes, which you will be able to read in a few weeks. Meanwhile, please feel free to talk with ASC members or anyone else who attended on Wednesday. We thank Jim Maloney for his time and for providing his insight and knowledge in fielding our questions.

Once again, the 8th grade’s efforts toward their end-of-year class trip to New York are moving along. Shortly they will be running an online auction that you won’t want to miss. The auction will be live from 5 pm on 2/15 to 10 pm on 3/3. You can have a preview now to see what’s on offer. There’s something for every interest and price range!

Have a great weekend!


Sarah Bartels-Marrero


Estimadas familias,

El Consejo Escolar de Amigos tuvo una reunión productiva el miércoles pasado a pesar de la nieve y la lluvia. El Director de Operaciones Escolares, Jim Maloney y miembra del Comité Escolar, Patty Nolan se unieron con nosotros en una conversación sobre nuestro edificio y sus desafíos. En esta reunión, discutimos lo siguiente:

  • Aunque no cabemos en nuestro edificio, es un edificio seguro y está en buenas condiciones
  • Toda la construcción de edificios escolares es administrada por la ciudad, no por el departamento escolar
  • Si la ciudad aprueba el financiamiento, puede tomar hasta 5 años para que se complete un proyecto - entre la selección del arquitecto, la oferta de diseño, la negociación del contrato, la programación y la construcción
  • El distrito hace todo lo posible para predecir la matrícula estudiantil, ésta se puede encontrar en el libro de presupuesto del departamento escolar
  • Un plan de desarrollo de 5-10 años estará disponible pronto
  • El Subcomité de Edificios y Terrenos del Comité Escolar está considerando un cambio de grandes y nuevos proyectos escolares a proyectos de actualización más pequeños
  • Entre las familias que matriculan a sus hijos en CPSD, hay una demanda por escuelas de inmersión, así como una demanda por STEAM
Los detalles de nuestra conversación aparecerán en la minuta de nuestra reunión que será compartida en un par de semanas. Mientras tanto, si tienen preguntas, pueden hablar con los miembros del consejo escolar y/o con cualquier persona que asistió la reunión. Le damos las gracias a Jim Maloney por su tiempo y por contestar nuestras preguntas según su conocimiento de las políticas del departamento escolar y la ciudad.

Una vez más, los esfuerzos del octavo grado para recaudar fondos para su viaje del fin del año a Nueva York avanzan. Muy pronto se iniciará una subasta en línea que no querrán perderse. La subasta empezará a partir de las 5PM el 15 de febrero y durará hasta las 10PM el 3 de marzo. Pueden obtener una vista previa ahora para ver lo que se ofrece. ¡Hay algo para cada interés y rango de precios!

¡Les deseo un excelente fin de semana!


Sarah Bartels-Marrero

mind matters

The Mind Matters: 
Families Make a Difference

A 10-session workshop for parents with children ages 3 and older providing educational resources & community support.

–Learn strategies for fostering your child's development and learning at home and in school
–Discover cutting-edge brain research, devloped at Harvard University, on children's social, emotional, and intellectual growth
–Participate in hands-on activities, mini-lectures, and watch videos while working in groups and receiving support from other families
–Receive learning materials and educational activities to use at home!

The Mind Matters: Families Make a Difference
2/28, 3/7, 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/25, 5/2, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30
5:30 - 7:30PM
Learn more >>


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No School: February Vacation
February 19-23 

February Math Vacation Camp for 8th Graders

February 20-22
Students will engage in rigorous, joyful, culturally responsive math learning investigations aligned to grade 8 standards. Grade 8 students will study math applications to increase competencies on grade level standards.
Details >>

February Vacation Programs in Our Community
CYP Youth Centers – Gately and Frisoli Youth Centers are open during February Vacation - free for 6-8th graders. Moore Youth Center is open for teens!
Maud Morgan Arts is continuing their successful vacation camps; this one is an architecture workshop for grades 6-8; come build stuff! $245 with full scholarships available for CPS students.
Beyond the 4th Wall is running a Mon-Friday theatre camp at the Dance Complex for ages 7-12; have fun with friends and learn new performance, dance and singing skills. $400 with sliding scale scholarships.
Improv Boston is expanding their popular Comedy Clinics and are running Mon-Friday workshops during school vacations to give young people a chance to improvise, learn performance, and make other people laugh. $325 for one week.

Road to the Future Transition Fair 2018
March 15 | 5:30-7:30PM
Details >>

Immigration Legal Screening Clinics - FREE!

This FREE monthly clinic offers participants a consultation with an immigration attorney and the chance to learn more about how immigration law affects them and their families. Details >> 

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Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge! 

Cambridge in Motion


Cambridge in Motion presents this week's healthy snack of the week suggestion: oatmeal with nut butter and cinnamon.



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15 Upton Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617.349.6833
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