Cambridgeport Connections: February 2018
Published on Feb 28, 2018 13:45

  February 2018
reading together

Reflections from Katie
I am excited to report that in our third month of sending out surveys in advance of school council meetings, our response rate has continued to rise. Thank you to all of you for answering these short surveys as a way to contribute your voices to the improvement of our school community. One parent recently shared with me that she found the surveys were actually making her feel more connected to the school community.

Our school council meeting in February focused on reading at home. Hear more from Katie >>


Who Are the People 
in Your Neighborhood? 
Meet Cambridgeport 1st/2nd Grade Teacher Maish Sport!

How long have you been at Cambridgeport?
This is my 6th year at Cambridgeport! I spent my first four years working with Kristen in Kindergarten, and then last year I transitioned to the 1st/2nd grade team.

What is your favorite TV show?
My favorite TV probably Friends. I don't really keep up with anything current too much, but I find that I very frequently end up rewatching Friends. It's an old favorite on which I got hooked in college.

What is your favorite book?
My favorite book is Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I read it as a junior in high school, and fell in love with it. I think I just like the writing style. I've read that book over, and over again through the years.

What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
That's a difficult question. I typically play it pretty safe. I remember the first time I went skiing. We were in Vermont for a week and I took just 2 lessons and on the third day, decided to join my friends (who were much better skiers) and ski down a much steeper slope than I'd ever tried. It was pretty intense at first, but I made it, and I didn't fall!

If you could be an animal what kind would you be?
I'd have to say a dog. I love dogs. They are very friendly, protective, caring, sensitive, and fun. I'd like to think I can be all of those things too!


Collage Art
Here's a photo of the wonderful wheatpaste/photo collage art project made in Whitney Van Prague’s Community School class. Look for it at the end of Elm Street on your way home this week.

In Our Community
Immigration Legal Screening Clinics 
City of Cambridge/CLSACC
FREE consultations with an immigrant attorney
When: 5:15-7:15PM, third Wednesday of each month
Where: Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC), 90 Third St., Cambridge (corner of Otis and Third)
Who: Available to MA immigrants and families
More Info: 617.349.4396, [email protected],

Mind Matters Workshop
10-week Mind Matters Workshop starts at Fletcher Maynard 5:30-7:30PM
Contact Kristen at 617.349.6587 x111 or [email protected] for registration questions.

Girasoles Massachusetts Parent-Child Program
Spanish/English bilingual Saturday morning workshop for parent/caregivers of toddlers 1-2 years old
[email protected]

Andrea Harvey Memorial Walk & 32nd City Walk/Run
Date: Sunday, April 8
Location: Danehy Park, New Street, Cambridge; Parking off street at lots on New Street, Blanchard Rd and Field Street
Arrival starts at 8:30AM; Race starts at 10AM

Now is the time to register!

25th Annual Summer Resource / Camp Info Fair 
Wednesday, March 7 | 6:30-8:30PM
(Snow Date: Wednesday, March 14) 
Cambridge Rindge & Latin High School
459 Broadway, Main Cafeteria

More programs and events in our community >>


Curriculum Night 
We had a wonderful turnout for our School Wide Curriculum Night.

quad schools event

Quad Schools Event 
Our first efforts to co-host an event with our quad schools (Fletcher Maynard & King Open) happened on Feburary 14th, when families from all three communities watched a play about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Big thanks go out to our CPTO for donating pizza! 

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Connect with Us 
Stay in the loop by joining our social media communities! 
Social Media Communities >>

Mon.-Wed., March 5-7
5th Graders Overnight Trip to Farm School 
Athol, MA

Tuesday, March 13
Early Release Day
12:25 dismissal

Wednesday, March 14 
Room Parent Meeting

Wednesday, March 14
School Council Meeting with the Councils from Fletcher Maynard and King Open and Cambridge Street Upper School (CSUS Quad)
Location TBA

Friday, March 16 | 1PM 
All School Share 

Thursday, March 22
Multi Cultural Potluck

School Calendar
District Calendar

Kristen needs volunteers to help her plan our annual Multi Cultural Dinner happening in March!

Kristen is looking to photograph a few children reading at home in their favorite spaces. Photos to be used for Cambridgeport based posters celebrating the love of reading. Child can be reading with a parent or caregiver, independently, or listening to an audio book. It can even be in a public library.

CONTACT Kristen at [email protected] or 617.349.6587

CIM logo
Here's Cambridge in Motion's healthy snack of the week suggestion: low-fat yogurt & blueberries.

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Keep informed via our FREE mobile app! 
Details >>  

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Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge! 


Want to opt out of receiving a paper version of our newsletter and just get the email version? It's as easy as letting Maria Bermudez know by clicking here >>


Cambridgeport School
89 Elm St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617.349.6511
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