Tobin Weekly: January 23, 2015
Published on Jan 23, 2015 10:20

  January 23, 2015

Warm Up & Wake Up!
The latest session of Build Our Kids Success (aka BOKS) has begun! On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings before school, kids WARM UP their bodies and WAKE UP their brains with fun activities and games before school with Mr. Joey, Mr. Ian, and Parent Volunteers, including Traci Thoresen, Christina Ullman, Andrew Ullman, Tom Carter, and Sara DiSimone. The current session runs Jan. 20th thru Feb. 12th. Missed this session? Not to worry, the next one starts in February! Parents are needed to help and to cheer. Come by any morning and check it out!

Cafeteria Staff

Cafeteria Workers Appreciation Day
Let's give a big cheer to our cafeteria workers next Tuesday, January 27th. It's the official Cafeteria Workers Appreciation Day!

recycling project

Recycling Bin Project
Inspired by the book "Beautiful Stuff!: Learning with Found Materials" by Cathy Topal, the Room 283 students dug into the recycling bin and found many interesting objects. Look at the photographs of the children and their 3-dimensional creations and you can see that art can be created from anything.  

Mr. Kenney

Mr. Kenney is Back!! 
Mr. Kenney, our School Adjustment Counselor, is now back at the school full time! He had to go to another school to help them out for a few months. So now that he has done his good deed...he is back with us! Yeah!  

Snack Math

Snack + Math 
Here's a fun CLASS SNACK MATH FACT (say that five times fast). Read on >> 

January 29 | 8AM
We're getting so excited for next week's Math Morning – see you then!


Triad Night Out
January 26 | 6PM
(at The Abbey, downstairs)

Report Cards Go Home
January 28

Math Morning
January 29 | 8AM

Winter Concert 
February 6 | 8:15AM 
Note: The 3- and 4-yr-olds as well as the 5th graders (5th gr. concert is in spring) will not be performing in the winter concert.


MCAS Parent Info Sessions

January 28 & 29
Details >>

Mindfulness Parent Workshops
February 12, March 5, April 9 | Amigos School
Details >>

Camp Info Night
March 5 | 6:30PM | CRLS
(snow date 3/12)

See full calendar:
Tobin Calendar
District Calendar

A huge thank you goes out to Joanna Fischer, Megan's mom, for the donation of the microwave to the teachers room. Every staff member thanks you from the bottom of their heart!

Donate gently used jeans by Feb. 14 to help someone experiencing homelessness. 
Learn more >>


Tobin Montessori School
197 Vassal Lane
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6890
Staff Listing
Tobin Website

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