Baldwin Broadside: April 2, 2018
Published on Apr 2, 2018 11:39

April 2, 2018

Modern Ballroom
Each year fifth grade students in Cambridge Public Schools participate in a ballroom dance unit during their Physical Education class. Professional ballroom dance teacher, Katia and Mr. Gladu collaborate to teach the students five dances including the Merengue, Salsa, Swing, Tango, and Machata. Throughout the dance program, students learn about respect and communication.

The program culminates with ballroom dance showcase at the high school. Parents, families, and teachers cheered on the 5th graders as they proudly showed off their adroit dancing skills.

Congratulations to Gemma and Jayden who were presented with the good citizen award for their positive attitude during the ballroom dance classes. Thank you to Kane for contributing some beautiful photos.


Mathematics Showcase
The fourth grade students presented their creative math projects to their families last week. The projects were amazing, from mobiles that represent balance point to beautifully created abacuses, geometry sculptures, tessellations, in depth explanation and examples of the Fibonacci Code, symmetry, and understanding the Rubik's Cube algorithm. The students loved the opportunity to share their math learning in a creative way and enjoyed presenting them to their peers and families. Parents were impressed with the students' knowledge of their selected topic. What a fun and engaging way to learn math!


Kindergarten Students Envision a Better Cambridge
Mayor Marc McGovern wrote a letter to the kindergarten classrooms asking them for their help to imagine projects that would help our city.

Mayor McGovern stated in his letter that he was a kindergarten student in Cambridge years ago and he always loved the City of Cambridge. As Mayor, he is looking to find ways to make it better. He said kindergartners are “the real kid experts”. The Mayor reiterated a fair city needs projects that will work for everyone in the community. He asked the students, “what would you like to see built or changed about a current construction project?”

Here are some of the ideas the kindergarten students share with him:

More dog parks, more affordable housing, more digital clocks, bridge walkways and cat parks.

In the playgrounds, there should be different sized monkey bars, more swings, more sandboxes with covers, and maybe even parks for grown ups.

Safe Streets

Safety First
Thanks to a new collaboration with Safe Routes to School, our second grade students are learning about pedestrian and bicycling safety. The concepts of crossing streets and intersections safely is taught and practiced. Students learn the importance of crossing the street at a crosswalk and how to cross the street if there is no crosswalk. They learned about the pedestrian signals students also learn how to safely navigate a parking lot.

Safe Routes “creates awareness of behaviors of all transportation modes so that our roadways and school communities are safe for students to walk and bike to and from school.”

Thank you to Safe Routes to School and Massachusetts Department of Transportation for coming to our school. Safe Routes generously donated free bike helmets for every student. Each child was carefully fitted. May is National Bike Month and the Baldwin students will be ready to roll responsibly.


The Power of Wind
STEM Club students explored the power of wind to move objects – using popsicle sticks, tape, plastic straws, and card stock. They made boats: catamarans, Moana's canoe, and other boat-like vehicles. The kids explored the relationship between sail size, material and boat speed by changing their sails from printer paper to aluminum foil or plastic. They also learned about properly balancing their boats.

Students tested how far their boats would go by placing them in front of a fan. Some students created a wind-powered train that needs to move along two parallel string 'tracks' high off the ground without falling off. In the picture, Quinn is testing his design with Kjersti. Thank you to the parents of STEM Club!

Book Swap
Mrs. Miller's 5th grade students and their buddy class, Ms. Corianne's kindergarten students invite all Baldwin School students to participate in the 2nd annual Baldwin Book Swap. Their goal is to provide all students a book that is new to them.

If you have a gently used book at home that would be good to pass along to another student, that would be a perfect book for the book swap. Books must be appropriate for JK - 5 students. They can be hardcover, paperback, chapter books, or picture books. Drop your donated books into the book swap boxes that can be found throughout the school. Every student will get to choose a book. Thank you to the many families who have donated to the book swap.


Library News
Find out what is happening in the library >>

Attention 5th Grade Families: Transition to Middle School
Music and Foreign Language Showcase at RAUC (Students)
April 2 | 9:30AM
Peabody and Baldwin students will attend a musical performance and will learn about musical and foreign language options.

Ask a 6th Grader Ice Cream Social
Wednesday, April 11 | 5:30PM at RAUC
Current 6th grade students will lead tours starting at 5:30PM. At 6PM, current 6th grade students will host a Q and A session with 5th grade students in the library. Also at 6PM, parents are invited to the cafeteria for a Q and A with Principal Julie Craven. At 6:30PM, students will be invited into the cafeteria for an ice cream social.

Rise Up Day
Friday, May 25th
5th grade students and their teachers will go to RAUC for the day! Students will tour the classrooms, hear from their teachers, participate in cooperative games and have lunch in the RAUC cafeteria. Baldwin students will be back to Baldwin by the end of the school day.

Potluck Picnic
Wednesday, August 29 | 5PM at RAUC
Meet with students and their families and connect with staff. Learn about after school opportunities from out-of-school time partners prior to the start of the school year.

Moving On Celebration
Thursday, June 21 at 9AM

Families are invited to a moving on celebration and breakfast.

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Find It Cambridge works closely with CPS to provide accurate information that families need. Find It has partnered with a group of Harvard graduate students to assess its current impact and find ways to make it even better. If you have TWO minutes to share your opinion, click here.

Snow Fun

Last of Wintertime Fun
First graders and Andrea enjoy the last of the snow. Welcome Spring!

Friday, April 6
Red Sox Rally Day

Wednesday, April 11
School Council Meeting | 8AM

Wednesday, April 11
Ask a 6th Grader at RAUC | 6PM

Thursday, April 12
Poetry Night | 6PM

April 16 - 20
April Vacation

View the Complete Calendar >>

These dates may be subject to change.

Grade 5:
English Language Arts - April 3, 4
Math - May 9, 10
Science - May 14, 15

Grade 4:
English Language Arts - April 5, 6
Math - May 1, 2

Grade 3:
English Language Arts - April 11, 12
Math - May 3, 4

Light It Up Blue
April 2 | 6:45PM
Cambridge City Hall

Mindful Parenting / 
Taller Respira

April 2, 23; May 7, 21; 
June 4 | 7-8:30PM 
Amigos School
In these workshops, moms and dads gather to practice skills and practical exercises to reach a greater calm and clarity during difficult times in our daily lives. Dr. Beatriz Meza-Valencia, pediatrician, teaches about childhood and adolescent brain development and exercises easy to use in everyday life. Everyone is invited and attendance to prior sessions is not required. Sessions will be given in Spanish and English. Childcare provided. Questions?
[email protected]

CPS Resource Fair
April 7 | 10AM - 12Noon
CRLS Cafeteria
Join us at the 3rd Annual Welcome to CPS Resource Fair. This event draws a big crowd of students entering JK/K (and a few other newcomers to CPS), and we expect this year's event to be even better. This is the perfect time to connect with new families and get your name out in the community!

Chasing Coral Screening
April 11 | 5PM
Cambridge Public Library
The CRLS Marine Conservation Club is excited to invite you to a free presentation of the award winning documentary Chasing Coral on April 11th!
Details >>

Protecting Your Kids from Overly Sexual Internet Content
April 25, 2018 | 6:30PM
Putnam Avenue Upppr School
A talk for parents of tweens and teens with Dr. Gail Dines, Professor Emerita and founding president of Culture Reframed, an organization dedicated to working with parents/caregivers to ?build resilience and resistance in kids to hypersexualized online content?.

Title I 
Let's Cook & Move!
April 26 | 6-7:30PM
Cambridgeport School
Registration & details >>
See March calendar >>

Cambridge Winter Farmers Market
Saturdays, through April 7
Cambridge Community Center, 5 Callender St.
Details >> 

Immigration Legal Screening Clinics - FREE!
This FREE monthly clinic offers participants a consultation with an immigration attorney and the chance to learn more about how immigration law affects them and their families. 
Details >> 
More immigration resources >>

More programs & events in our community >>

Everyone loves to be read to. These kindergarten students were captivated when parent Troy stopped by to read them his favorite books, The Paper Bag Princess and The Interrupting Chicken. Troy brought the book alive using different voices and sound effects. What a wonderful morning. Thank you Troy and Jordan.

K104 is looking for small boxes ranging in size as small as a jewelry box up to the size of a shoe box. Please take care - the box cannot have contained nuts or eggs. You can drop the boxes by room 104 or leave them in the office. Thank you!


Be part of a group of parents and faculty that work in conjunction with the Baldwin faculty teams to work toward the school's improvement goals, outlined in the school improvement plan. Commitment of a Site Council Member: Attend a 60 minute meeting once a month (on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8AM) Your child is welcome to accompany you or can go to the cafeteria for breakfast or to the gymnasium for Let's Move. Please come to a meeting to see what it is all about. The next meeting date: Wednesday, April 11.

Each month, the Baldwin School has an all-school meeting. This is an opportunity for the entire school to get together as a community. It is run like a Responsive Classroom morning meeting starting with a greeting followed by classroom shares. Classrooms take turns sharing their work. All-school meets are for kids, by kids. The date of the next all-school meeting: Tuesday, May 8 at 9AM.

Principal Heidi will be hosting principal coffees this year on the 3rd Thursday morning of each month from 8:30 - 9:30AM in the Activity Room on the lower level. Please come to the next coffee on TBD.

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