Baldwin Broadside: March 24, 2015
Published on Mar 24, 2015 11:58

March 24, 2015
Janice Dean

A Visit from the Weather Machine
Janice Dean of Fox News Channel met with the first grade students to read her book Freddy and the Frogcaster. Hear all about the exciting visit. Read more >>

math carnival

Math Carnival was Electric!
Thank you to everyone who came to the Math Carnival to play more math. Thank you to our math coach Ben Geiger for organizing the evening. Special thanks to the many parents who helped to man a math table. Thank you to all the parents who invested their time by investing in our children's learning community. In particular, thank you to the Lauren Holleran and team at Hammond Residential Real Estate for funding materials and prizes. This kind of partnership enriches the learning community for our children. Thank you to the fantastic parents of grade 2 and 3 for hosting the food sale. Thanks to our Friends of Baldwin dynamos Melissa, Courtney, Bernette, and Catherine for all their support.


Kids Who Read Succeed
Save the date and join us in celebrating National Poetry Month in April at Baldwin School Poetry Night on April 16th!
Learn more >>

extra, extra

News by Fourth Corner
Introducing the News By Fourth Corner! Fourth grade reporters will be submitting news articles about the exciting learning events that are happening in each grade. They have started with the recent fourth grade parent breakfast shares. The leading reporters covering this event are Coco and Liam. Read on >>  

Spanish books

First Language Literacy in a
Bilingual Home 
From Janelle Pittman, ELL Teacher

Throughout the year I have been approached by parents many times about reading with their child. For multilingual families the question is often, “In which language should we read?” You may be afraid of confusing them as they try to learn English. Or maybe by reading in the language used around your home you worry it will make it harder for them to read in English? The research surrounding this topic is vast but the answer is fairly conclusive. Promoting first language literacy promotes second language literacy (i.e. English) in young children. The skills of phonemic awareness and reading comprehension are transferable between languages. Children who can read in their native language understand the process of reading, even if they need to learn new letters, sounds, and words to attain reading proficiency in a second language. By building rich language and literacy skills in the first language you can contribute to literacy development in English. So have no fear! You aren’t hurting them, you are helping them!

Some more tips for First Language Literacy:

  • Read stories together in your first language and talk about them.
  • Use wordless books. These books encourage your child’s use of vocabulary and you can tell the story together!
  • Engage in writing/drawing after reading a story to promote writing skills in your child’s first language!
  • Create a first language rich environment by keeping print material such as magazines, newspapers, greeting cards and books in your home.
  • Sing songs and play rhyming games using the first language.  


movie night

Friday, March 27
Parent Coffee with Mr. Watson for 5th Grade Families | 8:30AM

Friday, March 27
Pizza and Movie Night

Monday, March 30
Principal Coffee | 8:40AM Afterschool Room, Lower Level

Monday, March 30 
Grade K & 3 Concert

Tuesday, March 31
Information Presentation for 5th Grade Families at RAUC | 6PM

Wednesday, April 1
Progress Reports sent home

Friday, April 3
No School: Good Friday 

Wednesday, April 8
Site Council Meeting      

Thursday, April 16
Poetry Night 

April 20 - 24
NO School - April Break

Monday, April 27 - Tuesday, April 28 
Grade 5 Overnight Trip

Tuesday, April 28
Author George O'Connor Visit

Friday, May 1
Summit Meeting | 8:30 AM

Wednesday, May 13
Early Release Day

Monday, May 25
NO School - Memorial Day

Thursday, May 28

Wednesday, June 3
Early Release Day

Thursday, June 4 - Friday, June 5
Grade 2 & 3 Overnight Trip

Friday, June 12
Red Sox Game vs. Toronto

Thursday, June 18 - Friday, June 19
Grade 4 Overnight Trip

Reducing Stress in our Homes
April 1 | 6 - 7:30PM
Haggerty School Library
Please RSVP
Learn more >>

Fostering Resilience in our Children
April 29 | 8 - 9:30AM
Learn more >>

Help name the Kids' Council's new website in less than 1 minute…
Please take this quick survey before March 25th.
Take the Survey >>



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