Baldwin Broadside: September 24, 2018
Published on Sep 24, 2018 14:27

September 24, 2018
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Off to a Great Start!

We are off to a wonderful start! Welcome to our new families and welcome back to our existing families. It is great to see student smiles and parental pride as the students arrive ready to learn. Thank you to our students, parents, teachers and staff for a great beginning. We are looking forward to an exciting and successful year.


Baldwin Administrative Team
These are the warm, friendly faces of the Baldwin School main office. Elaine, our school clerk, helps EVERYONE … staff, parents and students. She welcomes all to our school and works to make sure the school day runs smoothly for everyone. You see Mr. Roderick, our Assistant Principal and Ms. Heidi, our Principal, every morning greeting our students as they enter the school, and you see them again every afternoon making sure students get to their bus safely. Their positive energy and leadership and infectious smiles creates a joyful school atmosphere. (Photo: Elaine Coleman, John Roderick, Heidi Cook)

Mr. M

Welcome Mr. M.
Welcome Mr. Taylor Marsyla to the Baldwin School. Mr. Marsyla is the extended term substitute teacher for grades JK - 2 music, filling in for Mrs. Song while she is on maternity leave (no baby news yet). Mr. M. is new to the Boston area, coming from Missouri. He lives with his twin sister. He holds two degrees, a Bachelors in Music Education and a Bachelors in Vocal Performance. He loves cats and cheese and playing video games. His first week at Baldwin has been great getting to know everyone. 


Principal's Corner
Dear Baldwin Families,

On September 12th, we held the first School Council Meeting of the year. The start of the year is a perfect opportunity to reflect on the ways we work as a community to ensure that our school is the very best it can be. The School Council agreed that having a set of community agreements would be valuable. I thank them for their thoughtful contributions! These are agreements between all members and stakeholders: students, families, caregivers, staff, and even community partners. I am so proud of this set of ideas and I wanted to share them here!

Thanks for reading!


Health Office
Dana Hyland, School Nurse
Contact: 617.349.6746 or 617.349.6525 x110
[email protected]
Office hours: 8:30AM - 3:30PM
Nurse Dana's office is in the main office 
Health Office fax number: 617.349.3170

Other reminders: If your child is diagnosed with a communicable illness such as strep throat, please notify the school nurse so that a general note can be sent to all students in the classroom; this helps to prevent the illness from spreading. If your child has any health status changes, please consider updating the nurse also.

Attention JK & Kindergarten Families: JK and K Vision and Hearing testing is on October 4th. Families are asked to please return the "opt out" form if you don't want your child to participate.

Flower Crowns

Flower Crowns
Flower CrownsThe school garden is our outdoor classroom. Ms. Amy's first grade class, room 210, visited the garden this week and made crowns with leaves, flowers, and branches that they picked from the garden. Student creativity soared as blooms and branches were transformed into exquisite headpieces. Ms. Wong's class enjoyed the beauty of nature with this experiential, outdoor activity.

Welcome Back Popsicle Party
Thank you to all the families who came to the Welcome Back Popsicle Party. It was a beautiful afternoon to spend time in the park reuniting with friends and meeting new ones. Thank you to the Friends of Baldwin for funding the popsicles!

News from the Garden
KarlWe are off to a great start in the garden! Ms. Wong's first grade class was the first in the garden. Ms. Wong had a great idea and asked if we could create garden crowns. We did and they were beautiful!

I will be at Baldwin every Monday from 12:30 – 4PM and Thursday from 7:30 – 11:30AM. During the first few weeks of school, I work with classrooms to establish garden expectations. Soon we will be cider pressing in the garden.

Families are encouraged to stop by the garden. I will be there on Thursday afternoons and happy to answer any of your questions. These are just a few examples of the amazing work classrooms will do in the garden this fall.

-- Karl Koch, Garden Coordinator, CitySprouts

Volunteer with your child's class to help press apple cider in the school garden!
During CitySprouts' Annual Cider Pressing we introduce children and teachers to the school garden by setting up an apple press and teaching kids how to make cider. We would love parent/guardian volunteers to help set up, do a little crowd control, and clean up afterwards. Come enjoy fresh cider and see how much the kids love being outside in the garden. We will press cider at Baldwin on October 29, 31, and November 1. If you are interested, please contact Andrea Locke.


The Power of Play | Playworks
The power of play brings out the best in every child. This year, thanks to the generous support of the Friends of Baldwin, Playworks will be part of our school day. The goal is to make recess safe, healthy and organized and helps the students become more active and more cooperative. The program teaches inclusiveness and conflict resolution.

Carolyn Parker from Playworks will be at our school one week every month throughout the school year. Her goal is to support our school community in creating proactive recess systems and procedures to help achieve a positive recess climate.


Friends of Baldwin News
Election Day Food Sale | Tuesday, November 6
Our school is polling site for the citywide election. Every year, the Friends of Baldwin hosts a bake sale. Our neighborhood voters contribute to the Friends of Baldwin by purchasing treats, soups and chili provided by our families. We ask that parents help in a few ways. One is to bake something to sell. Another way to help is to volunteer to work at the bake sale on Election Day. It's a great way to meet other parents and be involved in fundraising for the school. All funds raised during the election day bake sale help Friends of Baldwin fund enrichment activities like STEM Fair, the storyteller at Pajama Storytelling Night, an incredible author visit by Charles R. Smith, a whale-mobile, the ever popular dunk tank and obstacle bounce course at field day, scholarships and subsidies for overnight camping trips and much, much more. The funds raised by Friends of Baldwin ensure that every Baldwin child can share in these experiences.

Looking for... 
Friends of Baldwin is looking for an acoustical engineer or someone who is familiar with sound systems. If you have that expertise, please contact Beth at [email protected].                         

Back to School Curriculum Night
Wednesday, September 26 | 6:30PM
Meet your child's teachers and specialist teachers.
Learn about expectations and what your child will learn this year. Learn how you can support your child. Learn about how to get involved in your child's class. Learn about the Friends of BaldwinView the Schedule >>

Summer Work Superstars
Ms. Jayne Lynch, our Math Coach, and Ms. Summer Thompson, our Literacy Coach are proud to recognize the following students for completing their summer work. These students read hundreds of books and logged many hours of math activities. Congratulations on your diligent efforts!
Clara V., Atticus T., Pierson S., Jack V., Alva B, Dahlia C., Neve B., Alexandra H., Lillian H., Zoe S., Olive L., Shai G., Sammy L., Agnes M., Vivien S., Lucy W., Yona R., Justin B., Chloe C., Bennett H., Isabella B., Eli G., Beckett B., Avery V., Jin G., Sebastian F., Izzy SB., Lucie B., Porter M., Milo S., Beatrix T., John L., Onora M., Finbar C., Noah S., Jennifer D., Hazel M., Charlie H., Alexandre H., Oliver M., Liza B., Anna K., Sahana M., Oyane OS., Jane M., Maddy M., Jason L., Aroon K., Sophia SF., Nova B., Linus B.

Honoring an Angel

Honoring an Angel

let's connect

Let's Connect! 
Stay in the loop by joining our social media communities.
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Outside Opportunities

Mayor's Town Hall: Supporting Cambridge Youth
Thursday, October 11 | 6PM | City Hall, 
795 Massachusetts Avenue

What supports do Cambridge young people need in our city? What supports and services already exist? Come hear from city officials, young people, youth workers, and the Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission and add your voice on this important topic. Brief presentations will be followed by discussion groups. Refreshments will be provided. Learn more >>

Art Installation at Harvard
With September comes a number of arts and cultural events, including exhibitions and musical performances. Be sure to stop by Harvard Yard to view the vibrant Autumn (... Nothing Personal), a public art installation by artist Teresita Fernández. Learn more >>

Arnold Arboretum

Trying to make the most of the warm weather? The Arnold Arboretum is also offering a variety of opportunities this month, including hikes, guided tours, and lectures. 

Visit the Harvard in the Community website for more events and programs happening across Harvard’s campus!

Immigration Resources
Immigration Legal Screening Clinics
3rd Wednesday each month, 5:15-7:15PM
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
617.349.4396; [email protected] 
See flyer >>

Citizenship Day Boston 2018
Sunday, September 30
Get help with your citizenship application! 
Info: 617.694.5949 or
See flyer (English) >>
See flyer (Chinese) >>
See flyer (Haitian Creole) >> 
See flyer (Spanish) >>

Rep. Katherine Clark – Cambridge Office Hours
Hosted by Rep. Clark's Immigration Issues Liaison Katie Worley
3rd Thursday each month, 3-4PM  
Cambridge City Hall, 795 Mass Ave. (Mayor's Office, 2nd fl)
Staff will be on site to answer questions about immigration benefits, USCIS cases, Passports, and more. If you have questions or need assistance outside of scheduled hours, please do not hesitate to contact our district office: 
701 Concord Ave., Suite 101, Cambridge, MA 02138 


How can MBTA bus service be improved in Cambridge? 
Provide feedback on bus frequency, reliability, and comfort through the Better Bus Project’s brief survey.


September 26
Back to School Night
View the Schedule >>

September 27
4th Grade Parent Coffee
Activity Room
All 4th grade parents interesting in meeting to come up with ideas on how to honor Angel's memory are invited to attend.

October 3
Baldwin Blooms Coffee

October 5
All-School Meeting

October 8
No School - Columbus Day

October 10
Site Council Meeting
@Peabody School Library

October 15
Garden Party & Potluck
5PM - Sundown
Spend the evening in the school garden. Mr. Koch our CitySprouts educator, will help students with cider pressing. Students will make lanterns to take home. Please bring a dish to share and a large plastic soda bottle or jar to transform into a beautiful lantern.

October 19
Picture Day

October 24
Early Release Day
12:55PM Dismissal

View the Complete Calendar >>

We will have a series of parent coffees this year in the Activity Room on the lower level. Some coffees will be informal, others will have a topic. Information will be sent prior to each meeting. The first coffee was held on September 20. Thank you all who attended.


Be part of a group of parents and faculty that work in conjunction with the Baldwin faculty teams to work toward the school's improvement goals, outlined in the school improvement plan. 

Commitment of a Site Council Member: Attend a 60 minute meeting once a month (on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8 AM). Your child is welcome to accompany you or can go to the cafeteria for breakfast or to the gymnasium for Let's Move. Meetings are in the school library. If you are not sure about being on the council, please come to a meeting to see what it is all about. First meeting: Wednesday, October 10 (Note - this meeting will be at 7:30AM at Rindge Avenue to discuss 5th grade transition.)

Each month, the Baldwin School has an all-school meeting. This is an opportunity for the entire school to get together as a community. It is run like a Responsive Classroom morning meeting starting with a greeting followed by classroom shares. Classrooms take turns sharing their work. All are welcome to attend. The next all-school meeting is October 5 at 10AM.

Baldwin teachers, coaches, interns, parents and Harvard students help with before and after school programs for our students. This is not a complete list. More will be added as they are finalized. 
View the list >>

Pick Up
For families picking their children up at the end of the day, please enter the school through the Sacramento Street entrance. The door will be opened as the first school bus is announced, around 3PM. You are welcome to head to the classrooms. If your child is on the upper levels, please use the back stairwell as students taking the school bus exit the building via the front stairwell to the Oxford Street door.

Please do not park in front of the school building. It is a school bus loading zone. Also, please be respectful of our neighbors and do not block driveways and private ways.

Reporting Absences
Please be sure to let your teacher know when your child will be out of school. If you do not report them as absent, you will receive an automated phone call letting you know that they will be marked as unexcused. 

Do you have a child born between April 1, 2015 and August 21, 2016? If so, you may be interested in applying for the CPS 
3-Year-Old Lottery. 
Learn more >>

The new guide is now available via Find It Cambridge! Take a look >>

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Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge! 

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