Update from Rindge Avenue Upper School | October 10, 2018
Published on Oct 10, 2018 09:16

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  October 10, 2018

HoodieOrder your RAUC Hoodies
Support the school and look cool in the process. Please use this order form or have your student ask their advisor for one. Cash or checks made out to Rindge Ave Student Agency are accepted.

Mark your calendars for Families of RAUC Social Event/Fundraiser
Please join your fellow RAUC parents and caregivers for a fun evening of food, drinks and a silent auction on Saturday, Nov. 3rd from 6-10PM. on the MIT Campus. This is the Families of RAUC's major fundraiser of the year to support enrichment and field trips for all RAUC students. Our biggest goal is to raise enough funds to provide financial assistance so that all our 8th grade students can participate in the class trip to Washington DC. Your attendance will help us meet this important goal! Please purchase your tickets here.

CommUNITY Hiking Trips: Get Permission Slips In
8th grade to Monadnock this Friday: In this RAUC tradition, everyone aims to get as high up the mountain as they can, and everyone supports each other. Students will return around 4pm; the school has arranged for late buses. Weather looks dry but chilly so dress warmly and be sure to pack a lunch if your student hasn’t arranged for a school bag lunch!
6th grade to Blue Hills Monday 10/15: They will be traveling by bus to Blue Hills in Milton for a community-building hike. We will have lunch as a sixth grade and will return before the end of the school day. Bring lunch and water and weather appropriate clothes. You don't need anything else. Cost is FREE. Should be a fun time!

8th Grade: Reminder to Register for the DC Trip
This is a RAUC 8th grade tradition and we are committed to ensuring every student who wants to is able to attend. Information has been emailed and handed out to students. Expect letters with pricing explanations and payment schedule soon. Reach out to Mr. Oliveira with any questions.

Mental Health Awareness Night
We invite parents, guardians, youth workers, teens who work with youth, and anyone else who has love and investment for our youth to please join us at RAUC on Friday Night, 10/26, at 7PM for a Mental Health Awareness Night. There will be free food.

Currently we have two amazing guest speakers: Alice Cohen, CPSD Social and Emotional Learning Lead Teacher, will be talking about attachment and self regulation in adolescence. Building competency and independence while maintaining family relationships. She will talk about making meaning of behavior, keeping relational lines open, dealing with our own worries while parenting, and what to do if sudden concerning changes occur. David G. Stewart, PhD., ABPP, Chief of Psychology Department of Psychiatry from Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School will present on adolescent substance as well as emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents.

TECH Goes Home
This amazing program is coming to CPSD! This is a fantastic opportunity for families in grades JK-5. The program requires you to attend 15 hours of training over several weeks, learning how to navigate exciting computer applications that can help you and your child make most of technology in your home and your child’s academic life. This program is free for you and your child. Upon successful completion of the Chromebook15 hour course you will be eligible for a brand new Chromebook for $50,
among other other benefits. The program will be offered at Peabody Elementary School. For RAUC families with a child in Peabody, you can also let Taraneh Ahmadi know if you’d like to sign up. We are currently exploring offering this program for Middle School families. Please let us know if this is something you’d like to participate in with your middle schooler. More Info here.

STEAM it Up! Free Districtwide Event at RAUC on Thursday 10/25
Have you ever wanted to hack electronics? Maybe you’d like to create and launch a zipline car? Is biotech your thing? Are you a middle school parent who would like to learn more about our 6-8 Math and Science curriculum? If this sounds like fun and you’d like to spend some great family time eating pizza and learning together, come to the STEAM It Up! event at Rindge Avenue Upper School gym! If you’d like to be a parent volunteer to help out at the event with food, various tables, etc please let Taraneh Ahmadi know by 10/19.

Please Note
The district Math Coordinator Julie Ward, along with the new district math coach Katisha John will be at the event to run the Family Math Night. Also present will be the district Science Coordinator Janet MacNeil along with the science instructional coaches Emily Speck and Elizabeth Butler-Everitt. This will be a great opportunity for middle school families to ask questions and experience hands on activities related to these subjects.

CalendarOctober Dates to Remember
October 10: School Council in Peabody    Library (7:30 to 8:15AM)
October 10: FRAUC meeting in
   Peabody library (6 to 7PM)
October 12: 8th Grade Field trip
October 15: 6th Grade Field trip
October 18: Peabody/RAUC Community Market. 
   Bring your own bags (3:10 to 4PM)
October 23: RAUC Picture day
October 24: Early release
October 25: STEAM it Up! K-8 Free event (6 to 8PM)
October 26: RAUC’s Mental Health Awareness night
   (7 to 8:30PM)

7th Grade Learning Previews
See what our students are going to be studying this month in Grade 7! Read more >>

Out of School Opportunities 
View these out of school opportunities!
Learn more >>

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See full RAUC calendar >>

FRAUC Meeting
October 10 | 6PM

Community Market
October 18 | 3:10-4PM

Picture Day
October 23

The Mayor’s Office, in partnership with Cradles to Crayons, is hosting a city-wide donation drive. Cradles to Crayons serves kids birth through age 12 living in homeless or low income situations by providing essential items; last year, this included over 2,000 kids in the Cambridge community. You can help! Please consider donating new or gently used clothing, shoes and books. Starting October 1st through October 18th there will be multiple locations for you to donate items. Please contact Mayor’s Office at 617.349.4321 or check out Find It Cambridge to learn more!

October 11 | 6PM
City Hall, 795 Mass Ave.
What supports do Cambridge young people need in our city? What supports and services already exist? Come hear from city officials, young people, youth workers, and the Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission and add your voice on this important topic! Brief presentations will be followed by discussion groups. Refreshments will be provided.

msn guide

Take a look at the new resource guide for middle schoolers! 
Details >>

The 2018-2019 DHSP School Year Resource Guide contains information about programs and services offered by the Department of Human Service Programs and other community organizations throughout the school year.
Details >>

Have younger children? This is a friendly reminder that registration for the Cambridge Public School's 3-Year-Old Program Lottery for the September 2019 school year starts on October 1 and ends on October 31. More info >>

3rd Wed. each month
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
[email protected]

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Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the week suggestion:
celery with nut butter and raisins.

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Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Take a peek at Find It Cambridge! 

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