From the Amigos Principal | November 2, 2018
Published on Nov 2, 2018 15:18

  2 de noviembre de 2018 / November 2, 2018

Dear Families,

It is hard to believe it is already November! I know many of you have been asking about the playground. Unfortunately, we still do not have an opening date for the new space. Apparently, there have been some unexpected delays but I will be meeting with the neighborhood planner and contractors next week and hopefully will get some good news. Once the playground is open, please recognize that there will be a period of adjustment and it will be up to all of us to help the students safely explore the new space.

Our next Amigos School Council meeting is Wednesday, November 7 at 6PM. This will be a regular meeting however; we will continue our work with the Transformative Teachers/Transformative Parents program on December 12.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Sarah Bartels-Marrero

Our first Amigos Store is up and running! If you’ve had your eye on an Amigos sweatshirt, bag or sticker, please visit El mercado de Amigos to order yours now.

All parents must fill out a CORI form at least 2 weeks in advance before chaperoning field trips or volunteering in the school.

Lillian Rater, will be offering office hours. Her office hours will be by appointment on Tuesdays and Fridays 9 - 11AM. You can contact her at 617.349.6315.


Estimadas familias,

¡Es difícil creer que ya es noviembre! Sé que muchos de ustedes han estado preguntando sobre el patio de recreo. Desafortunadamente, todavía no tenemos una fecha de apertura para el nuevo espacio. Aparentemente, ha habido algunos retrasos inesperados, pero me reuniré con el planificador del vecindario y los contratistas la próxima semana y espero recibir buenas noticias. Una vez que el patio de recreo esté abierto, por favor reconozcan que habrá un período de adaptación y nos tocará a todos ayudar a los estudiantes para que tengan una exploración segura del nuevo espacio.

Nuestra próxima reunión del Consejo Escolar de Amigos es el miércoles, 7 de noviembre a las 6:00pm. Esta será una reunión regular, sin embargo, continuaremos nuestro trabajo con el programa de Profesores Transformativos/Familias Transformativas el 12 de diciembre.

Que tengan un buen fin de semana.


Sarah Bartels-Marrero

¡Nuestra primera tienda Amigos ya está abierta! Si usted ha tenido el ojo puesto en una sudadera, bolsa o pegatina de Amigos, por favor visite El mercado de Amigos para ordenar la suya ahora.

Todos l@s padres, madres o guardianes deben completar un formulario CORI con al menos 2 semanas de anticipación antes de acompañar las excursiones o trabajar de voluntari@s en la escuela.

Lillian Rater, ofrecerá horas de oficina. Éstas serán por cita previa los martes y viernes de 9AM a 11PM. Pueden contactarla en [email protected] o al 617.349.6315.

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Time to Learn

Quality Learning and Professional Time
Studies conducted last year, and meetings with diverse stakeholders since, have raised concerns about the amount and quality of learning and professional time in Cambridge Public Schools. CPS is in the midst of a study and design process examining a range of options for improving learning and professional time, with an initial focus on elementary and Upper School schedules. 

View the latest updates on this process on the CPS website, and save the dates for the following Public Forums: 

December 5 | 6PM | Morse School
January 10 | 6PM | Kennedy-Longfellow School
January 12 | 10AM | Graham & Parks School

The Superintendent will develop a proposal that will be shared for stakeholder feedback in January. In addition to the public forums, school-based meetings are being scheduled for all schools. Any changes in school schedules will benefit from a full planning year in 2019-20 before implementation in 2020-2021. 

Outside Opportunities

Immigration Legal Screening Clinics
3rd Wednesday each month, 5:15-7:15PM
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
617.349.4396; [email protected] 
See flyer >>

Cambridge Affordable Housing Information Sessions
Learn about the eligibility requirements and application process for the following programs Cambridge Rental and Homeownership Programs: Inclusionary Housing Rental Program for studios, 1BR, 2BR, & 3BR units
throughout Cambridge, Homeowner Resale Pool, First-Time Homebuyer Workshop, Downpayment Assistance, and HomeBridge. Open to all. No RSVP Necessary. Learn more >>

Rep. Katherine Clark – Cambridge Office Hours
Hosted by Rep. Clark's Immigration Issues Liaison Katie Worley
3rd Thursday each month, 3-4PM  
Cambridge City Hall, 795 Mass Ave. (Mayor's Office, 2nd fl)
Staff will be on site to answer questions about immigration benefits, USCIS cases, Passports, and more. If you have questions or need assistance outside of scheduled hours, please do not hesitate to contact our district office: 
701 Concord Ave., Suite 101, Cambridge, MA 02138 

Cambridge Flu Clinics 
The flu (influenza) can be a serious illness. The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from influenza is for all adults and children over 6 months old to get a flu shot every year. Cambridge Public Health is offering free flu shots at:

  • Peabody School - Wednesday, November 7 from 5:30 - 7:30PM in the gym.

There is no charge, but please bring your health insurance card if possible. For more information and the full list of flu clinics, visit our website or call the recorded flu clinic info line, 617.665.3855.

Cambridge Bicycle Safety
Does your child bike to school? Do you bike with your child to school? Would you or your child like to get around by bike but feel it is not safe? 

Cambridge Bicycle Safety is an all-volunteer group of Cambridge residents who are asking for safer bike lanes and a complete network of protected lanes throughout Cambridge. Separated lanes in the last two years--Cambridge, Brattle and sections of Mass Ave--have been the result of people in the community organizing. But we need more voices. 
We are looking for stories of parents and their children who bike or would like to bike. If you have a story and want to learn more, email us.

MIT-SEED Program
MIT-SEED is a free Saturday engineering program for Cambridge, Lawrence, and Boston 7th- 12th graders. 7th and 8th graders apply in the fall to start in the Spring. Applications are due November 9th. More >>

City Step
All levels dance classes with college students: 6th graders will meet at the Dance Center at Harvard on Tuesday afternoons. Still space for 6th graders! Learn more >>

Work Force for 8th graders
CRLS site still has 3 spots and the Roosevelt Towers site (East Cambridge) still has lots of spots available. Let's get them filled - paid program with free academic support and paid internships all the way through high school, and matching college savings. Learn more >>

Girls Only Leadership Development (GOLD)
A free weekly leadership development program for 8th grade girls run out of the YWCA. Wednesdays this year, and every week! More >>

Breakthrough Greater Boston
A year-round, tuition-free program that offers six years of academically intensive out-of-school time services to highly motivated, traditionally underserved middle and high school students in Greater Boston. Application is due in mid-December-- stay tuned! More Info >>



Consejo escolar
El miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 6-8PM

Desayuno de 2ndo Grado
El viernes, 9 de noviembre de 8:30-9:30AM

Amigos de Amigos
El martes, 13 de noviembre de 6 - 7:30PM

Conferencias entre familias y maestr@s
El jueves, 15 de noviembre según acordado previamente

Vacaciones para El día acción de gracias
22 de noviembre- 25 de noviembre

JK/K Cantata
El miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 9-10AM

Reunión de Educación Especial con Dr. Morgan, Superintendente de OSS
El jueves, 29 de noviembre de 6:30-7:30PM
*Habrá cuido de niños

Amigos School Council
Wednesday, November 7 from 6-8PM

2nd Grade Breakfast
Friday, November 9 from 8:30-9:30AM

Friends of Amigos
Tuesday, November 13 from 6 - 7:30PM

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, November 15 by appointment

Thanksgiving Holiday
22 November - 25 November

JK/K Cantata
Wednesday, November 28, 9-10AM

Special Education Meeting w. Dr. Morgan, Superintendent of OSS
Thursday, November 29th from 6:30-7:30PM
* Childcare will be provided


Honk! The Musical
November 2, 3, 9, and 10 at 7PM, and November 11 at 2PM
Fitzgerald Theater
Get your tickets >>

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Stay informed via our FREE mobile app! 
Details >>  

find it

Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge! 

The new guide is now available via Find It Cambridge! Take a look >>

Cambridge in Motion's healthy snack suggestion for the week is pear slices and cheese stick.



Amigos School
15 Upton Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617.349.6833
Amigos Website
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