From the Amigos Principal | March 15, 2019
Published on Mar 15, 2019 15:10

  15 de marzo de 2019 / March 15, 2019
sarahDear Families, 

I am excited to share with you that Amigos is a finalist for the Spanish School of the Year award! The competition is an initiative of the Education Department of the Spanish Embassy in Washington DC and co-financed by the Mester Academy, the Santillana group, the Cervantes Institute, Editorial Anaya and the El Camino del Español and Tía Tula centres. It rewards academic excellence in the implementation of bilingual Spanish teaching programs where content and language are integrated to create bilingual and biliterate students. You can see all the finalists here! Fingers crossed for Amigos!!

Amigos students, like other students throughout the state, will soon be participating in the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS). These assessments will take place during April and May and focus on Literacy, Math and Science. While teachers have been preparing students for this assessment, our focus continues to be on authentic and high-quality instruction in two languages, not test prep.

This year, students in grades 3-8 will be taking the assessment online. The testing schedule is as follows:

April 8th and 10th - Upper School English Language Arts
April 9th and 11th - 4th and 5th grade English Language Arts
April 24th and 25th - 3rd grade English Language Arts
May 1st and 2nd - 4th and 5th grade Math
May 6th and 7th - 3rd grade Math
May 9th and 10th - Upper School Math
May 16th and 17th - 5th and 8th grade Science

While MCAS is an important test, students shouldn’t be stressed out by it. We ask that you help us to support them in managing any anxiety they might have so they can come in feeling relaxed and confident. You can help by making sure your student gets a good night’s sleep, eats a nutritious breakfast and gets to school on time. We also ask that you please avoid scheduling appointments or trips during your child’s assessment dates. It is important that all students are present during this testing period. If you have any questions regarding MCAS, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

There are only three few days left in the 8th grade silent auction and $400 left to raise! Yes we can!

There are several new items to explore:

  • A gift card to Cambridge restaurant Loyal Nine
  • iTunes gift cards
  • A second spring photo shoot with a local photographer
  • Baskets of Spanish goods
  • A Guatemalan shopping spree!

Please check it out!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Sarah Bartels-Marrero

Estimadas familias:

¡Estoy emocionada de compartir con ustedes que Amigos es uno de los finalistas para el Certamen de Colegio del Año! El certamen es una iniciativa del Departamento de Educación de la Embajada Española en Washington DC y está cofinanciado por la Academia Mester, el grupo Santillana, el Instituto Cervantes, Editorial Anaya y los centros El Camino del Español y Tía Tula. Recompensa la excelencia académica en la implementación de programas de enseñanza bilingüe en español donde el contenido y el lenguaje se integran para crear estudiantes bilingües y biliterados. Puedes ver todos los finalistas aquí! ¡Crucen los dedos por Amigos!

L@s estudiantes de Amigos, como otr@s estudiantes en todo el estado, pronto participarán en el Sistema de Evaluación Integral de Massachusetts (MCAS por sus siglas en inglés). Estas evaluaciones se llevarán a cabo durante los meses de abril y mayo y se centrarán en la lecto-escritura, las matemáticas y las ciencias. Mientras l@s maestr@s han estado preparando a l@s estudiantes para esta evaluación, nuestro enfoque continúa siendo en la instrucción auténtica y de alta calidad en dos idiomas, no en la preparación de exámenes.

Este año, l@s estudiantes de los grados 3-8 tomarán la evaluación en línea. El plan de fechas es el siguiente:
8 y 10 de abril - Upper School English Language Arts
Abril 9 y 11 - 4 y 5 grado Artes del Lenguaje Inglés
24 y 25 de abril - 3er grado Artes del Lenguaje Inglés
1 y 2 de mayo - 4 y 5 de mayo Matemáticas
6 y 7 de mayo - 3er grado Matemáticas
9 y 10 de mayo - Matemáticas en la escuela superior
Mayo 16 y 17 - 5to y 8vo grado Ciencias

Aunque el MCAS es un examen importante, l@s estudiantes no deben estar estresad@s por él. Les pedimos que nos ayuden a apoyarl@s en el manejo de cualquier ansiedad que puedan tener para que se sientan relajad@s y segur@s de sí mismos. Usted puede ayudar asegurándose de que su estudiante duerma bien durante la noche, tome un desayuno nutritivo y llegue a la escuela a tiempo. También le pedimos que evite programar citas o viajes durante las fechas de evaluación de su hij@. Es importante que todos los estudiantes estén presentes durante este período de prueba. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el MCAS, por favor no dude en llamarnos.

¡Sólo le quedan tres días a la subasta del 8vo grado y $400 por recaudar! ¡Sí se puede!

Exploren los nuevos artículos:

  • Un certificado de regalo al restaurante Loyal Nine
  • Dos certificados de regalo de iTunes
  • Una segunda sesión fotográfica con una fotógrafa local
  • Cestas de delicias españolas
  • Una juerga de compras de artesanía guatemalteca

Por favor, visite el sitio web de la subasta.

¡Que tengan un fin de semana maravilloso!


Sarah Bartels-Marrero

Data Report on Youth and Social Media

Wait Until 8th
There are several Amigos families interested in the Wait Until 8th movement. Please visit their page to learn more.

Check out our School Report Card

Please remember that there is no parking in the bus lane in front of the school during arrival and dismissal times.

Friends of Amigos
FOA is looking for a new treasurer. Please let us know if you are interested. 

School Schedules
READ HERE: Questions and Answers About School Schedules

Sign up to help in the cafeteria! Helping Hands.

New Playground

Read our rules about the new playground!

Amigos Store
Our first Amigos Store is up and running! If you’ve had your eye on an Amigos sweatshirt, bag or sticker, please visit El mercado de Amigos to order yours now.


All parents must fill out a CORI form at least 2 weeks in advance before chaperoning field trips or volunteering in the school.

Family Liaison
Lillian Rater, will be offering office hours. Her office hours will be by appointment on Tuesdays and Fridays 9 - 11AM. You can contact her by email or at 617.349.6315.

Reporte sobre los jóvenes y los medios de comunicación

Esperar hasta el 8º
Hay varias familias de Amigos interesadas en el movimiento Esperar hasta el 8º. Por favor, visite su página para obtener más información.

Vea nuestra boleta de calificaciones.

Por favor recuerden que no hay estacionamiento en el carril de autobuses frente a la escuela durante las horas de llegada y salida.

¡FOA está buscando un/a nuev@ tesorer@! Favor de dejarnos saber si le interesa.

LEAN AQUÍ: Preguntas y respuestas sobre los horarios escolares de las Escuelas Públicas de Cambridge

Sign up to help in the cafeteria! Helping Hands 

Lean las reglas para el nuevo patio de recreo

¡Nuestra primera tienda Amigos ya está abierta! Si usted ha tenido el ojo puesto en una sudadera, bolsa o pegatina de Amigos, por favor visite El mercado de Amigos para ordenar la suya ahora.

Tod@s l@s padres, madres o guardianes deben completar un formulario CORI con al menos 2 semanas de anticipación antes de acompañar las excursiones o trabajar de voluntari@s en la escuela.

Lillian Rater, ofrecerá horas de oficina. Éstas serán por cita previa los martes y viernes de 9AM a 11AM. Pueden contactarla en [email protected] o al 617.349.6315. 

let's connect

Connect With Us / Conéctense
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Nutrition MonthHappy National Nutrition Month!
Some classrooms decide to celebrate students' birthdays and other occasions. To create a healthier environment, the School Wellness Guidelines recommend celebrating in ways that do not include food. Some ideas include extra recess instead of a party, or a fun game inside the classroom if weather is bad. Find more ideas to celebrate here and ideas for non-food rewards here.

In Our Community and District

Cambridge Digs DEEP
Thursday, March 21 | 5:30-8PM 
CRLS, 459 Broadway
Join Mayor Marc McGovern and Councilor Sumbul Siddiqui for a city-wide session that aims to support restorative healing through providing race-based affinity spaces for discussing and processing identity and sharing perspectives. In these moderated affinity groups, we will process content from the first two deep sessions.
Details >>

Smartphones and Social Media: Hear the Real Deal, from Students Themselves
March 29, 2019 | 6 - 8PM
Ringe Avenue Upper School, 70 Rindge Ave. Cambridge
View event details >>

Community Discussion Series: How to Talk with Young
People About Substance

Various Dates & Locations | 6:15 - 7:30PM
Be a prepared caregiver and mentor: Learn about the strength of our teens! Join Cambridge Youth Programs and the Cambridge Public Health Department for a night of learning and discussion. Open to all Cambridge caregivers, role models, and families with young people, especially teens.
View the flyer >>

Free Citywide Baseball Clinics
Saturdays, March 16, 23, 30 | 5:30 - 7:30PM
CRLS Field House
Learn more >>

Free Markets
Check out any one of these FREE Markets that are held throughout the City of Cambridge. All you need is a grocery bag! 
View the flyer >>

Cambridge Winter Farmers Market
Saturdays through April 6 | 10AM-2PM
Cambridge Community Center, 5 Callender Street
Learn more >>
See flyer >>

CPS Summer Math & ELA Programs
Hear all about our summer programs for students entering grades 6-8!
Details >>

Upcoming School Committee Meeting
All meetings are open to the public. Public comment welcome.
Public Hearing on the Proposed 2019-20 CPS Budget 
Tuesday, March 19 | 6PM | School Committee Meeting Room at CRLS
The purpose of a Public Hearing is inviting input from the public regarding the budget.

Welcome to CPS! Resource Fair 
Saturday, April 6 | 10AM-12Noon
CRLS, cafeteria 
We hope to see incoming JK/K students and those who are new to the district! 
Learn more >>

MIT Spark 2019: Classes (STEM & More) for Middle School Students
Registration is now open for MIT’s popular Spark program for middle school students and will be held March 16 and 17, 2019 on the university’s campus in Cambridge, MA. Spark is an annual event where 7th and 8th-grade students get to take a variety of really interesting classes, including science, technology, engineering, and math, taught by MIT students and community members. Learn more >>

MIT Science Trivia Challenge 
April 17, 2019 | 5:30 - 8:30PM | Broad Institute
Students compete in a fun atmosphere for prizes including dinner with a Nobel Laureate and MIT sweatshirts. Each team member receives a Science Festival string backpack that includes goodies like passes to the MIT Museum, the Museum of Science, and the Discovery Museum, as well as other goodies. A light supper is provided before the competition, during which students have a chance to meet informally with Broad Scientists. For more information or to register a team,visit our website. A nominal fee of $10 covers registration of a team (up to 5 members and up to 5 alternates). Spectators are free, and there is no additional charge for the supper. 

Cambridge Affordable Housing Information Sessions
Learn about the eligibility requirements and application process for the following programs Cambridge Rental and Homeownership Programs: Inclusionary Housing Rental Program for studios, 1BR, 2BR, & 3BR units throughout Cambridge, Homeowner Resale Pool, First-Time Homebuyer Workshop, Downpayment Assistance, and HomeBridge. Open to all. No RSVP Necessary. Learn more >>

Immigration Legal Screening Clinics
3rd Wednesday each month, 5:15-7:15PM
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
617.349.4396; [email protected] 


MABE en Amigos: Tour de la Escuela
El miércoles, 20 de marzo

Desayuno de 3er grado
El viernes, 22 de marzo de 8:40 - 10AM

MABE/New England Dual Language Conference (MABE/Nueva Inglaterra)
El sábado, 23 de marzo de 8AM - 4PM, Nathanael Greene School, Pawtucket, RI.
Presentadores de Amigos: Michael Batt, Carlos Swaby

Mind Matters
El jueves, 28 de marzo de 5:30 - 7:30PM en la biblioteca
Para el cuidado de los niños por favor contacte: Lillian Rater at 617.349.6315

Noche Multicultural
El sábado, 30 de marzo de 4 - 7PM. Por favor traiga su plato favorito de la familia para compartir, habrá deliciosa comida, música, baile, presentaciones y excelente compañía. Póngase en contacto con Ana Realpe lo antes posible si desea crear una mesa que represente a su país de origen o si desea ayudar en el evento.

MABE School Tour at Amigos
Wednesday, March 20

3rd Grade Breakfast
Friday, March 22 from 8:40 - 10AM

MABE/New England Dual Language Conference
Saturday, March 23 from 8AM - 4PM, Nathaneal Greene School, Pawtucket, RI.
Amigos Presenters: Michael Batt, Carlos Swaby

Mind Matters
Thursday, March 28 from 5:30 - 7:30PM in the library
For childcare please contact: Lillian Rater at 617.349.6315

Multicultural Potluck Celebration
Saturday, March 30 from
4 - 7PM. Please bring a favorite family dish to share. There will be delicious food, music, dancing, presentations and excellent company! Please contact Ana Realpe asap if you would like to set up a table representing your country of origin or you would like to help at the event.

Cambridge in Motion's healthy snack suggestion for the week: simple mixed fruit smoothie.

mobile app icons

Stay informed via our FREE mobile app! 
Details >>  

find it

Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge! 

The new guide is now available via Find It Cambridge! Take a look >>



Amigos School
15 Upton Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617.349.6833
Amigos Website
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