KLO Newsletter: March/April 2019
Published on Apr 9, 2019 09:16

KLO Newsletter
  March/April 2019
artist study
Artist Study

During National Women’s Month, Kindergarten explored the work of Sonia Delaunay. She – along with her husband Robert Delaunay and others – cofounded the Orphism art movement, noted for its use of strong colors and geometric shapes. Her work extends to painting, textile design and stage set design. Students painted with circles to create rhythm and movement in their paintings like Delaunay’s.

Multicultural Night is May 2nd
Mark your calendars for our Multicultural Night & Potluck. On the evening of May 2nd we will be opening up the school to celebrate all of the different cultures that make up our community. Families and staff are encouraged bring a favorite dish to share. There will be an art show showcasing work from all grades, hand-on activities, and performances. It’s going to be amazing! The event will be happening from 5:30-7:30PM. We are still looking for performers so if you would like to show-off your musical or dance skills please let me know! ([email protected] or 617.349.4865).  

Save the Date: East Cambridge Clean-up
Each year, East Cambridge & Inman Square have a neighborhood clean-up to celebrate Earth day. This year, it’s on April 27th. It’s a very relaxed day...first we meet-up in the morning for coffee and munchkins at various spots throughout the neighborhood (including K-Lo). Then, we spend the rest morning doing outside clean-up work and beautification. Everyone wraps up the day at Kennedy-Longfellow where we have free pizza and hang out. It’s a nice way to meet your neighbors and give back to the community. You can sign-up for a location here >>

Message from the Family Liaison
We’re heading into Spring! The staff is busy planning all of our Spring and end of the year events. We’re looking forward to our Multicultural Night and our transition activities. Don’t forget that this is the time of the of year to be planning for summer. If you wait until the last minute you could miss out. Check out FindIt Cambridge for resources: www.finditcambridge.org/. You can also contact me for ideas: [email protected] or 617.349.4865. Please let me know if I can help you out in any way!

Friends of K-Lo
Spring has been very busy for the Friends of K-Lo!
– Right at the beginning of March the Friends Of coordinated a skating party at the Kendall Square Community Ice Skating Rink. Our generous sponsors, Biomed Realty, provided free admission, skate rental and pizza for Kennedy-Longfellow families. It was great!
– We also reached our $100 goal for Spring BoxTop collections, earning us a schoolwide pajama day on the Friday before school vacation, April 12th. Great job meeting our goal, everybody!
– The Friends Of also did our first round Spirit Wear sales! We sold 78 short or long sleeved t-shirts and sweatshirts. Orders should be coming in right before April break.
– Our Movie Night on April 5th was hosted by the 4th grade! They helped the Friends Of to fund an in-house field trip.

Garden Update
garden experimentSpring is here - the Spring Equinox was on March 20! Classes have been busy even with the March snow. Here is some of what we have been doing. Ms. Murphy's class harvested, seasoned and stir-fried our very last crop of the season: Brussels sprouts. They ate them like candy! Ms. Barros' class transplanted their garlic to bigger containers as shoots grew taller and roots grew longer. Ms. Carvallo's class started an indoor garden that we will transplant in the spring. Ms. Hanna's class observed the characteristics of a worm habitat and reproduced it. They now have their own bin. Ms. Freitas' class is currently caring for the KLo worm bin. They are running an experiment to see if those tiny translucent balls are worm eggs. Marigolds and cosmos are starting indoors!

Pennies for Patients
Our fabulous 5th graders sponsored a Pennies For Patients drive for the Lukemia & Lymphoma Society. All our classrooms participated and our students raised $1,940.36 which was over TWICE our goal!! 13 classes raised over $50...the classes that earned the most were:
pennies graphic208: $490.77
102: $271.16
209: $203.04
105: $101.16

Thanks so much to all of our generous families and friends that donated to this great cause, and a special thanks to 5th grade!!

Playworks, the non-profit that provides us with organized games at recess, has been training some of our 4th and 5th graders to be Junior Coaches (JCs). It’s a great opportunity to step up and be a leader, and it’s fun! Hear more >>  

library pics
K-Lo Library News
Many people think that all we do in the library is check books in and out, but there is a lot more that goes on here! Here are some highlights >>

Math Corner
Time Magazine has a great article about attitudes about Math learning. It reinforces moving away from saying, “I’m not a math person.” It also discusses the importance of supporting students with different learning styles. Here is the link >>

service learning
Service Learning
Once again, a group of amazing volunteers from our community partner, PegaSystems, came to K-Lo help our 2nd graders do a Service Learning project. The students brainstormed ideas with their volunteers and voted on projects. 204 focused on the dangers of adults being distracted by cell phones in the Cambridge community, and 203 focused on keeping the school’s bathrooms clean and graffiti free. In addition to creating informational posters, 203 made a video PSA and 204 is working with the Cambridge Police to get the word out. It’s a great partnership and an amazing group process. Keep an eye out for their work!

Celebrating School Breakfast Week
To encourage more families to take advantage of the healthy choices available for school breakfast, Cambridge Public Schools celebrated National School Breakfast Week during March 4th-8th. They did this with a “Wheel Your Way” campaign that featured fancy breakfast each day. On Tuesday it was “pancakes for parents” and parents were encouraged to join their kids. We had two special guests, Mayor Marc McGovern (who came in to have breakfast with his kids) and Superintendent Kenneth Salim! It was really fun. You can learn more about the whole week here >>

witch hazel
In Our Community and District

All City Music – Spring Concert
Featuring middle school students from across CPS
Wednesday, April 10 | 7PM
Fitzgerald Theatre, CRLS, 459 Broadway
Free admission

Young Artists:
Artwork by Cambridge Public School Students

Show runs: April 8-26
Gallery Reception (works by high school students):
Wednesday, April 10 | 4-7PM
Multicultural Arts Center, 41 Second St., Cambridge
Join us for a showcase of artwork by talented young Cambridge artists in grades K-12 featuring a wide range of artwork - from painting, drawing, photography, digital work, collage, and more!

Scratch Night @ CPS!
May 16 | 5:30-7:30PM
CRLS, 459 Broadway
All CPS students and families are invited!
Details >>

Free Markets
Check out any one of these FREE Markets that are held throughout the City of Cambridge. All you need is a grocery bag! View the flyer >>

Book Talk!
April 30 | 6-7:30PM
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School
Learn more >>

Cambridge Affordable Housing Information Sessions
Learn about the eligibility requirements and application process for the following programs Cambridge Rental and Homeownership Programs: Inclusionary Housing Rental Program for studios, 1BR, 2BR, & 3BR units throughout Cambridge, Homeowner Resale Pool, First-Time Homebuyer Workshop, Downpayment Assistance, and HomeBridge. Open to all. No RSVP Necessary. Learn more >>

Immigration Legal Screening Clinics
3rd Wednesday each month, 5:15-7:15PM
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
617.349.4396; [email protected]  

let's connect

Let's Connect! 
Stay in the loop by joining our social media communities.
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District Social Media >>  

April 10 | 5:30-6:30PM
School Council

April 12
Pajama Day

April 15-19
No School: Spring Vacation

April 23 | 8-9AM
Parent Coffee

April 24 | 2:30-4PM
K-Lo Market

May 2 | 5:30-7:30PM
Multicultural Night

May 8 | 5:30-6:30PM
School Council

May 15
Early Release Day

kids in library

We want to hear from you!
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For most of the year, our amazing parent volunteer, Carrie Jung, has been picking up the Weekend Backpack food at Cambridge Rindge and Latin on Friday mornings and bringing it to K-Lo. She is no longer able to do this and we need a new volunteer. It is an essential position! If you have a car that can fit a few large bins in the back, and you are free Friday mornings before drop off time, please let me know ([email protected] or 617.349.4865). And a special thanks to Carrie for doing this job most of the year!

The last week of March was K-Lo School Spirit week! On Monday, each grade wore a different color of the rainbow; Tuesday was Twin Day; Wednesday was Superhero Style day; Thursday was Sports Day; and Friday was Pajama Day! Classrooms also decorated classroom doors for a contest. All the kids and teachers had a lot of fun with it! Thank you to Chris Burke, 5th grade teacher, and Rolanda Prophete, School Social Worker, for putting it all together!

mobile app icons

Stay informed via our FREE mobile app! 
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This handy guide is available via Find It Cambridge! Take a look >>

CIM logo

Cambridge in Motion's healthy snack suggestion for the week is corn chips, salsa, and avocado slices.

find it

Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge! 


Kennedy-Longfellow School
158 Spring St.
Cambridge, MA 02141

Fax: 617.349.3242
KLO Website


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