Update from Rindge Avenue Upper School | September 17, 2019
Published on Sep 17, 2019 10:41

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September 17, 2019

Back to School Night:
Thursday, September 26 | 6-8PM

(NOTE: this is a revised date to accommodate a schedule conflict with CRLS Curriculum Night.)

Please join us for Back to School Night, when we gather as a community that works together to support all our students. We hope to see all of you there! Students are welcome for dinner, then the gym will be open if they do not want to join you on the classroom visits.

Goals for the Evening:
–Build relationships and sense of community
–Strengthen school-family partnership by hearing from each family:
what you need from the school to be a strong partner in your student’s learning; your hopes for your students as well as your fears.
–Make sure families leave the evening with a concrete way to support their student’s learning.

Schedule for the Night:
–6-6:30PM: Pasta and salad in the cafeteria--Connect with grade level families and staff; community partners will be there with information as well.
–6:30-6:50PM: Whole community meeting in the cafeteria.
–7-8PM: Grade level meetings in classrooms

Child Care/Student Attendance:
–If you would like child care for younger siblings (ages 3-10), please let Taraneh Ahmadi know by Friday, September 20th ([email protected] or 617.349.4060 x2041).
–Middle school students are welcome to attend. They will be expected to stay with their family in the cafeteria for our first hour together. Starting at 7PM, we will open the gym to children age 10 and above. We will provide adult supervision. Of course they are welcome to accompany their family to the grade level meetings. They must stay with their family for safety reasons.

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bulletin board
Photo: 7th Grade Advisory Connections

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Aiming High at RAUC

For families new to RAUC, you may have noticed Aim High classes in your student’s schedule The Aim High block is an intentional program within our school day to provide access, supports, and extensions so all students are adequately challenged to reach their fullest potential.

Learn more >>

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RAUC After School Clubs Start Oct. 1st

We are pleased to offer RAUC Club and Sports for our students. The Fall season will begin on Tuesday, October 1st and end on Thursday, November 21st.

Learn more >>

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twitter notes
Photo: 8th Grade Twitter Advice to Teachers

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If You Missed It, Here are Some Q&As from Last Friday's Lively and Lovely Coffee with the Principal

How do I know who my student’s advisor is and how do I contact them?
All advisors are listed in your student’s schedule that you can find on Aspen. All teachers can be contacted using first initial+last [email protected] (ie, [email protected] for Head of School Julie Craven)

What is the role of the advisor?
The advisor is a great person to reach out to if you have any overall concerns or wonderings about your student’s overall well-being at school. Moving forward, one goal we have this year is to work to solidify a more specific shared understanding of that role for future years.

Who do I talk to if I have a concern about my student?
– If it is a question about a class (either an academic concern or a concern about behavior), we encourage you to first support your student in going to the teacher themselves. We all want to build student independence and agency. That said, it doesn’t hurt to send the teacher an email letting them know, so they can meet your student half way.
–Next step is to reach out to the teacher yourself. Email is easiest but you can also call the office and leave a message. We encourage families to share what your student has told you AND also to ask if there is anything the teacher can add. Usually there is more to any story, and our goal is to help all of us have the fullest understanding we can.
–If you are still finding yourself concerned, then that is a good time to reach out to Ms. Boadu, our guidance counselor, or Ms. Craven or Ms. Sanchez.
–Of course, if it is a question of emotional or physical safety, please reach out to Ms. Sanchez and Ms. Craven as soon as possible in whatever way works best for you! We take student safety very seriously.
–Ms. Boadu is always a great person to reach out to if you have deeper concerns about your student’s emotional well-being.

Parent/caregiver to parent/caregiver tip: Some people print out their grade level learning previews for the month and use them as conversation starters with their student over the course of the month!

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RAUC Position on Friday's Youth Climate Strike

Some families and students have asked us if we are doing anything as a school in support of this activism by young people. As a public school, we cannot take a stance on political activities. That said, we are proud of our students when they want to get involved with actions that they believe will make their world a better and safer place. Families just need to follow normal dismissal procedures if they plan to take their student to any activities of the day. We cannot allow any middle school student to leave the building without being accompanied by a parent or guardian or a responsible adult that they have written permission to be with. If your student has more questions, please encourage them to reach out to Ms. Craven, who is happy to talk their ideas and wonderings through with them.

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Join the Party! An Invitation from Families of RAUC (FRAUC)

Our BIG fundraiser of the year is our annual benefit party – our Gala! This year it will take place on Saturday, October 26th from 6 to 10PM on the MIT Campus. Please mark your calendars and be on the lookout for ticket sales and more information. We hope this will be an event the whole parent/caregiver community will attend! Funds raised at this event support community trips for all grades AND ensure that the 8th grade DC trip can continue in future years. If you can donate something or would like to join the Gala committee, please email Gala co-chair Ellen Van Bever ([email protected]). We look forward to spending a great evening together on October 26th. Thank you!
– The FRAUC Gala Committee

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8th Grade Learning Previews

See what's happening in the 8th grade classrooms this week!

Learn more >> 

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Out of School Opportunities

*All flyers and registration forms are available at RAUC. Students or families can contact Justin McNulty: [email protected]

Hockey Night in Cambridge (see flyer)
When: Thursday, September 19
Where: Ahern Park
Time: 5:30- 8:30PM
Ages: All Ages
Cost: Free
Contact: www.CambridgeYouthHockey.org

Fall Youth Wrestling (see flyer)
When: Saturdays, September 21 - November 16
Where: War Memorial Building, 1640 Cambridge Street
Time: 2:30-4:30PM
Ages: 9-14
Cost: Free
Contact: [email protected] 617.230.6368

Cambridge Sea Dawgs Tryouts (see flyer)
When: Friday, September 20th
Where: War Memorial Building, 1640 Cambridge Street
Time: 5:15-7:15PM
Ages: 5-18
Cost: Free
Contact: [email protected] 617/349.6279

Maud Morgan Arts (see flyer)
When: 10 Tuesdays, September 17 – November 19, 2019
Where: Agassiz Baldwin Community 20A Sacramento Street
Time: 3:30 – 5:30PM
Grades: 6 – 8
Cost: $275 + $50 materials/ Scholarships are available
Contact: [email protected]

Brunch & Ball Program (see flyer and application)
When: Begins September 21st
Where: Moses Youth Center, 243 Harvard Street, Cambridge
Time: 1PM
Ages: Teens
Contact: Reggie Perry, 617.501.7541

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RAUC Events & Announcements

Mark Your Calendars:

Back to School Night
Note NEW Date!
September 26 | 6-8PM
–Community dinner starts at 6PM in the cafeteria
–Whole community greetings and information at 6:30PM
–Grade level events starting at 7PM 

8th Grade Families DC Meeting

October 2 | 6PM
In the auditorium (more info to follow)

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RAUC calendar >>
RAUC important dates (printable) >>
CPS district calendar >>

Weekend Backpack Program
Weekend bags start going out on October 4th. Opt-in forms were sent electronically to families via Aspen. If you’d like a hard copy of the form, please email Taraneh Ahmadi ([email protected]) and we will send one home. The sooner you let us know about your intent to participate, the sooner you will start receiving bags of nutritious food for the weekend.

Peabody/RAUC Free Market THIS Thursday
The free market returns to the school cafeteria THIS Thursday, September 19. The market opens at 3:10 PM and ends around 4. Please bring your own bags! This market is free and open to ANYONE interested in ‘shopping’ for a variety of food items. Features this week, we have salad mix, sweet peppers, onion, eggplant, lettuce, celery, cauliflower, rainbow carrots, Broccoli, beets, bananas, eggs, chicken drumsticks, canned tuna, milk, brown rice, baked beans, applesauce, oil, cereal, Peanut butter. We are also looking for volunteers to help set-up, work the markets and clean-up. If this is something you are interested in, please sign up here.

Know Your Rights!
In 2019, the Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF) Campaign is dedicated to providing more community-facing materials on public charge to help better equip immigrants with what they need to know to make the best decision for themselves and for their families. “Public charge” or the “public charge test” is used by immigration officials to decide whether a person can enter the U.S. or get a green card (Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status). Resources in languages other than English are available here. Information on nonprofit organizations that provide free or low-cost immigration legal services are available here.

In Our District & Community

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Looking for things to do in Cambridge? See below for a few ideas. For a full list, take a look at Find It Cambridge! 
Find It Cambridge >> 

Claiming Our Seats...
A Kitchen Table Dialogue on Women's Voting Rights

September 25 | 6-8:30PM
Cambridge Public Library
Details >>
Immigration Legal Clinics (FREE!)
3rd Wednesday each month
90 Third Street, Cambridge
Details >>

Affordable Housing
Find out about affordable rental and homeownership in Cambridge.
Details >>

Cambridge in Motion's 
Healthy Snack of the Week

Strawberry & nut/seed butter roll-up on a small whole wheat wrap!
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Rindge Avenue Upper School
70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
rindgeavenue.cpsd.us  •  617.349.4060
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