King Open Parent/Caregiver Information Guide: December 2019
Published on Dec 6, 2019 13:29

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December 2019

Olá Community Service 

students and seniorsOn November 14th the Grade 5 Olá students began a community service project. Twice a month the class will be volunteering at the MAPS Senior Center. Through this project we are hoping to build inter-generational relationships, exchange knowledge and expertise with people from other countries, give to our community and use our Portuguese speaking skills in an authentic way. This week students and seniors introduced themselves and told each other a little bit about their lives. During our next visit, the seniors will be teaching the children a game from their childhood. The students and seniors alike were very excited to begin this project and are brimming with ideas for future activities. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months.

Photo: Students and seniors listening to short introductions at the MAPS Senior Center.

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Learning in the Tech Space

tech spaceWe are so fortunate to have our own tech space! Students in grades 4 and 5 have spent time learning about digital responsibility. We have discussed ways to stay safe online. Important to remember: Do not share personal information like your name, address, phone number, birthday and account passwords. Also, if we see anything that is inappropriate, we should tell an adult. Students enjoyed playing the online game Interland which is a fun way to practice our new digital responsibility skills. Pixel Art was another project that we worked on in November. Using a spreadsheet to represent pixels, we used coded colors to create art.

Grade five Olá students created Biography projects using Google Slides. Students interviewed people and included pictures and other important details about them in their presentations.

Third graders have been busy working on Typing Club, Reflex Math and some online tools like Plimoth Plantation. In addition, grade 3 Olá students created Portuguese dialogue comics using Google Drawings.

We are looking forward to Computer Science Education Week, December 9-15. We will be participating in the Hour of Code and using online block coding tools.

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4th Grade Family Breakfast 

breakfastOn November 7, 4th grade students in Ms. Laura and Ms. Tawnie’s class had their first family breakfast! In efforts to integrate ELA and math, students had to create directions for math games, and show their families how to use these games at our first Family Breakfast! Students had to use sequencing skills, write in full sentences, and express themselves clearly to ensure others would be able to understand the game. Pictures show students from Laura’s class playing the games with their families. Additionally, students in Tawnie’s class wrote their own concrete poems and hosted a gallery walk for families to enjoy. 

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4th & 5th Graders Write About Our Experiences 

students and artworkFourth and fifth graders in Sally, Nancy, and Sarah’s class wrote about our afternoon of apple cider pressing (with our Olá friends!) using transitional phrases and descriptive language. Thanks to the fabulous City Sprouts team, we’ve gotten excited about writing by describing our own unique experiences!

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Clothing & Gift Card Drive 

It is that time of the year when I want to ask for your help and support so that together we can make a small difference in the lives of many friends in need within our own King Open community. In the past few years we were able to pass along your generous donations of food, clothing and gift cards to grocery stores for many KO families. I would love to continue this great tradition. This is one of many important ways to help others during this holiday season.

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Looking for Winter or Holiday Events? 

find it winter logoCheck out Find It Cambridge for all the best events this December!

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King Open Events & Reminders


December 11 - FOKO Meeting - 8:30-9:30AM in the KO Conference Room

December 13 - Kindergarten Nature in the City Breakfast - 8:15-9:15AM

December 13 - Grade 3 Family Breakfast - 8:30-9:30AM

December 18 - School Council & Community Meeting - 6-7:30PM in the Music Room

December 21 - Gift Wrapping at Henry Bear’s Park

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Gift-Wrapping Benefit for Friends of King Open: 12/21
Every year, Henry Bear’s Park, a toy store in Porter Square, generously invites the Friends of King Open (FOKO) to host a gift-wrapping station. For a donation to FOKO, Henry Bear’s customers can get their gifts wrapped and then the store matches the donations. It’s a fun and festive way to raise money for field trips, extra supplies, and all the other wonderful things that FOKO supports! Consider volunteering for a gift-wrapping shift on Saturday, 12/21.
Sign up here:
OR just come by, buy some toys, and get your gifts wrapped!

Any questions, ask Sarah Morris (mom of a KO 4th grader): [email protected] or 617.230.0252

In Our District & Community

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Looking for things to do in Cambridge? 
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Participatory Budgeting: Vote by December 8th!

Are you a Cambridge resident who is 12 years of age or older? Then you're eligible to vote in the City of Cambridge's Participatory Budgeting.
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Immigration Legal Clinics (FREE!)

3rd Wednesday each month
90 Third Street, Cambridge
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Affordable Housing Opportunity!
Finch Cambridge is accepting application for apartment rentals. The application period is until December 15, 2019. 
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Affordable Housing
Find out about affordable rental and homeownership in Cambridge.
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Did You Know There Are Free Markets Around the City?
So much fresh produce as well as grocery items are available to you. All you need to do is bring your own bag!
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