Tobin Weekly: December 13, 2019
Published on Dec 13, 2019 11:28

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December 13, 2019

dance class photos
Let's Dance! 

Children’s House classes, 282 and 286, got a chance to try a dance class on the stage last Monday with Tobin parent, Carrie Voiland. Students moved their bodies in new ways, made shapes, explored rhythm, used their bodies to tell stories, and challenged themselves to leap high! Next week they’ll get a chance to learn, rehearse, and casually perform a snippet from The Nutcracker. Keep your eyes peeled for more photos!

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CS Ed Week & Hour of Code 

hour of code photoComputer Science Education Week (month) is in full swing at Tobin! Check out this kick-off video of students and staff doing Hour of Code.

Hour of Code is inspiring students to learn computer code languages! Links to coding videos and websites are on our library webpage. Ask your children to show you what they learned this week!

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weekend backpack
Weekend Backpack Program 

The Weekend Backpack Program – that started here at the Tobin, thanks to Alanna Mallon, former Tobin parent – is run entirely by volunteers. This program sends home healthy snacks/lunches for several of our students to enjoy over the weekend. Volunteers unload the food trucks at CRLS on Thursday afternoons and sort the food needed for each school. Christine Mastel, Tobin parent, picks up Tobin food every Friday morning and drives it back to school. The waiting volunteers are a "fine oiled machine" getting the bags ready for our students to take home. The bags are then distributed to the students by the office staff. It takes a team to have this program run a smoothly as it does.

If you would like to find out more about this program or would like to volunteer, please contact Mary at [email protected].

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orienteering photoAll Lower El PE classes have been learning navigational skills through an orienteering unit. Students matched a list of animals with electronic cards and scanners on cones spread out through the gym (and outside on the fields in later classes!) They also learned how to orient a map of colored spots and cones.

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Tobin Market 

radishesThe Tobin Market served 121 families this week!

The next one is on January 7th. You should stop by and check it out. All you need to do is bring your own bag!

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Looking for Winter or Holiday Events? 

find it winter logoCheck out Find It Cambridge for all the best events this December!

Winter Events >>
Holiday Happenings >>

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Tobin Events & Reminders


Tuesday, December 17
Upper Elementary Poetry Celebration
Note the new date!

Friday, December 20
Pajama Day
It's NEXT Friday!!! There's no better way to kick off school vacation than to wear your favorite pajamas to school!!!

Friday, December 20
Last Day of School
Before Holiday Break
Full day; 1:55PM dismissal; classes resume on Thursday, January 2nd

Tuesday, January 7 | 1:30PM
Tobin Free Market

Friday, January 10 | 8AM
Friends of Tobin Meeting
Note the date change

Tobin & CPS Calendars
Tobin calendar >>
District calendar (pdf) >> 

District calendar >>


Quote of the Week 
from 365 Days of Wonder

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
-C.S. Lewis

Adult Size Backpacks Needed!
Do you have a clean, gently used adult size backpack you no longer need? We could use them when a class goes on a field trip. Please send the backpack in with your child with a note attached or drop it off in the office. Thank you!

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo
Looking for things to do in Cambridge? See below for a few ideas. For a full list, take a look at  Find It Cambridge! 
Find It Cambridge >> 

Immigration Legal Clinics (FREE!)
3rd Wednesday each month
90 Third Street, Cambridge
Details >>

Affordable Housing
Find out about affordable rental and homeownership in Cambridge.
Details >>

Did You Know There Are Free Markets Around the City?
So much fresh produce as well as grocery items are available to you. All you need to do is bring your own bag!
Details >>
December 13 & 14 | 7PM
Fitzgerald Theatre at CRLS
Details >>

CRLS Winter Concert
December 19 | 7PM
Fitzgerald Theatre at CRLS
Details >>

Affordable Housing Opportunity!
Finch Cambridge is accepting application for apartment rentals. The application period is until December 15, 2019. 
Details >>

Cambridge in Motion's 
Healthy Snack of the Week

Turkey Roll: roll up turkey slice with cheese slice & serve with carrots!
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Tobin Montessori School
197 Vassal Lane, Cambridge, MA 02138  •  617.349.6600
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