Nutrition Bites Newsletter: December 2019
Published on Dec 20, 2019 12:20

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December 2019

Snow day like the First Snow..and second…and it’s only December?!

Hi folks,

Half the school year is over! With the new year around the corner, we want to thank you for ALL the hard work you’ve put since late August. We’ve had trials and tribulations, have gone through some ups and downs, and have made it to Winter Break! One word comes to mind when I think about this past year: transition. Let this metamorphosis of change help our department become better every day.

We hope this break gives you newfound motivation, continuous joy, and mindful relaxation for the upcoming school year. Spend quality time with your loved ones, indulge in some self care, and come back in January, rejuvenated and ready for another great semester!

Happy Holidays to all!

Your friendly neighborhood dietitian,

Shennie Quintanilla

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Substitutes Needed! Apply Over Break!

staffGreat news! We are well into the school year and have filled many open positions with substitutes over the past few months. Due to this change, our substitute list has dwindled over the course of the semester. :( We are working on union guidelines to provide appropriate incentives. With that in mind, any present provisional employee that refers a cashier applicant who applies online and is hired in the new school year will WIN a morning of prep work at their school with the one, the only, Assistant Director Anthony Grein!

If you are interested in working extra hours in addition to your regular shift hours, give Anthony a call so he can make sure you are in the rotation. Have a friend or know someone who may be interested?

Follow the link to apply online >>

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Frost-Kissed Carrots!

carrotsFMA & Tobin had the delicious chance to taste frost-kissed carrots in the classroom, and in the cafeteria! Carrot Day 2019 was celebrated at these two schools in November. Carrots were harvested from Flats Mentor Farm in Lancaster, MA and Citysprouts gardens. More info on Carrot Day >>

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Non-District Afterschool Hours Work Opportunity

The Community Art Center in Cambridge seeks a Cook, Monday through Friday, 2pm-6pm, with additional hours for food purchases, kitchen cleaning, and summer hours. The Art Center also seeks substitute cooks. If interested and for more details on duties and responsibilities, please contact Allyson Frick at [email protected].

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December Birthdays!

elfHappy Birthday to our staff members this month! Cheers to each of you, and we hope you have an amazing birthday!

Pat Griffith (CRLS) - December 1st
Nancy Brothers (FMA) - December 5th
Laurie Haddock (BAL) - December 16th

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Got Anything to Share?

Do you have pictures or a story you want to share from your kitchen in the newsletter? Email Shennie at [email protected]!

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