MLK Newsletter: March 2020
Published on Mar 6, 2020 10:32

Here's the latest news from Dr. MLK, Jr...      View newsletter in browser >>

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March 2020

COVID-19 Preparedness

The safety and health of our students, families, and community is our highest priority. No cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) have been identified within our schools, and we will keep you informed of any changes and key updates. In the meantime, CPS is posting updates around the clock on our new coronavirus website. Please take a moment to learn how we are preparing, and what you can do to help >>

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Cheers to MLK Alum

MLK alum, Greggy Bazile is a semi finalist in The Vacant Storefront Creative Design Contest, a partnership between the Community Development Department and Cambridge Arts. This partnership aims to energize Cambridge neighborhoods by filling empty store windows with reproductions of locally made art. Over 400 original art works were submitted to the contest by artists of all ages. Five finalists will be selected through public vote to have their artwork displayed in vacant ground-floor storefronts throughout the city. Winning artists will receive a one-time honorarium of $1,000. See the entries >>

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From the Nurse

TeethFebruary was Dental Health Month. The Cambridge Healthy Smiles program is launching a Water Bottle Classroom Initiative this month. Students in Grades 1 and 3 received a personal water bottle to use at school. The Charles Bullock Fund which supports the oral health needs of school aged children in Cambridge provides these reusable water bottles

The annual screenings for vision, hearing, and posture (Gr. 5 only) have been completed. If your child was referred for further evaluation, please return the doctor's report to school or contact Nurse Rollins after your child's follow up appointment.

Physicals are requested for all students in Gr. 4. Please submit a copy of your child's 2019-20 physical to the School Health Office.

Pants needed: Gently used bottoms size 6, 8, 10 needed in the School Health Office.

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From the Garden

PlantsWinter gardening has been going on strong as ever with indoor planting and engineering projects! A kindergarten class growing beans in the window identified the problem of the plants getting too tall to stand up. As a solution, we learned about garden trellises and built one out of popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners. Fourth grade has been working on designing indoor gardens using recycled bottles. Their challenge was to use at least two bottles to grow multiple plants in a window-facing garden while keeping drainage in mind. Check out their designs >>

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What’s New in Technology at MLK?

In Library & Technology, 5th graders are diving deep into our Media Literacy unit. This curriculum is designed to help students understand the role of media in society and to build the essential skills of inquiry and critical thinking. We have been exploring the concept of media: What is it? Where is it? Who creates it? How does it affect me? In addition to the conceptual learning, students will learn basic production skills like storyboarding/script writing, shot composition, camera movement, editing, and more. Currently we are learning about the power of advertising. Students will be producing their own commercials using advertiser's persuasion techniques. It would be great if you could help your child identify ways that marketing and commercialism are present in our daily life. Ms. Varney and Ms. Rosenberg are very excited to share the final productions. Feel free to email with any questions.

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MLK Friends Family Dance  

March 13, 2020 | 6 - 8PM
Please RSVP for the dance to help us plan the event and inform you of updates. RSVP >>

  • Please bring your water bottles so we can reduce our use of paper/plastic cups
  • Bring your camera for the photo booth.
  • We welcome families to bring a board game in case people want to take a break from dancing
  • We are working on getting a second food truck to come to the event to reduce wait times
  • Bring your soft-soled dancing shoes

Hope to see you there!

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Thank You  

A super THANK YOU to all of the families who donated to our school wide
community outreach project! We donated over 70 bags of clothing and diapers to the folks at Hildebrand Family Self-Help Center. What a fabulously generous community.

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is ‘what are you doing for others?’ – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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2020 Family Survey Available Online

Many of you filled out the Cambridge Public School Family Survey last year to help us learn more about your experiences with the Cambridge Public Schools. Thank you! The Family Survey for 2020 is now available in over 10 languages. We invite you to please fill it out at your earliest convenience. Your feedback will contribute to our ongoing efforts to learn, improve, and support better outcomes for all students. 

Fill out the survey online and find more information >>

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Happy National Nutrition Month!

eat rightDid you know that students who eat breakfast may see increases in their concentration and test scores? Students who regularly eat breakfast also have fewer behavioral issues in the classroom and fewer tardy days. Cambridge schools offer FREE complete breakfast (i.e., a hot meal, fruit and milk) to all students. Maybe it’s time your family gave it a try? Find school menus here >>

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nsbw graphicSchool Breakfast Week & World Food Taste Party

Food & Nutrition Services invites you to join us in celebrating National School Breakfast Week March 2nd - 6th, with an Out of This Country theme. Our theme coincides with World Language Week, in which kitchens will be featuring cultural dishes from around the world at lunch. 

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Last Day of School
The last day of school with one snow day in CPS will be Wednesday, June 17. As in the past, the last day of school will be an early release day for all grades. We apologize for any confusion caused by discrepancies between published version of our calendars, and hope this clarification will be helpful to you.

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CPS Announces Halal Options for Student Meals

Halal LunchIn keeping with our commitment to equity, access and inclusion, Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) seeks to provide access to a variety of healthy food options that equitably address the needs of all students. We are excited to announce that beginning in February 2020, CPS will offer menu items that include Halal-certified chicken to our students. 


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BEB Building Equity Bridges 

Want to know more about some of the equity work going on in the district? Click here to learn about the BEB Building Equity Bridges work. What is equity? We believe equity is also different from “equality,” in which everyone has the same amount of something (food, medicine, opportunity) despite their existing needs or assets. In other words, whether you are two feet tall or six, you still get a five-foot ladder to reach a 10-foot platform.

So if equity is not diversity, inclusion, or equality, then what is it? It describes something deeper and more complex. It is about each of us getting what we need to survive or succeed—access to opportunity, networks, resources, and supports—based on where we are and where we want to go. Nonet Sykes, director of race equity and inclusion at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, thinks of it as each of us reaching our full potential.

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Dr. MLK, Jr. Events & Reminders


March 6 | 3:30 - 4:30PM

MLK/PAUS Open Market
Line up early. Come and shop for free.

March 9 | 6 - 8PM
5th Grade Ballroom Dance
CRLS War Memorial Gym

March 10 | 8 - 9AM
Friends MLK monthly Meeting

March 12 | 8:15 - 9AM
Literacy Coffee

March 13 | 6 - 8PM
Family Dance
RSVP requested + volunteers needed

March 16 - 18 | 8AM - 4PM
Book Fair 
*On the 18th fair is open until 7PM
Volunteer >>
The book fair will be open to classrooms during the day, and we will have extended hours on March 18 during parent-teacher conferences.
See the flyer in your child's backpack for more information.

MLK & CPS Calendars
MLK calendar >>
District calendar (pdf) >> 

District calendar >>

March 18
Parent Conferences
Look out for communication from your classroom teachers.

April 1 | 8 - 9AM

School Council: Chinese

April 3 | 3:30 - 4:30PM
MLK/PAUS Market 
Line up early & Shop for Free

April 10
No School: Good Friday

April 14 | 8 - 9AM
Friends of MLK Meeting

April 15 | 5:30 - 7:30PM
All School Art Show 

April 20 - 24

No School: Spring Break

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo
Looking for things to do in Cambridge? See below for a few ideas. For a full list, take a look at  Find It Cambridge! 
Find It Cambridge >> 

Books for Bingo at Morse School (all Cambridge families welcome)
Please join in the fun on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Families play the game of Bingo – answering questions about children’s books/authors and creating specific patterns and when all the boxes are crossed off in the pattern BINGO is called. Every child leaves with at least 1 new book! 
Details >>

CPS Budget Meetings
–Presentation of the
2021 Proposed Budget:

Thursday, March 12 | 6PM
–Public Hearing on the
2021 Proposed Budget:

Tuesday, March 17 | 6PM

March 14 & 15
For one awesome weekend every March, join over a thousand middle schoolers to take classes at MIT on anything and everything!
Details >>

Free Membership and Family Events at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA)
In celebration of its 150 birthday, the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) is offering free memberships for new members in 2020. If you attend a free MFA Community Celebration, you can visit a membership desk for a free one-year membership. Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115; 617.267.9300 
Free MFA Community Celebrations in 2020: March 18: Nowruz (free 4 - 10 PM). May 25: Memorial Day (free all day). June 17: Juneteenth (free 4 - 10 PM). Check the MFA website for details. While at the MFA, check out the new exhibit: Black Histories, Black Futures. The exhibit was curated through a partnership with local youth empowerment organizations.

Dig It! 2020 CitySprouts 
Gala/Silent Auction
April 2
Join CitySprouts for a night of food, fun, and fundraising as we celebrate CitySprouts' 19th year.
Details >> 

Invention Convention!
April 25 | 3:30-5:30PM
Fletcher Maynard Academy
This is fun and FREE workshop on inventing, designed for kids in grades K-8! Hosted by the Lemelson-MIT group.
Details >>

Open Spots in Exciting Maud Morgan Arts Spring Classes!!
Maud Morgan offers scholarships based on income up to 100%, students receiving free/reduced lunch automatically receive a 100% scholarship. Scholarships can be applied to more than one class. Contact Lauren to find out which classes have openings at [email protected]
Details >>

It’s time to register for summer camp! 
Deadline: Thursday, March 19, 2020
To apply for camp, families must submit the King Kids Camp Session Preference Form and the DHSP Registration Form. 
Details: Email Us

Celebrate Earth Day and Meet Other Families in our School Triad
We invite you to celebrate Earth Day by "acting locally" on Saturday, April 25 from 9AM - 12:30PM. We welcome people to come for any part of the event - We would love to meet all of you! This event is hosted by MLK Friends, the parent group for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr School. I've attended this event for the past several years and it is very fun! 

The Mind Matters: Families Make a Difference
A 10-session workshop for parents with children ages 3–8 providing educational resources & community support. To Register: Click hereFor more information, please contact Debbie Bonilla at 617.349.6492 or Email DebbieFlyer >>

The 2020 US Census
 is fast approaching and we want to make sure everyone in Cambridge is counted! Learn more about why the 2020 Census is so important, what you need to do, access materials, and more online. Want to help get the word out in Cambridge? Apply to be a part-time Census Outreach Worker to help the City and your community online.

Cambridge Works
Cambridge Works is currently recruiting for our 24th cycle of the program which will be starting this coming March. This 3-month employment and training program offers a paid internship, professional development classes and case management. If you know any Cambridge residents ages 18 - 35 without a college degree, out of work or with limited/no work experience, please have them contact us. Please think of anyone, family members, neighbors, friends, acquaintances anyone you know who may need help with employment.
Details >>

Looking for more events in Cambridge?
Title I calendar >>

Cambridge Girls Soccer
Ages 5-14
No experience necessary
Details >>  

Cambridge in Motion's 
Healthy Snack of the Week

Scrambled egg rolled up in a small whole grain wrap with salsa!

Did You Know There Are Free Markets Around the City?
So much fresh produce as well as grocery items are available to you. All you need to do is bring your own bag!
Details >>

Immigration Legal Clinics (FREE!)
3rd Wednesday each month
90 Third Street, Cambridge
Details >>

Affordable Housing
Open House & Fair

April 25 | 11AM-2PM
Details >>

Affordable Housing
Find out about affordable rental and homeownership in Cambridge.
Details >>
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Dr. MLK, Jr. School
102 Putnam Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139  •  617.349.6562
CPS Mobile App >>
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