Cambridge Street Upper School | Sunday Rundown | May 17, 2020
Published on May 17, 2020 18:03

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Sunday Rundown
May 17, 2020

Message from Manuel J. Fernandez
and Christen Sohn

Good evening CSUS caregivers and scholars,

We hope everyone had a good week and weekend, and that you were able to enjoy a bit of the outdoors, even if only from a balcony or wide open window. While the sunshine can be a balm for our cooped-up selves, it is also a reminder of the many end of year celebrations we typically look forward to as this time of year rolls around. We, like you, are awaiting many updates and answers that will help us shape year-end and summertime events for scholars. What we can promise is that we will do all we can to ensure our scholars are offered thoughtful, meaningful experiences to every degree that it is possible.

In past letters, we’ve used a “Q&A’ - type format to respond to questions we know are on your hearts and minds across the week. We will be doing so again this week to provide clarity around issues of remote teaching, end of year logistics, and grade transitions in the fall.

I was notified this week about a new “Progress Report” for my scholar - why now? What do these grades mean?
This week you received an email about a Progress Report detailing your scholars’ grades and assignments for second semester up to March 13. This "Progress Report" details your scholar's graded assignments as of March 13, when the school building closed. This is not a complete picture of your scholar's grades. On March 13 we were only a little more than a month into the second semester, and many scholars were only beginning to complete and turn in work. Moving forward, these grades will not be visible in Aspen, so we wanted to share them with you now. Scholars will not be penalized for low/failing grades as of March 13; we know they have been working hard to complete assignments remotely since then. If you have any specific concerns or questions, please feel free to connect with me or your child's classroom teacher.

We have received feedback that the progress reports were not helpful to all families especially at this time. We apologize for not considering this when we decided to share them. Our intent was to move from graded reports to the new Credit- No credit model and to be transparent. Again, apologies for not understanding how the reports may have been received.

How do I know what work my scholar is completing during the week?
You can see whether your scholar is completing work/receiving credit when you log into Aspen by following these instructions. Video instructions are also available here if you skip forward to 2:23-2:40. If you need information about how to log in to your Aspen account, instructions are available here. If you have not logged in before and need your username and password or someone to walk you through the process, please contact Ms. Robinson at [email protected].


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Rocket Sci Club
SCFG Summer 2020 VIRTUAL
Rocketry Program!

Who: Girls, and those who identify with girlhood, who are rising 6th-9th graders.

Where: We will come together via ZOOM
Up to TWO field trips to Danehy Park, Cambridge (to be confirmed) to launch rockets (using social distancing protocol)!

When: July 6 - July 17 | 1:30 - 3:30PM | Mondays-Fridays

Also: There is NO COST to attend this program!

More Information: Participants will use a curriculum designed by Estes to explore rocketry and aerospace engineering. Each participant will be provided with a box of supplies including an Estes Model Rocket. All participants will need access to a computer, laptop or tablet during Program hours, including the internet and the ability to use Zoom. 

Science Club for Girls Staff, Mentors and Junior Mentors will lead the girls through Rocketry 101, astronaut obstacle courses (adapted to do at your home), learning about the women of Hidden Figures and other women astronauts complete with trying astronaut ice cream, and of course, building and decorating your own model rocket. Aurora Flight Sciences volunteers will meet small groups of participants and SCFG staff at Cambridge's Danehy Park (tentatively) to launch the rockets. (We will incorporate the up-to-date social distancing protocol.) 

Ready to apply? Return completed application by June 30, 2020.

View Flyer >>

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Consider Making an Accessible
Deaf-friendly Mask

The DHH Mask Project and Hearing, Speech & Deaf Center provide visual and text-based instructions for creating a fog-resistant mask that allows those who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing to use their lip reading skills in communication. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, click here.

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Note from the ELA Department

Teachers and scholars are zooming in on the essential ELA standards for the remaining weeks of distance learning. Our teachers aim to provide consistency, connection, and choice each day in virtual learning classrooms; our scholars are reading, writing, thinking and speaking in cyberspace!

Consistency - All scholars receive a daily message from their ELA or Reading teacher with assignment instructions. One assignment is always the same! Each scholar should read daily for 30 minutes and write about their reading. Ask your scholar what book they are currently reading. Here are ways to access digital books!

Connection - ELA and Reading teachers provide forums for scholars to interact with one another in writing via Padlet, and Google platforms. Scholars exchange feedback on written work, and answer a question of the day in the Google Classroom stream. Teachers also host office hours, email and conference with scholars. Ask your scholar what they wrote today!

Choice - Our teachers provide multiple options to motivate and engage scholars in ELA work. We notice that some scholars prefer to do the same type of assignment each day, while some spice it up with more variety. As we close out the school year, Grade 6 ELA will finish reading Red Scarf Girl, and begin exploring ways to be responsible to self, family, and community. Grade 6 Reading is annotating non-fiction articles in NewsELA and presenting Independent Reading Book Talks in small groups! Grade 7 will read a CSUS favorite: S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders and 8th graders have been working on close readings of texts to support critical thinking and argumentative writing skills. They will also be writing a reflective letter to share their personal experience during remote teaching as part of their passage portfolio.

Scholars will be surveyed this week about Summer Reading book choices! Next week’s Sunday Rundown will have all the details!

The CPSD librarians just added hundreds of new titles to Sora that are only available for Cambridge students to check out so there will now be more available titles in the collection! Search for new reads on Sora and visit the library’s Explore at Home page to find other free opportunities for reading, writing, and creating.

If you would like more information on what your scholar’s ELA coursework should look like at home, or how you might support them in completing that work we are here to help!

Please contact CSUS Literacy Coach Laura Smith at [email protected].

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Remote Teaching

View the Week of May 18 - 22nd's List of Things to Do
Grade 6 | Grade 7Grade 8

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We need you help!

CSUS is going to partner up with Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA) to send positive messages to patients with COVID 19. Your art sign can lift up the spirits of someone battling this terrible virus. All you need to do is:

  1. Make a get well art sign with words/art and include that it’s from you & Cambridge Street Upper School.
  2. Take a picture of your art sign.
  3. Post your art sign in the Art Google Classroom under the Lettering Assignment or email Ms. Silbert directly with your digital art.

Ms. Silbert will forward your art digitally to CHA where they will be printed out and distributed to patients in Cambridge with COVID 19. It’s such a difficult time for everyone, especially those fighting this virus. Let’s show our power and strength through this simple act of kindness!

Some examples of phrases you might like to use:

You can do this!
We’re all in this together. Be Strong!
Get well soon!
Feel better!
Wishing you well!
Here’s to you- steadier, stronger, and better every day!
Hope you feel better soon!
Here’s to a speedy recovery!

We can make someone's day a little brighter!

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