Cambridge Street Upper School | Sunday Rundown | May 24, 2020
Published on May 24, 2020 18:06

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Sunday Rundown
May 24, 2020

Message from Manuel J. Fernandez
and Christen Sohn

Good evening CSUS caregivers and scholars,

We hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend. We are continuing to work to find a new rhythm in these new and unprecedented times, and taking copious notes about what’s working and what’s not as we inform our next steps in preparing for the summer and fall. We are also finding some comfort in planning our usual end of year events, even though those events will look different now that we are teaching and learning remotely. We hope you and/or your scholar will be able to join us for some of the events below!

Listening Conferences
At CSUS we remain committed to continuing to build relationships with our scholars and families and during this time. Cobra Dens are one of many weekly opportunities for scholars to engage with staff and ‘check in’ around remote teaching and learning, and we think it is important for caregivers to have this opportunity as well. We are interested in hearing from you about your family’s experience during the building closure so that we can better understand how your child learns and the best ways for us to engage them and sustain engagement during remote teaching. We want to understand your family’s successes, struggles, and goals for next year, and consider the ways that we can strengthen our partnership with caregivers.

Over the next two weeks you should expect outreach from your scholar’s Den advisory or one of your child’s teachers to schedule a listening conference between June 8-15.

As was true last fall, Listening Conferences are a first step toward Challenging the Opportunity Gap for all scholars. We are looking forward to the opportunity to meet with you!


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Cambridge Mutual Aid Network

This website is a great resource for families to share resources or ask for support.

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Google Classroom for Caregivers

Please go to the G Suite for Caregivers webpage to learn how to access your scholar's Google Classroom account and to learn about the weekly Google Classroom summary you will be invited to receive over the next week in your email. Please reach out to Norah Connolly ([email protected]) with questions.

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Harvard's Public School Partnerships

Harvard’s Public School Partnerships (PSP) will continue their annual programs for CSUS Scholars.

  • The 7th grade Project Teach virtual on campus visit is scheduled for Thursday, June 4, 1-3PM.
  • The 8th grade Level Up program is scheduled for Thursday, May 28th from 12-2PM.

More information to follow from grade level team leaders.

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Remote Teaching

View the Week of May 26 - 29th's List of Things to Do
Grade 6 | Grade 7Grade 8

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We need your help!

CSUS is going to partner up with Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA) to send positive messages to patients with COVID 19. Your art sign can lift up the spirits of someone battling this terrible virus. All you need to do is:

  1. Make a get well art sign with words/art and include that it’s from you & Cambridge Street Upper School.
  2. Take a picture of your art sign.
  3. Post your art sign in the Art Google Classroom under the Lettering Assignment or email Ms. Silbert directly with your digital art.

Ms. Silbert will forward your art digitally to CHA where they will be printed out and distributed to patients in Cambridge with COVID 19. It’s such a difficult time for everyone, especially those fighting this virus. Let’s show our power and strength through this simple act of kindness!

Some examples of phrases you might like to use:

You can do this!
We’re all in this together. Be Strong!
Get well soon!
Feel better!
Wishing you well!
Here’s to you- steadier, stronger, and better every day!
Hope you feel better soon!
Here’s to a speedy recovery!

We can make someone's day a little brighter!

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In Our Community

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