Cambridge Street Upper School | Sunday Rundown | June 14, 2020
Published on Jun 14, 2020 18:07

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Sunday Rundown
June 14, 2020

Message from Manuel J. Fernandez
and Christen Sohn

Good evening parents and caregivers,

This will be our last Sunday Rundown for the 2019-2020 school year. The last day of school is Wednesday, June 17th. While we will continue to communicate with you and provide periodic updates throughout the summer, it is important to take this moment to express our gratitude toward you, CSUS’ parents and caregivers. You became our partners in teaching and learning in new and unprecedented ways. You amplified our successes and have provided valuable feedback regarding the adaptations we will need to make for the fall. You continue to champion issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion that are central to our identity as a school community. Thank you for your patience, flexibility, partnership, and support. Read More >>

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Caregiver Letter Summer Reading 2020

Greetings CSUS Families and Caregivers,

The CSUS ELA Team including ELA teachers and Special Educators Grades 6 - 8, Reading Teacher and Interventionist, and our Library and Technology Specialist have collaborated to produce a 2020 Summer Reading Program that will meet the unique needs facing scholars during remote emergency learning. Please take a look at the attached documents to learn all about it!

In the past at CSUS we have enjoyed an annual tradition of beginning each school year in small group discussions with scholars about one common book per grade. We have particularly enjoyed full-staff support of literacy, as each staff member led small group conversations about books in the first few days of school. We had to make a difficult decision this year to temporarily depart from this tradition, as we do not know if we will be in the same physical space in the fall. We hope to return to this model in the future.

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End of the Year Pickup for Families

Good morning families and caregivers,

As the end of the year approaches we are preparing to clear the building for the summer, which includes emptying all scholar lockers and arranging for the retrieval of your child’s belongings from 840 Cambridge Street. While many scholars emptied their lockers on March 13, we know there are some lockers that still contain items that need to be returned. Please talk with your scholar about whether they still have items in their locker. Graduation caps and t-shirts for 8th graders, and 6th and 7th grade summer reading and math materials* will also be available to scholars and families at this time. Specific dates and times have been assigned to scholars according to their grade and first letter of their last name, and strict social distancing guidelines must be followed at all times.

Remote Teaching

View the Week of June 15 - 17th's List of Things to Do
Grade 6 | Grade 7Grade 8

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In Our Community

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