Haggerty Holler: June 17, 2020
Published on Jun 17, 2020 16:28

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June 17, 2020

5th grade slideshow
Fifth Grade Moving On Celebration

Our Fifth graders had their moving on celebration on Tuesday, June 16th on Zoom. The event began with grateful words from their teachers. This was followed by a 20 minute movie, that contained a slide from each of our fifth grade students highlighting the most important thing they learned at Haggerty. They were thoughtful, insightful, funny, and kind. They shared pictures of their friends and fond memories. The slides were set to a backdrop of their concert performances over the years - beginning with their Kindergarten selves. After the student work presentation, Nancy shared her words of reflection, praise, and advice. She used their own words to remind them of what's most important as they move forward to middle school and beyond. DJ Tux, aka Rhys, then played some music for a dance party - which was followed by a sweet slide show of how they have grown through the years. We got to chat with each other and and see each others smiles again. Well done Fifth grade staff, Ms. Faucher, Ms. Stewart, and Ms. Hickey, the students, Mr. McGonegal (movie maker) and Ms. Campbell! We missed not hugging but the love was present. Here are a few examples of what our fifth graders shared in their slides (see above).

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Letter from Nancy

Dear Haggerty Families,

Thank you for your support and patience as we’ve tried to best support all of our students these last few months. I know there were many kinks and we appreciate all of the work our families have done to support their young children. I’m beyond grateful to all of our families and our incredibly dedicated staff. We have relished in watching your children grow and develop!

Enjoy your children and the change of pace the summer offers you and your family. Read often! Read together, share stories, play cards, work on puzzles, cook, color, paint, sing, swim and dance!

I’ll be in touch about classroom placement and plans for our return to school as soon as I know more about what it might look like. The uncertainty is hard and I am hopeful that we’ll have a plan that offers options for our families that need to continue with remote learning and one that allows our families to get back to some form of work schedule: a hybrid of sorts, that keeps our students and staff as safe as possible.

Best wishes for a relaxing, safe and enjoyable summer!

Warm regards,


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Library Corner / Literacy Coach Corner
By: Suzanne Russell and Sarah Novogrodsky

Summer Reading/Summer Learning:

There are an abundance of online literacy resources available to you and your children this summer. We hope that everyone, families, teachers and students will take a break from the screens and read a good book.

In order to make that happen for all Cambridge students, you can expect a BOOK delivery to your homes sometime in early July. Each student in grade JK-5 will receive a small set of books from Scholastic delivered to their door. Please be on the lookout for these book deliveries. Details >>  

The Library and ELA department are collaborating with Cambridge Public Libraries to support your reading needs this summer. You can find a variety of online resources and opportunities on the Haggerty Distance Learning page. Keep an eye out for a Summer Reading Page on the Haggerty Distance Learning Site.

Please encourage your child to log their learning. Any student who logs their learning experiences this summer will be recognized in September. Feel free to use this learning log or create your own.

Happy Reading,

Ms. Novogrodsky, Mrs. West, Mrs. Russell

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Math Coach Corner
By: Nili Pearlmutter, Haggerty Math Coach

This summer, make sure your children keep their math brains growing! One easy way to do that is to look for “math problems” in your day to day life. Count things, count groups of things, notice shapes, use coins, figure out “how much longer!”

Cambridge has created a page for each grade with fun daily suggestions for math activities and links to lots of books and games. Find them all on our Haggerty Math website. You can also find fun daily problems at the Bedtime Math website.

Wishing everyone a healthy, happy, and math-y summer!

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Social/Emotional Learning Corner
By: Erin Spencer, our Social Worker
Please click here if you would like to share some read-alouds (mostly read by Erin Spencer (school social worker) with your child that are focused on emotions, coping strategies, and other social emotional themes. 

Also, here are the two SEL newsletters from this Spring!
April SEL newsletter >>
May/June SEL newsletter >>

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Summer Camp Information

There are many summer programs available to Kindergarteners through 8th Graders. Here are some resources for:
Elementary age students
Middle school students

Additionally, during Summer 2020, the City of Cambridge Department of Human Service Programs (DHSP) will offer free Online/Offline Summer Programming to Cambridge children in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Sign up for a variety of online and in-person activities each week, including daily virtual gatherings with friends and counselors, virtual activities to engage with in real time, offline projects to do at home - cooking, creating, crafting, and more! - and outdoor play and exercise supervised by DHSP staff. Registration opens Monday, June 22nd. Children must have completed one year of Kindergarten and priority will be given to applicants eligible for free or reduced lunch.
More info >>

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Wee the People

wee the people logoCheck out Wee the People's Website this summer and keep the conversation on racial equity going with your children! Wee the People 'Family Day of Action' on 5/31 in solidarity with Black Lives was really powerful and I know many of you used it to structure conversations with your children around Race and the current protests.

Here's their website >>

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embracerace logoAnother great resource on the topic of Race and Equity is EmbraceRace. From their website: 

At EmbraceRace, we identify, organize – and, as needed, create – the tools, resources, discussion spaces, and networks we need to meet 4 goals:
–Nurture resilience in children of color
–Nurture inclusive, empathetic children of all stripes
–Raise kids who think critically about racial inequity
–Support a movement of kid and adult racial justice advocates for all children.

They have a lot of helpful book recommendations. Here's the link to that information >> 

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In Our District & Community

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Haggerty School
110 Cushing Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
haggerty.cpsd.us  •  617.349.6555
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