From the Amigos Principal: September 18, 2020
Published on Sep 18, 2020 15:09

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18 de septiembre, 2020 | September 18, 2020

Estimadas Familias

Espero que hayan tenido una semana exitosa o por lo menos la más exitosa posible. Sé que a los profesores les ha encantado ver a todos sus alumn@s. La próxima semana tenemos una semana completa de clases así que ¡a descansar todos!

Por favor, recuerden que si tienen preguntas o problemas con la tecnología, deben llamar a la escuela al (617) 349-6567 o enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Es muy posible que l@s profesores estén ocupad@s con la enseñanza durante el día y no l@s pueden atender.

Quiero informarles que ahora la Escuela Amigos es uno de los sitios para buscar un almuerzo escolar gratis. De lunes a viernes entre las 12 y la una tenemos almuerzo gratis para tod@s l@s estudiantes. Hemos dedicado la zona a lado del jardín de la escuela como sitio de recogida. ¡Esperamos verlos aquí - a distancia!

Muchos de ustedes nos han preguntado sobre los libros de nuestra biblioteca. Favor de regresar los materiales de la biblioteca como libros, DVDs, CDs etc. en la caja de cartón que se encuentra en el vestíbulo de la escuela. Por su propia seguridad, por favor, no saquen nada de la caja de cartón.

Finalmente, el miércoles 23 de septiembre es un día de salida temprana. Los estudiantes tendrán clases virtuales hasta la una.

¡Gracias y feliz fin de semana!

Sarah Bartels-Marrero
Oficina Virtual

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Dear Families

I hope you had a successful week or at least the most successful week possible. I know that the teachers have loved seeing all their students. Next week we have our first full week of classes so make sure to take a break this weekend!

Please remember that if you have any questions or problems with technology, you should call the school at (617) 349-6567 or email [email protected]. It is most likely that teachers are busy with teaching during the day and may not be able to help you in the moment.

I want to inform you that Amigos School is now one of the School Meal Pick-Up Sites for school lunch. Monday through Friday between 12:00 and 1:00 we have free lunch for all students. We have dedicated the area next to the school's garden as a pick-up site, and we look forward to seeing you here - from a distance!

Many of you have asked us about library books. Please return library materials such as books, DVDs, CDs, etc. to the cardboard box in the school lobby. For your own safety, please do not take anything out of the cardboard box.

Finally, Wednesday, September 23rd is an early release day. Students will have virtual classes until one o'clock.

Thank you and have a great weekend!


Sarah Bartels-Marrero
Virtual Office

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3 things to think about when participating online from home:
As we all navigate the remote classrooms this fall, we have a few things for families to think about that you might not have realized.

  1. Be aware of the background noise. TV and radios as well as loud conversations going on behind or in the same room as your child, can make hearing difficult. This can be a distraction for your child as well as the others in the virtual classroom if the children are not muted.
  2. As much as possible, your child is the member of the class and the participation is for the student. We realize that sometimes an adult might be helping with a young child, however, to the fullest extent possible, the child is the participant in the classroom, not the adults.
  3. Please be respectful of the teacher. The teacher is with the children and responsible for the class from 9:00 to 3:00. Because you can view the google classroom, you may be aware that a break is taking place or that a specialist is leading the lesson. That does not mean that if you email the teacher during a break with a question that you should expect to hear back from them right away. We want to encourage strong home to school communications but staff need to be given a reasonable amount of time to return your call or email as their focus is on the whole class.


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Amigos School / Escuela Amigos
15 Upton Street, Cambridge, MA 02139  •  617.349.6567
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