From the Amigos Principal: December 11, 2020
Published on Dec 11, 2020 15:06

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11 de diciembre, 2020 | December 11, 2020

Dear Families,

As you know, we made the shift to a fully remote learning model this week for our in-person students. We will remain in a fully remote model at a minimum until December 16th or when our local COVID metrics return to green. Please remember that during remote learning the following stands for all students:

  • Students are expected to participate in ALL remote learning experiences, just as they are expected to attend school in-person.
  • Student attendance will be taken and student work will be graded.
  • Students are expected to follow CPS Online Engagement Expectations.

Also, please remember that all Massachusetts public school students – including students learning remotely – are now required to get a flu shot by December 31, 2020, except for those with a religious or medical exemption. Students ages 12-22 years-old can receive a flu shot at the Teen Health Center located at CRLS (Call 617.665.1548 for more information). Once a student receives their flu shot, their vaccination record should be given to our school nurse, Nurse Tamara.

Cambridge Food & Nutrition Services will be distributing multi-day Meal Kits on Wednesday, December 23rd between 11 am - 1 pm at select sites across the city. Please let Ms. Deb and our kitchen staff know if you are interested in receiving a meal kit.

One way to provide feedback on your family’s experience with school this year is via the latest family survey, which launched this week and will be open through December 17. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on in-person and remote learning, and key takeaways will be shared with the CPSD community.

During the time of COVID, personal connections have become even more cherished. For schoolmates who wish to plan out of school activities the Family Directory can be a good place to find people’s contact information. If you want to be included in the Family Directory, please take a moment to include your information
Login information:
Username - Child's ID number
Password - Child's DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)
If you don’t know your child’s student ID number, please contact Ms. Sheila in the main office.

Learning Highlights
The Amigos Debate Team will be competing against other CPSD Upper School Debate Teams in their first virtual debate tournament on Saturday, December 12th. We have entered 6 teams, representing all upper school grades. The students are excited to showcase all the hard work they have put in working on their speaking skills and debate cases. Students will debate both the pros and cons of the tournament's debate topic: Resolved: In the United States, students should be guaranteed two years of free tuition to a community or technical college. Please reach out to Ms. Litten, our debate coach, with any questions.

The Amigos Journal Club has met several times with students from grades 6-8 with the vision of producing an online blog that features the creative writing and fine arts of students and Amigos School community members. The group includes writers of fiction, opinion pieces and several students working on the design and layout of the Journal. Some members are working on editorials addressing current events, while others are preparing a presentation for Advisory classes that will explain how to submit pieces of writing, graphic arts, photography and even video of students singing or playing musical instruments. In addition to all of this, the staff is committed to making the Amigos Journal a dual-language publication that features writing and arts in both English and Spanish, inviting students to submit fiction, non-fiction and poetry from both ELA and ADLE. The group has stressed the importance of making the Amigos Journal accessible to all grade levels, eventually, with a focus on upper grades, for now. Please reach out to Mr. McClelland, our Journal Club facilitator, with any questions.

From the Counselor
Greetings to all. Studies have shown that the quantity and quality of sleep have a profound impact on both learning and memory. Please note, the recommended hours of sleep for students aged 6-12 years old is 9-12 hours and between 13-18 year olds is 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Adolescents who don’t sleep enough are at higher risk of obesity, poor mental health and may develop problems with attention and behavior among other things. While there are various reasons why students are not sleeping enough, one of those reasons is the use of technology. We strongly suggest parents to please continue monitoring and limiting cell phone/technology use before bedtime. If possible, a good strategy I’ve noticed is parents not allowing students to sleep with their cell phones/computers in their room. Using the alarm function on cell phones has been the main reason I hear as to why students are allowed to keep their devices in their room. This can easily be solved with the purchase of a traditional alarm clock. If you can’t afford one please reach out and we can help you with that. Here is a link of an affordable option alarm clock. To learn more about this important topic, please read the following resources Sleep in Middle and High School Students and How Electronics Affect Sleep. Also, please reach out to me, Ms. Santos-Dugan, with any specific questions and/or concerns.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sarah Bartels-Marrero

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Estimadas Familias,

Como saben, esta semana hicimos el cambio a un modelo de aprendizaje a distancia. Permaneceremos en un modelo totalmente remoto como mínimo hasta el 16 de diciembre o cuando nuestras métricas locales de COVID vuelvan a estar en verde. Por favor, recuerden que durante el aprendizaje a distancia lo siguiente se aplica a todos l@s estudiantes:

  • Se espera que l@s estudiantes participen en TODAS las experiencias de aprendizaje a distancia, así como se espera que asistan a la escuela en persona.
  • Se tomará la asistencia de l@s estudiantes y se calificarán sus trabajos.
  • Se espera que l@s estudiantes sigan las expectativas de participación en línea de la CPS.

También, por favor recuerden que todos l@s estudiantes de las escuelas públicas de Massachusetts - incluyendo l@s estudiantes que aprenden a distancia - están obligados a vacunarse contra la influenza antes del 31 de diciembre de 2020, excepto aquellos con una excepción religiosa o médica. L@s estudiantes de 12 a 22 años de edad pueden recibir la vacuna contra la influenza en el Centro de Salud para Adolescentes ubicado en CRLS (Llame al 617.665.1548 para obtener más información). Una vez que el estudiante reciba su vacuna, su registro de vacunación debe ser entregado a la enfermera de la escuela, la enfermera Tamara Smith.

El Servicio de Alimentos y Nutrición de Cambridge distribuirá paquetes de comida para varios días el miércoles 23 de diciembre entre las 11 am y la 1 pm en algunos lugares de la ciudad. Por favor, avise a la Srta. Deb y a nuestro personal de la cocina si les interesa recibir un paquete de comida multi-día.

Una forma de darnos información sobre la experiencia de su familia con la escuela este año es a través de la última encuesta familiar, que se lanzó esta semana y estará abierta hasta el 17 de diciembre. Esperamos escuchar sus opiniones sobre el aprendizaje presencial y a distancia, y los puntos clave serán compartidos con la comunidad de CPSD.

Durante la época de COVID, las conexiones personales se han vuelto aún más apreciadas. Para los compañeros escolares que deseen planificar actividades fuera de la escuela (siguiendo las normas de seguridad, ¡por supuesto!), el Directorio Familiar puede ser un buen lugar para encontrar la información de contacto de las personas. Si quieren ser incluidos en el Directorio Familiar, por favor tomen un momento para incluir su información:
Información de acceso
Nombre de usuario - número de identificación del niño
Contraseña - DOB del niño (mm/dd/yyyy)
Si no saben el número de identificación estudiantil de su hij@, por favor contacten con la Sra. Sheila en la oficina principal.

Lo más destacado del aprendizaje
El Equipo de Debate de Amigos competirá con otros equipos de debate de las escuelas intermedias de CPSD en su primer torneo virtual el sábado 12 de diciembre. Hemos inscrito 6 equipos, representando a todos los grados de la escuela intermedia. L@s estudiantes están emocionad@s de mostrar todo el trabajo que han hecho en sus habilidades de hablar y debatir casos. L@s estudiantes debatirán tanto los pros como los contras del tema de debate del torneo: Resuelto: En los Estados Unidos, l@s estudiantes deben tener garantizados dos años de matrícula gratuita en un colegio comunitario o técnico. Por favor, pónganse en contacto con la Srta. Litten, nuestra asesora de debates, con cualquier pregunta.

El club de "Revista Amigos" se ha reunido varias veces con estudiantes de 6º a 8º grado con la visión de producir un blog en línea que presente la escritura creativa y las bellas artes de l@s estudiantes y los miembros de la comunidad de la Escuela Amigos. Los miembros del grupo incluyen escritores de ficción y editoriales, y varios estudiantes que trabajan en el diseño y la presentación de la revista. Algunos miembros del equipo están trabajando en editoriales que abordan temas contemporáneos, mientras que otros están preparando una presentación para las clases de asesoramiento que explicará cómo presentar piezas de escritura, artes gráficas, fotografía e incluso video de estudiantes cantando o tocando instrumentos musicales. Además de todo esto, el grupo se ha comprometido a hacer de la Revista Amigos una publicación en dos idiomas que incluya escritura y arte tanto en inglés como en español, invitando a l@s estudiantes a enviar ficción, no ficción y poesía tanto de ELA como de ADLE. Ellos han enfatizado la importancia de hacer que la Revista Amigos sea accesible a todos l@s estudiantes de Amigos, eventualmente, con un enfoque en la escuela intermedia, por ahora. Por favor, comuníquense con el Sr. McClelland, nuestro facilitador del club, con cualquier pregunta.

De la consejera
Saludos a todos. Los estudios han demostrado que la cantidad y la calidad del sueño tienen un profundo impacto tanto en el aprendizaje como en la memoria. Por favor, tengan en cuenta que las horas de sueño recomendadas para l@s estudiantes de 6 a 12 años son de 9 a 12 horas y entre los 13 y 18 años son de 8 a 10 horas de sueño cada noche. Los adolescentes que no duermen lo suficiente corren un mayor riesgo de sufrir obesidad, mala salud mental y pueden desarrollar problemas de atención y comportamiento, entre otras cosas. Aunque hay varias razones por las que l@s estudiantes no duermen lo suficiente, una de esas razones es el uso de la tecnología. Sugerimos a las familias que por favor continúen monitoreando y limitando el uso de teléfonos celulares/tecnología antes de la hora de dormir. Si es posible, una buena estrategia que he notado es que los padres no permitan que l@s estudiantes duerman con sus teléfonos celulares/computadoras en su habitación. El uso de la función de alarma en los teléfonos celulares ha sido la principal razón por la que escucho que l@s estudiantes pueden tener sus aparatos en su habitación. Esto puede ser fácilmente resuelto con la compra de un despertador tradicional. Si no pueden permitirse uno, por favor, pónganse en contacto con nosotros y le ayudaremos con eso. Aquí hay un enlace de una opción económica de un despertador. Para aprender más sobre este importante tema, por favor lea los siguientes recursos ¿Cuánto necesito dormir? y “Vamping”, abuso de la tecnología antes de dormir

¡Que tengan un buen fin de semana!

Sarah Bartels-Marrero


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Don't forget to visit Principal Marrero's Virtual Office. 
Virtual Office >>

Por favor, no se olviden de visitar la oficina virtual de Directora Marrero. 
Oficina Virtual >>

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Healthy Snack of the Week

Carrot & Broccoli Salad

Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the Week! 
Carrot & Broccoli Salad: Shredded carrots and chopped broccoli florets mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of Italian dressing.

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In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo
There are many programs available to Kindergarteners-8th Graders this Fall. Here are some resources for:
Elementary age students
Middle school students
Tutoring opportunities for all grades  

Find other opportunities here – or call/text us at 617.686.2998 or email usPrograms are continuing to update their opportunities based on the recent state guidelines, so check back often!

DHSP Free K-8 Virtual Programming Open Houses
Families are invited to learn more about DHSP Online at Virtual Open Houses offered over the next two weeks. More details >> 
*Please take this 5-minute survey to tell us about how DHSP Online can best support your family! 
Open Houses Dates
Grades K-2 >>
Grades 3-5 >>
Grades 6-8 >>

Cambridge Families of Color Coalition (CFCC)
The CFCC is a collective of families and students of color working to uplift, empower, celebrate, and nurture our students and each other.
Learn more >>

Coronavirus (COVD-19) Testing
Where to Get Tested

Testing appointments through the City's free mobile-testing program are now available at the following locations:
– Sundays, Thursdays, 11AM - 7PM | CambridgeSide in East Cambridge (Drive-through testing in garage. Enter on First St.)
– Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, 12NOON - 8PM (beginning Nov. 9th) | 50 Church St.
– Wednesdays, 10AM - 6PM | 2254 Massachusetts Ave, St. John the Evangelist Church
– Saturdays, 11AM - 7PM | Pisani Center located at 131 Washington Street.
You can schedule an appointment online or by calling 617.349.9788.

Fight the Flu. Get Your Flu Shot!
Now more than ever, it is critically important to get a flu shot (also called seasonal flu vaccine). Flu season begins in the late fall and goes through winter, peaking between the months of December and February, but people can still get the flu as late as May.

Preventing the spread of flu will limit the need for flu-related medical appointments and hospitalizations, freeing up resources to help people with COVID-19. You can make an appointment for a flu shot with either your healthcare provider or local pharmacy.

Cambridge Health Alliance patients (12 - 22 years old) OR Cambridge Public Schools students (12 - 22 years old) can now receive a flu shot at the Teen Health Center located in Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. Call 617.665.1548 to schedule an appointment.

Note: It's mandatory for CPS students to receive flu shots by 12/31.

Learn more >>

Free Meals for All Students  
Monday - Friday, 12-1PM | Details >>

Girlx Only Leadership Development (GOLD)
Tuesdays, 5-7PM | Zoom | Details >>
Register >>

Cambridge Community Center In-Person Full Day Support
M - F, 7:30AM - 5:30PM | Details >>
Enroll >>

FREE Adult Education Programs
Adult education programs now accepting students for free ESOL, GED/HiSET, Citizenship or Job training programs with NO wait lists.
Learn more >>
Visit MA Adult Literacy Website >> 

Cambridge Public Library Resources
-- Contactless Holds Pickup Service hours at the O'Neill Branch (70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge):
Wednesdays, 1-7:30PM
Thursdays, 11AM-5:30PM
Fridays, 11AM-5:30PM
-- Haitian Folkloric Dance
12/11, & 12/18 | 4PM
Classes for kids of all ages and their caregivers on Haitian Folkloric Dance with Jean Appolon Expressions. These will be short, 20-minute movement breaks at the end of a long week of virtual life. You can see the program description here.
-- English Classes: Virtual Introductory Level ESOL Classes run by Cambridge Public Library on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 a.m and 1pm. Intermediate ESOL classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3 p.m. Registration is required for each class. Please see the Library’s online events calendar for more details.
-- Stay Connected with CPL! To keep up with what’s happening at the Library, please subscribe to the CPL email list or visit the website.

Holiday Pops: Festive Stories for the Whole Family
December 20 | 4PM | View Flyer >>
The CSO will produce a free live stream event with pre-recorded video featuring a mini version of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker
More details >>

Guide to Healthier Snacking
Find handy tips on the right hand margin of the School Health page on the CPHD website!

Food Resources
For more information about Food Pantries, Financial Assistance for Food, Free Delivery Services and more, please check the list from FinditCambridgeWe also have an updated Food Resources flyer that lists all the pantries, congregate programs, school meals, etc. (find all translated languages on the CiM main page) operations in Cambridge and a current Farmers Market flyer.

Youth Gardening!
In East Cambridge, CitySprouts and Hurley Street Farm are teaming up to provide a weekly club for young people in grades six through eight.
Details >>

McLean Hospital Mental Health Webinars
McLean Hospital has dedicated their time making free resources available for the public. Details >>

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Amigos School / Escuela Amigos
15 Upton Street, Cambridge, MA 02139  •  617.349.6567
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