From the Amigos Principal: January 29, 2021
Published on Jan 29, 2021 15:02

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29 de enero, 2021 | January 29, 2021

Dear Families,

Earlier this week we sent out confirmation emails about second semester placement for in-person and remote learning. While we were able to accommodate many requests, we have not been able to accommodate all requests. I know that it is difficult to make these decisions with new virus variants and emerging vaccine themes but please, make sure you are requesting a model that you are actually planning on using. If you requested and were granted an in-person spot but don’t really plan on sending your child, I ask that you please let us know so that we can offer that in-person spot to a family who is ready to use it immediately. We can not “save” spots. As things evolve beyond March 1, we will work to adapt but I ask that you only accept an in-person spot if you are prepared to send your child in-person on March 1.

February 1- 5 is the Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action. Black Lives Matter at School is “a national coalition organizing for racial justice in education”. Throughout the week, Amigos teachers will be discussing BLM, the national movement and the changes needed to ensure safety and equity in our schools and the larger community. We encourage you to do the same at home!

Please remember, we have our library return cart located at the entrance of the building! Ms. Melisa reports that there are still 800 books checked out from March 2020 so if you have any library books at home, please return them when you pick up any grade level materials or coordinate with us a time to drop them off. If you would like a list of the books your child checked out, please email Ms. Melisa.

From the Counselor
Students in middle school face obstacles each and every day. Stress can overwhelm children, whether these pressures come from home, school, friends, or other environmental factors.

Stress is an unpleasant feeling that someone develops when they are afraid, angry, concerned, or upset, which in many different ways affects their mood and body. What is important to note is that stress is perceived by children and adolescents the same way adults do.

Students in middle school can be particularly sensitive to stress because of the tremendous changes during these years that they undergo physically, mentally, socially, and intellectually. Such stressors may include homework load, a busy schedule, peer pressure, test anxiety, grades, appearance issues, lack of help, and changes in routine may be faced by a middle school student. This does not involve any stressors that arise at home or in other settings that are outside of learning.

The following resource provides additional information on stress warning signs for parents and how they can help reduce stress at home: How to help children and teens manage their stress.

From Our Student Reporter
Hi everybody! We celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. last week. He teaches us that we need to think about how much words impact society and how to use them. I had some help with this section of the newsletter this week by Adalia Valencia Hershey, and Erik Rojas Pratt. This week we are going to ask the teachers, ‘What would you do?’ situations. Well, without further ado let’s hear the wise words of some pupils, and teachers. The first students that are going to be interviewed are Erik and Dinah from 5th grade in Mr.Banuelos Class.

Interviewer: ‘What is a tip to give about remote learning?’
Dinah: One tip I would give someone about remote learning, would be to keep their materials nearby.
Interviewer: ‘If you were a teacher what would you be doing with your students?’
Erik: I would make sure they have enough breaks, for everyone’s sake. I assume being a teacher during remote learning is stressful so they need breaks. Also, the kids need breaks, especially if they’re in front of a screen all day. If I were a teacher, I would make sure there are enough breaks.

Let’s get started with the teachers
, these questions are going to be ‘What would you do?’ The first teacher, Ms. Libby, is going to be responding to the question, ‘What would you do on a stranded island and you had to escape?’ Ms.Libby states, “I would try to search the island to make a raft and then I would search for food, like berries or try hunting animals. I would search for people, then I would go for a swim as I wait to be rescued.”

Have a great weekend!


Sarah Bartels-Marrero

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Estimadas Familias,

A principios de esta semana enviamos correos electrónicos de confirmación sobre la asignación del segundo semestre para el aprendizaje presencial y a distancia. Aunque hemos podido acomodar muchas solicitudes, no hemos podido acomodar a todas. Sé que es difícil tomar estas decisiones con las nuevas variantes de virus y los temas emergentes de vacunas, pero por favor, asegúrese de que está solicitando un modelo que realmente está planeando utilizar. Si usted ha solicitado y se le ha concedido una plaza presencial pero realmente no tiene previsto enviar a su hij@, le pido que nos lo comunique para que podamos ofrecer esa plaza presencial a una familia que esté dispuesta a utilizarla inmediatamente. No podemos "guardar" plazas. A medida que las cosas evolucionen más allá del 1 de marzo, trabajaremos para adaptarnos, pero le pido que sólo acepte una plaza presencial si está preparado para enviar a su hij@ en persona el 1 de marzo.

Del 1 al 5 de febrero es la Semana de Acción de Black Lives Matter at School. Black Lives Matter at School es "una coalición nacional que organiza la justicia racial en la educación". A lo largo de la semana, l@s maestr@s de Amigos discutirán sobre BLM, el movimiento nacional y los cambios necesarios para garantizar la seguridad y la equidad en nuestras escuelas y la comunidad en general.

¡Por favor, recuerden que tenemos nuestro carro de devolución de la biblioteca ubicado en la entrada del edificio! La Sra. Melisa informa que todavía hay 800 libros sacados desde marzo de 2020, así que si tienen libros de la biblioteca en casa, por favor, devuélvanlos cuando recojan cualquier material del grado o coordinen con nosotros una hora para dejarlos. Si usted desea una lista de los libros que su hij@ sacó, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a la Sra. Melisa.

De la consejera
L@s estudiantes de secundaria se enfrentan a obstáculos todos los días. El estrés puede abrumar a l@s niñ@s, ya sea que estas presiones provengan del hogar, la escuela, los amigos u otros factores ambientales.

El estrés es una sensación desagradable que alguien desarrolla cuando tiene miedo, está enfadado, preocupado o molesto, y que afecta de muchas maneras a su estado de ánimo y a su cuerpo. Lo que es importante señalar es que el estrés es percibido por l@s niñ@s y adolescentes de la misma manera que los adultos.

Los estudiantes de la escuela intermedia pueden ser especialmente sensibles al estrés debido a los enormes cambios que experimentan durante estos años a nivel físico, mental, social e intelectual. Algunos factores incluyen la carga de deberes, un horario apretado, la presión de los compañeros, la ansiedad ante los exámenes, las notas, los problemas de apariencia, la falta de ayuda y los cambios de rutina a los que puede enfrentarse un estudiante. Esto no incluye los factores de estrés que surgen en casa o en otros entornos que están fuera del aprendizaje.

El siguiente recurso proporciona información adicional sobre las señales de advertencia de estrés para los padres y cómo pueden ayudar a reducir el estrés en casa Como se Puede Ayudar a los Adolescentes con Estrés.

De Nuestra Periodista Estudiantil
¡Hola a todos! Celebramos a Martin Luther King Jr la semana pasada. Él nos enseña que tenemos que pensar cuanto las palabras impactan la sociedad y cómo usarlas. Esta semana he tenido ayuda de Adalia Valencia Hershey y Erik Rojas Pratt y vamos a estar preguntando a las maestras ‘que harias’ situaciones. Bueno vamos a empezar. Los primeros estudiantes que serán entrevistados son Erik y Dinah de quinto grado en la clase de Mr.Banuelos.

Entrevistador: ¿Qué es un consejo que le dirías a alguien sobre aprendizaje remoto?
Dinah: Un consejo que daría a alguien sobre aprendizaje remoto sería mantener sus materiales cerca.
Entrevistador: ¿Qué es algo que harías con tus estudiantes si tu fueras un maestro ?
Erik: Yo me aseguraría de que tuvieran suficientes descansos, por el bien de todos. Supongo que ser profesor durante el aprendizaje a distancia es estresante, así que necesitan descansos. También los estudiantes necesitan descansos, sobre todo si están todo el día delante de una pantalla. Si yo fuera profesor, me aseguraría de que hubiera suficientes descansos.

Vamos a empezar con una maestra, la pregunta es ‘¿Qué harías?’
La maestra Ms.Libby, va a estar respondiendo a la pregunta, ¿Qué harías en una isla desierta si tuvieras que escapar? La Sra. Libby afirma: "Intentaría buscar en la isla para hacer una balsa y luego buscaría comida, como bayas o intentaría cazar animales. Buscaría gente y luego me daría un baño mientras espero que me rescaten".

¡Que tengan un buen fin de semana!


Sarah Bartels-Marrero

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From Our Family Liaison /
De Nuestra Enlace de Familias

February 2021 Calendar

February is Black History Month. We celebrate the contributions of African Americans.

Monday, February 1-3 and 8-10: Navigation Games: Monday, Danehy Park, 2:30pm-4:30pm. Tuesday:Morse School, 2:30pm-4:30pm. Wednesday: Hoyt Field 3:30pm-5:30pm. Families must pre-register here.  They must also wear masks and maintain physical distance and follow CDC guidelines.

Tuesday, February 2: 1) Harvard Museum of Science and Culture presents free webinar via Zoom, on how animals defend themselves: Afterschool Animal Encounters, 3:00-3:45pm. Register here.   2) Cambridge School Committee virtual meeting will take place from 6pm-8pm.

Wednesday, February 3: No School. School Buildings are closed. District Wide Virtual Professional Development Day. There will also be a community meeting for Staff on FY22 Budget priorities, 3:00pm-4:30pm.

Thursday, February 4: The Friends of Amigos virtual meeting will be held from 6pm to 8 pm. Please join us to help plan the Virtual Health and Wellness Fair for this Spring.

Saturday, February 6: FY22 CPS Budget Community meeting,10am-11:30am.

Wednesday, February 10: The Amigos School Council(ASC) virtual meeting will be held from 6pm to 8pm. Amigos families and teachers are welcome to attend.

Monday, February 15 to Friday, February 19: February Vacation. No School.

El calendario para febrero

Febrero es el mes de la herencia Afro Americana. Celebramos las contribuciones de los Afro Americanos.

Lunes, 1-3 y 8-10 de febrero: Juegos de Navegación. El lunes será en Danehy Park, 2:30pm a 4:30pm. El martes en Morse School, 2:30pm-4:30pm. El miércoles en Hoyt Field, 3:30pm a 5:30pm. Las familias tienen que registrarse para participar.  También las familias tienen que ponerse una mascarilla, mantener distanciamiento físico y seguir las reglas del CDC.

Martes, 2 de febrero: 1)El museo de Harvard de Ciencia y Cultura presenta un webinar via Zoom, sobre cómo los animales se defienden: Afterschool Animal Encounters, 3:00- 3:45pm. Regístrese.  2)Reunión virtual del Cambridge School Committee se llevará a cabo de 6pm a 8pm.

Miércoles, 3 de febrero: No habrá escuela. Los edificios estarán cerrados. Dia virtual de desarrollo profesional para los maestr@s. También habrá una reunión para el personal sobre las prioridades del presupuesto escolar FY22, 3:00pm-4:30pm.

Jueves, 4 de febrero: Se llevará a cabo una reunión virtual de Amigos de Amigos de 6pm a 8pm. Favor de acompañarnos para planificar una Feria de Salud y Bienestar para la primavera.

Sábado 6 de febrero: FY22 Reunión para la comunidad sobre el presupuesto escolar del distrito de CPS, 10am-11;30am.

Miércoles 10 de febrero: La reunión virtual del ASC será de 6pm a 8pm. Las familias y maestr@s de Amigos son bienvenidos.

Lunes, 15 de febrero hasta 19 de febrero: Vacaciones de febrero. No habrá escuela.

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snack of week
Healthy Snack of the Week

Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the Week:
Greek yogurt with chopped apples, walnuts, and honey! 

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In Our District & Community

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Find opportunities for Cambridge families here – or call/text us at 617.686.2998 or email usPrograms are continuing to update their opportunities based on the recent state guidelines, so check back often!

Science Club for Girls
Science Club for Girls is excited to announce our Spring 2021 programming. We will be holding all Science Club for Girls programs virtually via zoom. There is no cost to attend our clubs. To offer flexibility and convenience, participants are able to choose one of three weekly meeting times. We will hold our virtual clubs at the following times and days:
• Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30PM
• Thursdays from 3:30-4:30PM
• Saturdays from 10:30-11:30AM?
All materials will be provided free of charge and distributed at a convenient location prior to the first week of clubs. Clubs will begin the week of February 23rd. The clubs will run for 8 weeks. For an example of how virtual Science Club for Girls programs are run, please enjoy this video of our Summer 2020 Virtual Rocketry Program! Space is limited - please apply today

Harvard Sq. "Fridge in the Square"
With the principle 'take what you need, leave what you can', we aim to redistribute resources within our community to those in need on a hyper-local scale.
Sign up to volunteer >>
For more info, please email or DM on Instagram @cambridgefridge.

Lasagna Love!
Hi everyone! I, and a whole group of awesome other people, am making and delivering home-cooked lasagnas for families who are struggling as a result of the pandemic. Lost income, lost childcare, impacted by COVID in another way? Whatever the situation, we want to help! It’s a meal, neighbors helping neighbors, no strings attached. We have volunteers ready to help as soon as this week!! Request a meal: If you would like a hand with dinner one night in the coming weeks sign up here. Feel free to share the link with others!

Food Resources 
Find information on food pantries, farmers markets, and more!
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Food resource flyer >>

Guide to Healthier Snacking
Find handy tips on the right hand margin of the School Health page on the CPHD website! Guide available in multiple languages.
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SNAP & WIC Store List

Here's a handy list of all stores in Cambridge where your SNAP and WIC benefits can be used.
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McLean Hospital Mental Health Webinars 
McLean Hospital has dedicated their time making free resources available for the public and professionals in hopes of promoting healthy individuals and communities.
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The Spirit of MLK in the Arts and in the Politics of Today
February 10 | 12PM
Members of the community share how the work of MLK motivates and informs their work today.
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Cambridge Scouts
Cambridge Troop 56 BSA (Boy Scouts of America, now known as Scouts BSA), would like to make families aware of our troop, open to both girls and boys from age 11 (6th grade) through age 20.
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Cambridge Children's Chorus Auditions
Does your child love to sing? Make an appointment for a virtual audition! 
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After-School Orienteering Mini-Games
Navigation Games is providing mini-games at different parks this winter!
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DHSP After-School Programs
K-8 FREE Virtual Programming!
Register >>

COVID-19 Testing

Testing appointments through the City's free mobile-testing program are now available at the following locations:
-CambridgeSide in East Cambridge; 11AM-7PM, Sundays and Thursdays; Drive-through testing in garage, enter on First St.
-50 Church St.; 12-8PM, Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays
-2254 Massachusetts Ave, St. John the Evangelist Church; 10-6PM, Wednesdays
-Pisani Center located at 131 Washington Street; 11AM-7PM, Saturdays
**You can schedule an appointment online or by calling 617.349.9788.

Fight the Flu. Get Your Flu Shot!
Now more than ever, it is critically important to get a flu shot (also called seasonal flu vaccine). Flu season begins in the late fall and goes through winter, peaking between the months of December and February, but people can still get the flu as late as May. Preventing the spread of flu will limit the need for flu-related medical appointments and hospitalizations, freeing up resources to help people with COVID-19. You can make an appointment for a flu shot with either your healthcare provider or local pharmacy. Cambridge Health Alliance patients (12 - 22 years old) OR Cambridge Public Schools students (12 - 22 years old) can now receive a flu shot at the Teen Health Center located in Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. Call 617.665.1548 to schedule an appointment.
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Amigos School / Escuela Amigos
15 Upton Street, Cambridge, MA 02139  •  617.349.6567
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