Haggerty Holler: February 12, 2021
Published on Feb 12, 2021 14:55

Here's the latest news from Haggerty...           View newsletter in browser >>

February 12, 2021

Ellis Paul "Visits" Haggerty!

On Thursday, Feb. 11 (Grades 3-5) and Friday, Feb. 12th (Grades JK-2), the musician and author, Ellis Paul "visited" the Haggerty School! He brought his book "Hero in You" and his guitar. The book outlines many American Hero's - who helped to make changes that improved our country - including Rosa Parks, Woodie Guthrie, and Jackie Robinson. One Hero he talked about, Woodie Guthrie, included singing Woodie's most famous song - "This Land is Your Land" - along with hand gestures for the whole audience.

Each Hero in his book has a song about them, and the book comes with a CD. We have a signed copy of this book in the Haggerty Library and in the Music Room!

Thanks to Friends of Haggerty!

Ellis PaulEllisPaul2

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BirdNature Corner

By: Kathleen Fitzgerald
Join the Great Backyard Bird Count!
This weekend, from today through Monday (Feb. 12-15) people from around the world will come together (virtually) to watch, count, and learn about birds. Just spending as little as 15 minutes over the next few days observing birds out your window, on your street, or at a local park or green space can help scientists track and identify seasonal bird populations. This is so, so important in a time when numbers of birds around the world are in decline, and the interest and advocacy of citizen scientists can make a real difference. I know for many families - especially those of us who live in cities and have been homebound for large parts of the past year - birding has become a lifeline to the natural world. My daughter and I added a bird feeder to our yard last March and have gotten so much joy from spotting new species of birds stopping by for a snack. We’ve even gotten familiar enough with their habits to identify them simply by their songs, and are noticing daily patterns of visits to particular trees near our house. One of our favorites, a Northern Cardinal we’ve nicknamed “Joe” (pictured here), serenades us from a willow just outside our second floor apartment window almost every morning.

If you’d like to join us and become citizen scientists for the weekend, it couldn’t be easier. Just visit birdcount.org, where you’ll find complete directions about how to submit your counts online, easy online tools and mobile apps to identify birds, and live maps and real-time updates so you can share in discoveries taking place around the world. Happy birding!!

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Rhode Island Black Storytellers

Last Thursday, February 4th, we had a school-wide story telling event from the Rhode Island Black Storytellers! Raffini, our storyteller, has been a professional storyteller for over 20 years.

She told two stories: Cassandra (written by Raffini) and the Rooster and the Roach. Cassandra was a story about listening to the children, they have great knowledge to share. The Rooster and the Roach was the age old story of the how hard work pays off with it's rewards, and getting around hard work never does!

Thank you to Friends of Haggerty for this wonderful evening!

Paid for by Friends of Haggerty!

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Report Card Letter

Dear Haggerty Families,

This is the time of year when I send a letter about the report cards and how much we want to center and celebrate growth in your children, not perfection, not a grade, but rather a focus on growth centered in how your children are working hard to improve on everything they do in school. The Haggerty staff and I want to continue to share what your children are learning and where we see them growing and getting smarter, yet we have to acknowledge how hard it is to objectively assess all aspects of student growth and development in this challenging year.

With some of our students working remotely and some in-person, with some children who have opportunities and access to many resources, including the outdoors, and other students who have little of these opportunities – there’s many inequities that remain visible. Our caregivers deserve much of the credit for the growth on this year’s report card! We recognize that much of your children’s learning within the last 10 months has been outside of the classroom. We value that learning. And, we honor and respect how much grief and loss you and your family has experienced and continues to endure. The last thing we want is to use the report card to place a value of success or failure on your kids.

The teachers have tried to center the most essential things that they can objectively and equitably speak to in this report card. This report offers a snapshot of your child’s learning over the past 5 months and indicates where your child may be thriving and where your child may need more practice in the months to come.

You’ll notice that the specials (Phys Ed., Music, Art, Technology) are not listed in the report card this year. The specialist teachers have created a different document so that they are not unfairly or inequitably assessing your children. They’ve created information about what your child has been learning in the various specials at each grade level. You can find that in the 2/12/21 Haggerty Holler or here.

Some things you should know about the report card document:

  • The report card is written with standards and essential skills that are a target for JUNE, the end of the school year. Teachers have worked in teams to consider what’s most essential for this year, given the pandemic.
  • A 4 is NOT equivalent to an “A” The focus is not on earning all “4’s” in any given category, the focus is on where they are now, and how we can support them to “get smarter” in the areas that are more challenging and require additional practice.
  • Some skills and curriculum areas have not been taught yet, which is why some areas read, “NT” – Not Taught (yet). Those areas will be reflected in the June report card.If you want to learn more about how your child is doing in music, art or physical education, please reach out to that teacher to schedule a conference.
  • If you have any questions about your child’s report card, please contact your child’s teacher, including the specialist teachers. I know they are more than happy to respond and answer questions.

Best wishes,

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Letter from Specialists Regarding Report Cards

February 2021
Dear Haggerty Families,

Due to the pandemic, our students have been learning in vastly different environments. Students do not have access to the same support or resources depending on individual or familial circumstances. Because of this reality, we have no way to accurately, fairly, or equitably assess students' skills. For this reason the specialists will not be grading students this year. In place of grades, please click the links below to learn about the skills students have been developing in each subject area.

We would love to conference with you if you have any questions about your child’s learning in art, health, library, music, or physical education class. Please be in touch.

Thank You!??

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Me and White SupremacyWhite Caregivers Working Toward Anti-Racism

Please join us for a monthly affinity group for White Caregivers Working Toward Anti-Racism. The affinity group for White Caregivers Working Toward Anti-Racism is reading and learning from Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad.

Our next session will take place on Wednesday, March 3rd from 6:30-8PM.
If you would like to attend, please complete this Google Form by Wednesday 3/3 at 10am.
Important Note: If you have already filled out the Google Form, you do NOT need to do so again.

In preparation for the session all participating caregivers should read the Week 2 (pp. 75-123) in Me and White Supremacy.

There will be reading to complete before each session, and we strongly encourage families to make a commitment to attend as many sessions as possible.

March 3rd, April 7th, May 19th

We hope to see you soon!

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Coach's Corner

Looking for games to play over February vacation? Make sure to check out the resources on the Haggerty Math Website. There are games you can play online and games where all you need is paper and pencil or a deck of cards.

And if your child loves to create patterns and explore with beautiful shapes, try some of the manipulatives in my bitmoji room.

Have a safe and fun vacation!
Nili (AKA Ms. Pearlmutter)

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FOH Corner

Do you want to help Haggerty students have access to enrichment and special events? Friends of Haggerty needs you! Joining is a low-commitment, fun, and rewarding way to help the community. We raise funds and help organize events like artist and musician visits, field trips (virtual and in-person), and community events. We hope you’ll add your creative ideas to the mix. Please email Friends of Haggerty or Lissa if you are interested.

We’re also looking for a new treasurer, so if managing a budget is your thing, please let us know!

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Celebrating Black Awareness & Black History

Student SeeSaw workFor 27 days we have engaged Jk through 2nd grade students with learning about accomplishments and tribulations of African Americans both past and present. We have learned about Kizzmekia Corbett, the scientist who is working on a vaccine for CoronaVirus (2021), and Madam CJ Walker, the self-made millionaire (1890). We learned about Gordon Parks (1940’s), an amazing African American photographer who captured previously unseen history. We explored Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Juneteenth; A Black celebration of Freedom Day and the voting act as well as housing and discrimination laws. With kid language we touched on the diaspora, slavery, and the great migration and so much more. Using seesaw as a medium the students watched 5 minute daily videos and responded to activities on Seesaw. At the end of February we will have a culminating video, worked on by a few voluntary 5th graders, featuring the student responses.

This has been an experience of growth for those involved. The students have been engaged. Parents have followed the lessons with family conversations. Teachers have opened up student conversations. Everyone is learning so much!

Culturally responsively yours,
Ms. Martin & Ms. Yusuf

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Library Corner

Library Booksby Amanda Bock
Last week, the American Library Association announced the newest winners of the major children's literature awards.

You can explore all of the winners in this slide deck. Click on the book images and award medals to get around. There are descriptions, book trailers, read-aloud videos, and links to find the books at libraries and online. I have ordered copies for our library, but it will be a while before they get here.

Overall, the winners skew towards upper elementary this year. One author won 2 Newbery Honors, and one of those books also won a Sibert Honor, so it was a good day for her! For the first time, a Native American won the Caldecott. I think it was a really strong year for illustration. There are some really gorgeous books in there.

There are a lot of awards and winners these days, so if you're short on time, you might prioritize this way:

  • JK-K: Caldecott (Me & Mama, Outside In), any of the illustrator awards, Asian-American (for Danbi), some of the Seuss (the humor is getting so sophisticated in early readers!)
  • K-2: Caldecott, Seuss, Sibert (for HoneyBee), the illustrator awards
  • 2-4: Caldecott, Sibert (for HoneyBee, Exquisite), the illustrator awards, Schneider (♥Talk Like a River and All the Way to the Top!)
  • 3-5: Everything :) Newbery, Caldecott (Water Protectors, Place Inside of Me), any of the author awards, Schneider, Sydney Taylor, Asian-American

Content Warning: Fighting Words by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, which won a Newbery Honor, is an excellent grade 4-6 realistic fiction book about child sexual abuse. I tell the 4th and 5th graders that it is an excellent book about some really hard truths (abuse and poverty) and encourage them to talk to their trusted adults if they choose to read it. I encourage you all to read it as well.

Let me know if you'd like any additional resources on any of these books, or if you want to discuss your Opinions. Having Opinions is, of course, the best part of any awards announcements.

Happy reading!

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Mental Health & General Health Resources

Movement/Physical Activity:

  • Family Fun Week (February Break)
    Join the Let's Talk/Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative for a week of fun and free virtual activities! All events will run on Zoom. There will be live animals, lots of games and movement fun, crafts, and giveaways! To register for each activity, please contact the Center for Families at 617.349.6385 or email us. More details >>

Food, Nutrition & Home Gardening:

  • February Harvest of the Month (Butternut Squash)
    This month's newsletter is bursting with Butternut Squash fun! Find jokes, fun facts, our monthly video series, learning activities for home and school, recipes, book suggestions and more. More details >>
    Here is a small taste of what you'll find:
    • Harvest of the Month Video Series
      5-minute video highlighting fun facts, a snack recipe and a kitchen skill! View here >>
    • Winter Squash Activity Book
      Find 6 lessons for children K-4th grade in this wonderful lesson guide on winter squashes. Draw, observe, taste, match and more as you learn about squash in these wonderful lessons.
      More details >>
  • Cambridge Food Resources During COVID-19
    This updated list includes all the current places where residents can find free food resources. This includes food pantries, community meals, school meals, and meal delivery options!
    Translations available in Spanish, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Amharic and Mandarin (on the same Cambridge in Motion website).

Mental & Emotional Wellness:

  • February At-Home Activity Calendar
    From the Let's Talk program, fend off winter boredom with these fun activities (aimed at children 0-4 years). In this calendar you will find ideas of activities to try at home. There is a different theme each day: talk, read, play, sing, and tell stories. The goal is to have fun! You can change these ideas to match your child’s age or interests.
    Learn more >>

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Healthy Snack of the Week

Nutty Yogurt Dippers

Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the Week: 

Nutty Yogurt Dippers: Greek yogurt with nut butter drizzled on top, served with apple or pear slices to dip and scoop!

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Haggerty Events & Reminders


February Break (No School)

Monday, Feb. 15 - 19th

In-Person Safety Webinar

Tuesday, Feb. 23 | 6PM

Expansion of Learners into Haggerty
Monday, March 1


From the Nurse
Here's some handy info about sneaky allergy triggers! 
Details >>

Free Lunch for Students  
Monday - Friday, 12Noon - 1PM
Details >>

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo
There are many programs available to Kindergarteners-8th Graders this Fall. Here are some resources for:
Elementary age students
Middle school students
Tutoring opportunities for all grades  

Find other opportunities here – or call/text us at 617.686.2998 or email usPrograms are continuing to update their opportunities based on the recent state guidelines, so check back often!

Food for Free

If you need of longer-term food delivery (cannot access a pantry, nobody can get to a pantry for them, and they fall within certain income guides), contact the FFF Home Delivery Program. Learn more >>

Cambridge Housing Stabilization Program

Provides short term financial assistance to individuals and families in Cambridge who are experiencing housing instability due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more >>
Complete application online or call 617.349.9797 for assistance.

COVID-19 Public Health Guidance
-- Have questions about COVID-19? Learn more >>
-- COVID Vaccine Information in MA
Find the 3-stage vaccination plan, an FAQ on vaccinations and updates provided by the state here.
-- COVID Testing in Cambridge: Find frequently asked questions, locations & ways to sign up for a COVID test in Cambridge. Learn more >>

FREE After-School Orienteering Mini-Games
Fun, outdoor enrichment activities based on CPS orienteering physical education unit!
View February flyer >>
Upcoming events >>
More details >>

CRLS Winter Arts Festival
This week, take a peek at what the future at CRLS can offer at the CRLS Winter Arts Festival!
View schedule >>

Harvard Sq. "Fridge in the Square"

With the principle 'take what you need, leave what you can', we aim to redistribute resources within our community to those in need on a hyper-local scale.
Sign up to volunteer >>
For more info, please email or DM on Instagram @cambridgefridge.

Free Adult Education
Adult education programs now accepting students for free ESOL, GED/HiSET, Citizenship or Job training programs with NO wait lists.
Learn more >>

McLean Hospital Mental Health Webinars
Free mental health resources available. 
View upcoming webinars >>

Fight the Flu! Get Your Flu Shot!
You can make an appointment for a flu shot with either your healthcare provider or local pharmacy. Note: It's mandatory for CPS students to receive flu shots by 12/31. Details >>

Cambridge Families of Color Coalition (CFCC)
-- Focus Group:
Feb. 17 | 3:30-5PM | Sign up >>
Feb. 25 | 6-7:30PM | Sign up >>
View here for information on Focus Groups. More details >>

-- Community Meeting:
Feb. 22 | 6-7:30PM | Reigster here >>
More details >>

Guide to Healthier Snacking
Find handy tips on the right hand margin of the School Health page on the CPHD website! Guide available in multiple languages. Details >>

Girlx Only Leadership Development

Tuesdays, 5-7PM | Zoom | 
Details >>
Register >>

Caregiver Groups
BRYT (Bridge for Resilient Youth in Transition) network has been providing FREE parent support groups since the school closures in March 2020 to any parent or caregiver!
Flyer >>
Parents Supporting Parents Commercial >>

CEOC Resources
-- CEOC can assist residents with signing up for SNAP/WIC, file for unemployment, file taxes, apply for health insurance, housing services, etc. and they run one of Cambridge's food pantries.
-- If you are quarantined/isolated and needs food or other assistance, please reach out to CEOC. They are providing food deliveries to Cambridge residents in quarantine/isolation.
-- For more information on any of the above, please call 617.868.2900 or visit www.ceoccambridge.org

Cambridge Public Library Resources
-- Contactless Holds Pickup Service Available
-- English Classes: Registration is required for each class.Please see the Library’s online events calendar for more details.

Questions about P-EBT Benefits?
For more information, visit here. For free, confidential support and further info surrounding the next round of Pandemic EBT funding, SNAP benefits, and food resources, contact Project Bread at 800.645.8333. 

Food Resources
For more information about Food Pantries, Financial Assistance for Food, Free Delivery Services and more, please check the list from FinditCambridge.

We have a Food Resources flyer that lists all the pantries, congregate programs, school meals, etc. (find all translated languages on the CiM main page) operations in Cambridge and a Farmers Market flyer.

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Haggerty School
110 Cushing Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
haggerty.cpsd.us  •  617.349.6555
CPS Mobile App >>
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