From the Amigos Principal: March 19, 2021
Published on Mar 19, 2021 15:12

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  19 de marzo, 2021 | March 19, 2021

Dear Families,

Dear Families,

Thank you for sharing your preferences for remote or in-person learning starting April 5th. Armed with this information, we can now start creating a new schedule for the building and updating our space and safety protocols. Undeniably, the most challenging aspect of this return will be serving lunch. This is what we know now:

  • Grades JK-8: Required to shift to full-time, in-person instruction five days per week effective Monday, April 5, 2021.
  • The state requires that classrooms be set up for at least 3 feet physical distancing and at least 6 feet physical distancing during mealtimes.
  • All students and staff are required to wear masks and follow our established safety protocols.
  • Shifting to in-person may mean that your child changes teachers or classrooms.
  • Depending on staffing, your child’s teacher may be in-person or teaching remotely, and “streaming in” to the classroom.
  • You cannot request a specific teacher or classroom and you may not find out your child’s teacher or classroom configuration until schedules are finalized.
  • Student numbers for April 5: In-person: 298, Remote: 109

Next Thursday, we will hold our first Amigos Black/ African- American Affinity Group. Families and caregivers who self-identify as Black, African American, African, Afro Caribbean or Afro Latino, will come together virtually. We hope that this can be a safe space for dialogue in which participants can unpack what it means to be Black at the Amigos School and how we can build relationships amongst ourselves and others. If you are interested, but have questions about who belongs or should attend please contact Lillian Rater.

Earlier this week Superintendent Salim wrote to you acknowledging the horrific events that took place in Atlanta on Tuesday. This type of targeted hatred and violence is hard to process and discuss. Sadly, there continues to be too much of it taking place. You may find helpful the resource “Talking to Children about Traumatic Events” shared by the superintendent as well as a recent article from Learning for JusticeAfter Atlanta: Teaching about Asian American Identity and History.” Together, we can be better and eradicate hate.


Sarah Bartels-Marrero

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Estimadas Familias,

Estimadas familias,

Gracias por compartir sus preferencias de aprendizaje a distancia o presencial a partir del 5 de abril. Armados con esta información, ahora podemos empezar a crear un nuevo horario para el edificio y actualizar nuestros protocolos de espacio y seguridad. Sin duda, el aspecto más desafiante de este regreso será el almuerzo. Esto es lo que sabemos ahora:

  • Grados JK-8: Habrá clases presenciales cinco días por semana a partir del lunes 5 de abril de 2021.
  • El estado requiere que las aulas se configuren para al menos 3 pies de distancia física y al menos 6 pies de distancia física durante la hora de la comida.
  • Todos l@s estudiantes y el personal están obligados a usar máscaras y seguir nuestros protocolos de seguridad establecidos.
  • El cambio a la modalidad presencial puede significar que su hij@ cambie de profesor o de aula.
  • Dependiendo de la dotación de personal, el profesor de su hij@ puede estar en persona o enseñar a distancia, y "transmitir" al aula.
  • No se puede solicitar un profesor o aula específica y es posible que no se sepa la configuración del profesor o aula de su hij@ hasta que se finalicen los horarios.
  • Número de alumn@s para el 5 de abril: En persona: 298, A distancia: 109

El próximo jueves, celebraremos nuestro primer Grupo de afinidad Afroamericana en Amigos. Las familias y los cuidadores que se autoidentifican como negros, afroamericanos, africanos, afrocaribeños o afrolatinos, se reunirán virtualmente. Esperamos que esto pueda ser un espacio seguro para el diálogo en el que los participantes puedan desempacar lo que significa ser Negro en la Escuela Amigos y cómo podemos construir relaciones entre nosotros y otros. Si usted está interesado, pero tiene preguntas acerca de quién pertenece o debe asistir, por favor, póngase en contacto con Lillian Rater.

A principios de esta semana el Superintendente Salim les escribió reconociendo los horribles eventos que tuvieron lugar en Atlanta el martes. Este tipo de odio y violencia es difícil de procesar y discutir. Lamentablemente, sigue habiendo demasiados casos de este tipo. Puede ser útil el recurso "Hablando con los niños sobre eventos traumáticos" compartido por el superintendente, así como un artículo reciente de Learning for Justice "Después de Atlanta: Teaching about Asian American Identity and History." Juntos, podemos ser mejores y erradicar el odio.


Sarah Bartels-Marrero

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From our Student Reporter / De nuestra reportera estudiantil 

Hi, hopefully everybody is safe and well. This is Lucy Gonzalez Fayos, from Mr. Bañuelo’s 5th grade. Today I am going to interview Sr. Bañuelos, a couple of students from 5th grade and one from 8th grade. Enjoy!

Mr.Bañuelos, What's the best advice you've been given about teaching?

“Make a connection with your students. Understanding what they need is important, it doesn’ t matter what subject you are teaching.” I agree with him, it’s very important to be able to connect so you can help one another.
Mr. Bañuelo’s, in your opinion, what’s the best part of teaching?
“When you hear a student say ‘thank you’ about learning something new, it makes my day.”

Next, I interviewed Laila Rose Henry. Laila, what is something that you feel Amigos is great at?

“They treat everybody equal no matter where they come from and how they look and they are very caring for the students and the educators that work and are part of Amigos.”

Hola, ojalá todos estén sanos y salvos. Soy Lucy González Fayos, del 5º grado y la clase de Sr. Bañuelo. Hoy voy a entrevistar al Sr. Bañuelos, y una alumna. ¡Que lo disfruten!

Sr.Bañuelos, ¿Cuál es el mejor consejo que le han dado sobre la enseñanza?

"Hacer una conexión con tus alumnos. Entender lo que necesitan es importante, no importa la asignatura que enseñes".

Estoy de acuerdo con él, es muy importante poder conectar para poder ayudarse mutuamente.

Sr. Bañuelos, en su opinión, ¿cuál es la mejor parte de la enseñanza?
"Cuando escuchas a un alumno decir 'gracias' por haber aprendido algo nuevo, me alegra el día".

A continuación, entrevisté a Laila Rose Henry. Laila, ¿qué es algo que sientes que Amigos hace muy bien?

“Tratan a todos por igual, sin importar de dónde vengan y cómo se vean, y se preocupan mucho por los estudiantes y los educadores que trabajan y son parte de Amigos”.

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Updated guidance: Quarantine Protocols for Positive COVID-19 Cases 

Read clarification and updated guidance on quarantine procedures when cases of COVID-19 are found in schools. Read the message >> 

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What's Happening After School?
OST Opportunities Spring 2021 

Here's a slideshow of current and upcoming OST (Out-of-School-Time) opportunities. Here's a longer list of (newly updated) Middle School Opportunities for Spring 2021.

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Families and Children: Team Up and Learn Together

Team up to explore new skills while we stretch our brains and talk about self-care. Six, 1-hr workshops for adults & kids (ages 3 and up). Note: Families can still join even after series has started!

Register now >>
More details >>

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Cambridge Debate League

Tuesdays | 3-4PM | View Flyer >>
Interested in debate? Join the Cambridge Debate Team! *Available to any student in Grades 6-8th. Contact Megan Litten to request your virtual invitation. More details >>

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In Our Community

  • Find It Cambridge
    Find Spring and Summer 2021 opportunities for Cambridge families here. You can also call/text us at 617.686.2998 or email us here for help. Continue to check back as new programs are updated or visit Find It Cambridge for lots of other great resources!
  • See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! See list >>

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National Nutrition Month: Learn Skills to Cook Tasty Meals!

Cambridge in MotionHaving children help cook meals and snacks is a win for everyone! Kids are more likely to try foods when they have been a part of cooking them. Cooking also helps kids gain independence and learn important life skills! ChopChop Family has monthly newsletters for kids with recipes, kitchen skills, cooking tips, and learning opportunities – check out their free Cooking Club app to help get your kids excited about cooking together! From your friends at Cambridge in Motion, a program of the Cambridge Public Health Department, and CPSD Food & Nutrition Services.

  • How to Use a Knife: Learn the safest way to use a knife in this ChopChop Newsletter about sweet potatoes (pg. 3)!
  • How to Use a Colander: Learn how to use this common kitchen tool in this ChopChop Newsletter all about Chickpeas (pg. 4)!
  • How to Crack an Egg: Learn how to crack an egg in this ChopChop Newsletter all about Eggs (pg. 3)!
  • How to Core a Tomato: Learn how to get that pesky core out of a tomato in this ChopChop Newsletter all about tomatoes (pg. 3)!
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Healthy Snack of the Week

Popcorn with parmesan cheese and dried fruits
Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the Week:
Popcorn with Parmesan Cheese & Dried Fruit! Sprinkle the parmesan on top of the popcorn. Try dried fruits like raisins, apricots, prunes, or mango!

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In Our District & Community

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Find Spring and Summer 2021 opportunities for Cambridge families here.

You can also call/text us at 617.686.2998 or email us here for help.

Continue to check back as new programs are updated or visit Find It Cambridge for lots of other great resources!
Amigos School
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! See list >>

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Amigos School / Escuela Amigos
15 Upton Street, Cambridge, MA 02139  •  617.349.6567
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