RAUC Newsletter: March 30, 2021
Published on Mar 30, 2021 14:26

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   March 30, 2021

Message from family liaisonGreetings

Dear RAUC families,

Please click the image for a video message with highlights from this week’s news:

As always, if you have any questions or comments about the news or anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by email at [email protected] or phone at 857.244.0730.

Julia Ho, RAUC Family Liaison

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Support for Xavier’s Family

After hearing the tragic news of the loss of a recent CRLS graduate and former RAUC student Xavier Louis-Jacques, many of you have asked about ways to help support Xavier’s family. One way to support his family that we’ve learned about recently is through this GoFundMe page. The funds raised will go to helping cover funeral costs and also hopefully beginning a scholarship fund for exceptional youth like Xavier. As we learn about more ways, we will continue to update you. Thank you for your caring hearts and kind offers of support.

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April 28 Expansion to In-person Learning Update

Thank you for your continued patience as we finalize the schedule that will start April 28th. Our goal is to share it with the community the week before April break.

  • For students:
    • Advisors will be reviewing the new schedule and supporting students with the transition the week before break
  • For families:
    • We will be holding Q&A information sessions about schedule updates & school-specific safety protocols on these dates:
      • For families of IN-PERSON students:
        Monday, April 12, 6-6:45PM
      • For families of REMOTE students:
        Tuesday, April 13, 6-6:45PM
      • Drop-in Q&A: IN-PERSON and REMOTE all welcome
        Friday, April 16, 8-8:30AM

COVID ConversationsThe Mayor and the district will also be holding a virtual information session for our RAUC/Peabody/Baldwin triad community on safety precautions and guidelines on Thursday, April 1st at 6PM.
More information >>
Register here for Zoom link >>

  • Please note that Principal Craven will not be able to attend this meeting. If you want school-specific answers and could only attend one information session, we recommend attending our school information sessions on April 12th.

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7th and 8th grade families:
New PE/Health/Art Cycle

Noun Project IconsMonday April 5th marks the start of the new cycle of PE/Health/Art. Students are being reminded about this in their current classes.  They should keep an eye out for new google classroom invitations.

  • 7th Grade
    • In-person 7th graders will have PE at the same time they currently have Art
    • Remote 7th graders will have Health at the same time they currently have remote Art.  
  • 8th grade
    • In-person AND remote students will all have Art at the same time they currently PE (or Health if they are remote).
  • No change for 6th grade--they will continue taking PE (in-person) or Health (remote)

Class rosters will remain the same but teachers will switch. Aspen will reflect this change by the end of the day on Friday April 2.

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Looking ahead to the summer

We imagine families are starting to think about what opportunities will be available for students this summer. You may be worried about meeting deadlines. Rest assured, we will be keeping you up to date as we get more information. Many organizations are still waiting to finalize plans until the health situation becomes more clear. Here are some programs that we know are definitely running:

Please look out for more details in future newsletters and communications on these and other programs.

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Reminder: Our Triad is Continuing Equity Conversations - All are welcome!

Wednesday, March 31 | 7-9pm
North Cambridge Courageous Conversations will host “The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease” (a previously-recorded presentation) by two CPS educators and a discussion in small racial affinity groups (with separate groups for educators and parents/caregivers and questions tailored to each group) about the topic of opportunity hoarding.
**Pre-registration by 9AM on March 31st is required**
Register here
to receive the Zoom link
Questions? Please email North Cambridge Courageous Conversations.

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Tech Corner

Mobile Help Desk
If your Chromebook is broken in any way, take it to the Mobile Help Desk! The Help Desk is open Mon.-Fri. NOON-4PM. They're located at CRLS. Come to the service windows beside the garage door, on Felton St. closest to Broadway. Look for the fluorescent pink signs hanging in the window.

Also, there are several opportunities over April Vacation for students to learn about technology and develop their tech skills! We encourage you to check them out:

  • Science Club for Girls: One-week FREE VIRTUAL exploration of computer coding for middle school (6 - 8th grade) girls and those who identify with girlhood. Sign up here >>
  • What's Cooking? STEAM in the Kitchen and Beyond?: FREE virtual cooking camp (all food and equipment needed for the program is provided) for 6th-8th graders and their families who want to explore the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and  Math of cooking. Register Here >>

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Social/Emotional Well-being--Tip of the Week

Try some mindfulness or breathing activities with your student. Practicing when they are regulated can help students remember to use the exercises when they are feeling overwhelmed.

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Healthy Snack of the Week
Brown Rice with Edamame and corn
Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the Week:
Brown Rice with Edamame & Corn! Mix together to make a type of salad OR serve separately!
Tip: Use frozen edamame and corn and defrost in the microwave as needed!

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RAUC Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendars!
RAUC calendar >>
CPS district calendar >>


NO SCHOOL (Holiday)
Monday, April 2 (holiday)
Wed 3/31 will be a Friday schedule--still fully remote, but we will all follow a Friday schedule.

School Council Meeting
Tuesday, April 6 | 8-8:45AM

Spring Vacation
April 19-23

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo 

Find Spring and Summer 2021 opportunities for Cambridge families. You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help. Continue to check back as new programs are updated or visit Find It Cambridge for lots of other great resources!

Rindge Avenue Upper School
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! See list >>

Here are a few featured events:


FREE CHA Virtual Workshop Series: Teen Health, Love and Relationships
Thursdays starting 3/18 | 3:30PM
Open to 7th/8th Grade students in Somerville and Cambridge. How to Join? Join our group on the Remind app using the code @scmid21. More details >>

DHSP FREE Virtual 6-8 Classes & Social Opportunities
Monday-Thursday, 4-5:30; Friday, 4-5PM
Learn more >>

Girlx Only Leadership
Development (GOLD)

Tuesdays | 5-7PM | Zoom
Register here >>

Cambridge Girls Softball
*FREE this year

Spring Season: Late April to mid June with weekday afternoons games @ Danehy Park. Play softball with the Cambridge Girls Softball League! Have fun and be part of a team. New and returning players are welcome.
More details >>
Register here >>

Click here for more student OST opportunities >>


BIWOC Gathering Circle - Virtual Gathering in solidarity w/ Asian Community
TONIGHT, March 30th, 7-8:30PM
The BIWOC (Black women, Indigenous women, and women of color) Gathering Circle invites you to a virtual gathering circle to support and stand in solidarity with the Asian community. Discussion Topics: gendered racism against Asian women, the historical tropes that Asian women face, and community engagement and activism for Asian women and the Asian community as a whole. 
Learn more here >>
RSVP here >>

Cambridge Families of Asian Descent (CFAD) is a group of Cambridge parents/caregivers of East Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and multi-racial Asian heritage centered on forming social connections and advocating around increasing visibility of Asian-Americans in the school curriculum and community.
Check out the website here >>

Read Against Racism – A Book Club for Parents/Guardians
You (and any parents or guardians you know) are invited to join our book club. Read Against Racism is intended as a safe space where local parents can embrace difficult conversations and share perspectives on race and equity in Camberville and surrounding areas. Meetings: First Saturday of every month at 7-9PM. If you'd like to receive the virtual meeting links each month, please email us or join our Google Group. RAR is also on Facebook. Learn more >>

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Rindge Avenue Upper School
70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
rindgeavenue.cpsd.us  •  617.349.4060
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