Haggerty Holler: June 22, 2021
Published on Jun 22, 2021 14:07

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June 22, 2021

Haggerty Day Fun!

Haggerty Day FunOn Thursday, June 16th, all of our Haggerty Students, both remote and in-person, came together on a beautifully sunny day for a block party of grand proportions! We closed Cushing Street to traffic and created a variety of fun stations, including a drumming circle by Jafar, laughs with Jenny the Juggler, art station by Mr. Reynolds, playground fun with Mr. Materazzo, stomp rockets with Carroll Magill, and a water station in the parking lot! This super fun day, that reunited our in-person and remote staff and students was the perfect way to end this ever-changing, hard year. Thanks to all the caregivers and staff who helped make this day such a wonderful success. Thanks to our School Resource Officer, Devon Brooks for getting the street closed, and CPS photographer Bethany Versoy for taking photos! And thanks for Friends of Haggerty for funding the entertainment and supplies!
Haggerty Day Fun

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Staff we are sad to say goodbye to!

We are grateful to the many fabulous staff who joined the Haggerty Team this year in one-year positions due to the pandemic. We bid farewell and thanks to Luis Branco, Karen Caine, Briana Cuevas, Ellen Contini, Sarah Russell, Emily Paton, Future Coleman-Arroyo, Isabel Jones, Nina Vosbigian, Chrissy Hsu, Alex Pierre, Lily Schub, Olivia Scott, Cheryl Wong, and Elaine Guerrero.

In addition, we are saying goodbye to Annie Shriver, Victoria Howard, and Jessica Shultz who have been important members of our community over the last number of years. They are each moving out of state and we are grateful for their devotion to the Haggerty students and our school community over the years!

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ELA Coach's Corner - Suzanne Russell

To all Families/Caregivers:

We are excited to share that all incoming 1st graders to incoming 6th graders received Scholastic books packs for Summer Reading. Each student received a set of 3 fiction and 3 nonfiction books to take home and keep for summer reading. We hope that you will find time to enjoy reading these new books together. Each child also received a postcard and a writing journal. We encourage you to draw, write, record your wonderings, and or write letters to teachers while you take some time away from school and screens this summer. We have ordered lots of new books for all of our JK-5 students for next year and we look forward to sharing the love of reading and writing with your children when we kick off the 2021-2022 school year. Check out the Haggerty School Website: Summer Learning page to find ideas to keep learning all summer long! We thank you for all, children and caregivers for your support in returning reading materials to classroom teachers and to the our library. Happy Summer, Keep Reading, Keep Learning! Until We Meet Again.

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Coach's Corner

Keep that Math Brain growing all summer long with Cambridge Math Calendars! These calendars have ideas for short, fun activities to do every day! You can find a calendar for students going into grades 1 to 8 here. And if you are looking for more games and activities, please check out our Haggerty Math Website.

Students continue to have access to ST Math this summer. If your child gets stuck, email me for help.

Nili Pearlmutter, Haggerty Math Coach?One more math opportunity: For students entering grades 2 and up, Cambridge Math Circle is running a few different virtual math programs this summer. Check them out here. Generous needs-based financial aid is available!!!

Have a wonderful, mathy summer!
Nili Pearlmutter, Haggerty Math Coach

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JK/K Art Show!

Our JK/K students have been studying some of the great artists of the world and working on their own reproductions. They put their works on display on Thursday, June 17th. Well done JK/K students and staff!
Haggerty Art Show - JK/KHaggerty Art Show - JK/K
Haggerty Art Show - JK/KHaggerty Art Show - JK/KHaggerty Art Show - JK/K

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Fifth Graders are Moving on!Fifth Graders are Moving on!

On Thursday, June 17th our fifth graders had a wonderful celebration of their time at the Haggerty School with their families and our staff. Each fifth grader made a short presentation reflecting on what they learned or remembered most about their time in elementary school. They also put a memory or artifact in the time capsule, and they will be invited to come back and retrieve it when they graduate from high school. Staff, including their teachers and Nancy also had words of wisdom for the students. And then, their families hosted a wonderful celebration!

Thanks to all the staff that helped with our fifth graders this year - Elise Faucher, Jolene Wright, Alyssa Foster, Cheryl Wong, Katie Nole, Rachel Keefer, Jessica Joseph, Kristine Roberts and Olivia Scott. This was a year that took so much help and support to get through! Thanks to all of them for their love and support of our students!

We wish you well in the next phase fifth graders! You are so ready for 6th grade. You will always have your Haggerty family! We are here if you want to celebrate an accomplishment, need a hug, or just to say hello! It has been such a pleasure watching you grow and learn over the years.

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Student Chromebook Drop OffReturn Your Chromebooks

All CPS PK-8 Students should return their Chromebook by the last day of school (June 23) or drop it off at the CPS Helpdesk Window at CRLS (corner of Felton St and Broadway) between 8AM - 4PM on June 24, 25, 28, 29, 30 or July 1 and 2. If your student is participating in a CPS summer program and needs their Chromebook, they can return it at the end of the program. There will be no charge for repairing or replacing damaged Chromebooks or chargers.

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Apple Cookies! One apple (sliced into rounds), topped with nut butter and raisins. Tip: Try other dried fruits on top, like mango, kiwi, apricot, prunes, etc!Healthy Snack of the Week

Apple Cookies! One apple (sliced into rounds), topped with nut butter and raisins. Tip: Try other dried fruits on top, like mango, kiwi, apricot, prunes, etc!

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Haggerty Events & Reminders


Last Day of School
Wednesday, June 23

Early Release Day
Wednesday, June 23

First Day of School (Gr. 1-5)
Friday, September 9

First Day of JK/Kindergarten
Monday, September 13


From the Nurse
Here's some handy info about sneaky allergy triggers! 
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Free Lunch for Students  
Monday - Friday, 12Noon - 1PM
Details >>

In Our District & Community

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Find Spring and Summer 2021 opportunities for Cambridge families. You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help. Continue to check back as new programs are updated or visit Find It Cambridge for lots of other great resources!

kids playing outside

See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! 
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Cambridge in Motion Weekly Wellness
Mental health and general resources
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Haggerty School
110 Cushing Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
haggerty.cpsd.us  •  617.349.6555
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