RAUC Newsletter: January 11, 2022
Published on Jan 11, 2022 14:28

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   January 11, 2022


Dear RAUC families,

Please watch the video or scroll down to read some updates for this week's news:
message from principal
As always, if you have any questions or comments about the news or anything else, please don’t hesitate to
email Family Liaison Julia Ho at [email protected] or phone at 617.352.5781.
We hope you had a wonderful winter vacation- filled with good rest, warmth and joy!
Julie Craven, RAUC Principal
Julia Ho, RAUC Family Liaison

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Updated COVID-19 Quarantine Protocols

Quarantine ProtocolsWe hope that you received the district email with updates to Cambridge Schools protocols.

Key point: if your student has tested positive, the quarantine period is now 5 days. That means that a student can return to school on the sixth day as long as they have NOT had symptoms for the previous 24 hours

Reminder: Data shows us that schools are not the prime transmission point for COVID infections. We continue to follow all our COVID safety protocols that have served us well–windows and fans remain open, everyone is masked, hands are washed or sanitized before eating, and we do weekly pool testing of students and staff. Thank you for continuing to do your part in keeping your students home if they are not feeling well.

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Semester ends January 28!

The first semester will be ending on Friday, January 28th. We have asked all teachers to let students and families know if they are missing any major projects. You can also encourage your student to check Aspen and see if there is missing work. Report cards will be viewable on Aspen on Friday, February 4. and will also be sent out by mail. Listening Conferences will happen with advisors February 7-18. Stay tuned for more information!

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Equity Update

EquityBeginning this month, every school in the district will launch a School-Based Equity Team. This equity team will be conducting an equity self-assessment that will focus on policies, programs, and practices that directly or indirectly impact students, families, or staff relative to their race, ethnicity, gender, national origin, color, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or other socio-culturally significant factors.

At RAUC, our School Council is serving as our equity team. We meet the first Tuesday of every month 8-9am. In addition to Principal Julie Craven and Family Liaison Julia Ho, we have a group of four caregivers, four staff, three community members and, starting this month, four students. For notes from our most recent meeting, please click here. If you would like more information about the team and are interested in joining, please contact Julia Ho.

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Winter Session Activities:
Starting THIS WEEK

We’re excited to announce that winter session activities will be starting THIS week.

As a reminder….

  • Only fully vaccinated students can participate in after school activities. ALL students can participate in lunch clubs.
  • Transportation: Any student who lives more than 1.5 miles away from our school and is attending RAUC after school clubs is eligible for the late bus.
    • The late bus leaves from RAUC at 4PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays and at 4:15PM on Wednesdays.
    • To ride the late bus, students must sign up for the late bus in the main office at the end of the day on the days they are attending clubs.
    • For the list of bus stops on the late bus, please click here >>

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In case you missed it: January Learning Previews

Please visit the links below for more information from your student’s teachers about what your students will be learning this month:

Click here for a printable version. In these learning previews, you can also find some conversation starters and questions you can ask your students about what they’re learning.

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Just for fun: 6th Grade Stained Glass Art

Around the hallways at RAUC, you can see some beautiful stained glass artwork created by our RAUC 6th graders! Find more photos here >>
Stained glass art

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CPS Lunch & Breakfast Menu - January Week 2

Click here for the full menu >>
CPS Lunch & Breakfast Menu - January Week 2

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Popcorn sprinkled with cinnamon served with apple slices.Healthy Snack of the Week

Popcorn sprinkled with cinnamon served with apple slices.

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RAUC Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendars!
RAUC calendar >>
CPS district calendar >>

No School, Dr. MLK Jr. Holiday
Monday, January 17 

FRAUC (Families of RAUC) Meeting
Wednesday, January 19 | 8AM

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo 

Visit Find It Cambridge for lots of great resources! You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help. 

Rindge Avenue Upper School
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! See list >>


Looking for more activities for your middle schooler? Please check out
the Middle School Network’s 'What’s Happening After School’ slideshow'!

For Students

CPL Virtual LGBTQIA+ Book Group
Wednesdays during Feb. | 6-7PM 
New virtual book discussion &hangout celebrating LGBTQIA+ stories hosted by the Cambridge Public Library. All readers ages 11-14 are welcome!
Learn more & register here >>

For Families

Cambridge Families of
Color Coalition (CFCC): Community Gathering TONIGHT

Tuesday, January 11 | 6:30-8PM
Caregivers of color are invited to attend the next monthly CFCC community gathering! Share and learn from other caregivers of color about resources & build community in a supportive, comfortable and informal space. Register here >>   

SAVE THE DATE: FY23 District Budget Meetings
Multiple Sessions
Save-the-Date for the FY23 Budget Virtual Community Meetings, where members of the CPS community will join Superintendent Greer and School Committee members to share their perspectives on budget priorities for next year. Each session will last approximately one hour.
Register here >>

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Rindge Avenue Upper School
70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
rindgeavenue.cpsd.us  •  617.349.4060
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