Haggerty Holler: January 28, 2022
Published on Jan 28, 2022 15:21

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January 28, 2022

ELA Coach's Corner - by Suzanne Russell

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday
Students in Mrs. Moloney’s class listened to Dr. King’s words and watched several videos on his life and his legacy. The students were inspired by Dr.King’s life. Many students knew about Dr. King’s work but they were surprised to learn of the hardships Dr. King, his friends and his family endured in their fight for equality and social justice. Each student shared a dream they have for their own lives and for the future. Here are a few dreams that our third graders want to see become realities in their lifetimes.

I have a dream...that is amazing and I'll never give up on my dream and that dream is I will be a teacher. ~ Anisa

I have a dream...that world hunger would end. One day I hope people will treat others with kindness. ~ Mia

I have a dream... that one day equal rights will come and never go.
~ AbdiKarim

I have a dream...that people will be nice to everybody. Not to care about being fat and other sizes and skin colors. I wish there was no racism and no bullying. ~ Mahzala

I have a dream...that people stop polluting so one day we can swim in the Charles River. ~ Ava

MLKI have a dream... that people will be kind and loving to each other and not hateful and mean. ~ Mi-Yun

I have a dream and I hope that everyone is kind, nice and helpful to everybody. ~ Ayesha

I have a dream...to become the Mayor of Cambridge. I want to be famous for working hard. ~ Aeary

Illustration by Anthony

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First Graders Celebrate MLK with their dreams of the future

First Graders Celebrate MLK with their dreams of the future?

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Clothing donation bin benefits
our school

Haggerty and Clothes BinFriends of HaggertyHave you noticed the big green clothing donation bin near the Lawn St. entrance? Friends of Haggerty is partnering with Clothes Bin® to collect and recycle old clothing, shoes, and textiles. Our school gets a contribution to our enrichment funds for every pound of recycled items.

YOU CAN RECYCLE: Clothing, footwear, undergarments, accessories, handbags, towels, blankets, other linens. Items in good condition will be reused and unusable items will be recycled. Just place the items in the green recycling bin adjacent to the Lawn Street entrance. Thank you!

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Winter Clothes Reminder

It's very cold outside these days, but we are still going out. Please send your children with lots of layers, gloves/mittens and boots. When there is snow on the ground, snow pants too.

We have a lobby full of winter clothing, if anyone needs anything. Feel free to ask Lissa if you need any winter clothing donations.

We want everyone to be warm and comfortable outside.

Thanks for your help!

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Haggerty Chorus

After a long month away, the Haggerty Chorus will resume again Tues. Feb. 1st!

See you at 7:30AM in music room next Tuesday!

Mx. Irvin

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Race Matters! Resources for parents and kids

For parents! An easy-to-read, easy-to-understand guide on the real-life experiences of black people in the 21st century, Black Stats shows racial discrimination in the form of facts and figures. A critical look at the quality of African American life, progress toward equality, and the negative impacts of socially unjust policies and discriminatory practices. 

  • Black Stats: African Americans by the Numbers: Read here >>

For families to read together! Celebrate Black History (all year round, but also in February)! There are so many books to learn about Black History and Culture, but here are just a few based on your kiddos age and reading level. 

  • Pre-K-2nd grade: Child of the Civil Rights Movement: Read here >>
  • 3-5th grade: Freedom Walkers: The Story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott: Read here >>

Want to be involved with Race Matters: Courageous Conversations at Haggerty? Please contact Lissa or Jennifer Richards.

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VLUS Triad White Caregivers Working Toward Anti-Racism

Hello G&P, Haggerty, Tobin, and VLUS Families,

Please join a monthly affinity group forVLUS Triad White Caregivers Working Toward Anti-Racism.

The affinity group will read and discuss various texts throughout the year in order to address our own unconscious biases and to take an active role in fighting white supremacy in our schools, communities, and ourselves.
There will be reading (or listening) to complete before each session, and families are strongly encouraged to make a commitment to attend as many sessions as possible.

Next Meeting: How does whiteness affect our practices, relationships, and expectations in our lives
Thursday, February 3rd | 6:45-8PM | Zoom
Please listen to "The Code Switch Podcast, Episode 1: Can We Talk About Whiteness?"
Listen here >>
Register here >>
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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Healthy Snack of the Week

Apple Pie Oatmeal. Cooked oatmeal with chopped apples and a drizzle of honey. Tip: Also try chopped walnuts or almonds, or brown sugar instead of honey.
Apple Pie Oatmeal. Cooked oatmeal with chopped apples and a drizzle of honey. Tip: Also try chopped walnuts or almonds, or brown sugar instead of honey.

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Haggerty Events & Reminders


School Advisory Council
February 3 | 6:15PM | Zoom

No School, February Break 
February 21 - 25

View full calendar >>


Student COVID-19 Vaccinations
Learn about student vaccination requirements. More details >>

In Our District & Community

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Visit Find It Cambridge for lots of great resources! You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help. 
kids playing outside
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! 
See list >>


Cambridge in Motion
Weekly Wellness
Mental health and general resources
Details >>

Advocating for Your
Child Workshop

Multiple Dates
Parent/caregiver workshop on how to advocate for your child’s advanced learning needs and help your child self-advocate.
More details >>

Building Community with CPS Muslim Families
January 29 | 12-1PM | Zoom
Muslim families in the CPS are invited to join for an afternoon of community building…get to know one another, share your experiences and exchange questions and advice!
More details >>

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Haggerty School
110 Cushing Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
haggerty.cpsd.us  •  617.349.6555
CPS Mobile App >>
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