From the Amigos Principal: June 24, 2022
Published on Jun 24, 2022 16:42

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      24 de junio, 2022 | June 24, 2022

Estimadas familias,
¡Lo hemos hecho! Probablemente ha sido uno de los años escolares más desafiantes y llenos de acontecimientos y lo estamos terminando con una nota alta. Ha sido maravilloso ver a la gente en los diferentes eventos y celebrar otra maravillosa graduación de 8º grado. Espero que puedan unirse a nuestra Fiesta de Fin de Año el martes 28 de junio, pero si no es así, espero que tengan un buen y rejuvenecedor verano lleno de salud y felicidad.

Matemáticas de verano

El departamento de matemáticas ha actualizado y publicado nuestros calendarios de matemáticas de verano 2022. L@s estudiantes deben centrarse en el calendario para el grado en el que estarán durante el año escolar 2022-2023, sin embargo, todos los calendarios están disponibles para tod@s l@s estudiantes si necesitan actividades adicionales o para revisar el contenido de sus niveles de grado actuales o anteriores. Cada calendario incluye tareas de matemáticas, enlaces a recursos en línea, juegos y sugerencias de libros.

ST Math - L@s estudiantes seguirán teniendo acceso a su viaje durante el verano a través de Classlink. Si han completado su viaje, pueden seguir trabajando en las actividades del "puente del desafío."
Actualizaciones de nuestra biblioteca

¡Y sólo quedan 257 libros por devolver! Por favor, ayuden a la Sra. Melisa a recordar a sus hij@s que devuelvan sus libros de la biblioteca lo antes posible. Asegurémonos de tener nuestra colección completa para el próximo año escolar. ¡Gracias por su atención y apoyo!


Pedimos a tod@s l@s estudiantes de la escuela intermedia devolver su Chromebook y cargador (imagen de abajo) a la Escuela Amigos el miércoles, 22 de junio. Su equipo debería haber sido devuelto durante su reunión de asesoramiento junto con un formulario de devolución de problemas. Si su hij@ todavía tiene un Chromebook emitido por la escuela en casa, por favor devuélvalo tan pronto como sea posible. Si algún estudiante está asistiendo a un Programa de Verano y necesita un Chromebook, por favor háganoslo saber. 


¡Nos vemos pronto!

Sarah Marrero

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Calendario de junio de 2022

Martes, 28 de junio: Fiesta de Escuela Amigos al aire libre de 5:30-7:30PM.

Miércoles, 29 de junio: 6º/7º grado visitarán la biblioteca para escoger los libros de lectura de verano.

Miércoles, 29 de junio:
Último día de clases. Día de salida temprana a las 12:55PM.

La escuela se reanuda el martes 6 de septiembre de 2022. ¡Que tengan un maravilloso verano!

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Dear Amigos Families,

We made it! It has probably been one of the most challenging and eventful
school years ever and we are ending it on a high note. It has been wonderful
to see people at the different events and to celebrate another AMAZING 8th
Grade Graduation! Hopefully, you will be able to join our End of Year Fiesta
on Tuesday, June 28th but if not, I wish you a restful and rejuvenating
summer full of health and happiness.

Summer Math
The math department has updated and published our 2022 summer math
. Students should focus on the calendar for the grade they will be in
during the 2022-2023 school year, however, all calendars are available to all
students if they need additional activities or to review content from their
current or previous grade levels. Each calendar includes math tasks, links to
online resources, games and book suggestions.

ST Math - Students will continue to have access to their journey during the
summer via Classlink. If they have completed their journey, they can continue
to work on the activities on the "challenge bridge."

Library Updates
YAY! We are down to 257 items that need to be returned. Please help Mrs. Melisa in reminding your child(ren) to return their library books as soon as possible. Let's make sure we have our full collection for next school year. Thank you for your attention and support!

We asked all upper school students in grades 6-8 to return their Chromebook and Charger (image below) to Amigos School on Wednesday, June 22. Their equipment should have been returned during their Advisory meeting along with a Return Issues Form. If your child still has a school issued chromebook at home, please return it as soon as possible. If any student is attending a Summer Program and needs a Chromebook, please let us know.


Sarah Marrero

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June 2022 Calendar

Tuesday, June 28: Amigos School Fiesta Outdoors, 5:30-7:30PM.

Wednesday, June 29: 6th/7th grade Library visit for summer reading.

Wednesday, June 29:
Last Day of School. Early Release Day, dismissal is at 12:55PM.

School resumes on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. Have a wonderful summer!

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Verano: Grades 6-8/ 6-8 Grado

Summer Resource Guide (electronic copy; live doc): 6-8 Middle School Summer Programs 2022
Summer Resource Guide (Printable PDF): MSN 2022 Summer Guide
Summer Program Slideshows (by grade)

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CAMBridge Summer Program for 8th Graders

The 8th Grade → Algebra CAMBridge Program (Comprehensive Algebra Modules) is a self-paced program for all 8th grade students with the opportunity to demonstrate, deepen, and strengthen their mathematical understanding of Algebra 1 standards. Learn more >>

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Healthy Smiles

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apple sauce with whole wheat crackers

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In Our District & Community

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Visit Find It Cambridge for lots of other great resources! 

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Updated Incident
Reporting System

All members of the school community can report any incident of inappropriate conduct, such as discrimination, harassment, retaliation, bullying, other civil rights violations or other areas of concern can be reported through SpeakfullyNow.

To learn more about the Incident Reporting System, policies, and procedures, click here.
Amigos School
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! See list >>

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