Haggerty Holler: June 28, 2022
Published on Jun 28, 2022 12:46

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June 28, 2022

Moving On Ceremony

5th Graders are Moving On!

On Friday, June 24th, the Haggerty 5th graders put on a moving assembly to remember and celebrate their years at the Haggerty School. Small groups of 5th graders reminisced about a grade, Kindergarten through fifth grade. When looking back on second grade, they were able to celebrate Ms. Callender, who will be retiring this year after 32 years at the Haggerty School! The fifth graders, led by Mx. Irvin, beautifully sang "Hall of Fame" and they all danced the Bachata led by Coach Materazzo. The assembly concluded with words from Nancy, reminding them Haggerty will always be home to them - and we hoped to see them back! They also put a personal memento in the time capsule, for their 18-year-old selves to come back and find. The families and fifth grade staff celebrated together after the assembly with lunch and games. Thanks to Friends of Haggerty for helping to fund this celebration! We will miss you fifth graders!

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Legacy Project

5th Grade Legacy Project

A much loved tradition at Haggerty is the 5th GRADE LEGACY PROJECT. This is a collaborative project the class "moving on" creates to leave behind as a permanent legacy at the school. This year's class added three colorfully painted "bodies" to complete the playground mural wall, designed and started by former Haggerty art teacher, Laurie Gaines.

Students were each given a section of one of the figures to decorate with a painted design, pattern, symbol or scene to represent themselves as individuals. Combined together, their designs stand as a vibrant celebration of their class as a whole and their diverse cultures, heritages, interests and personalities.

The bodies will be permanently affixed to the wall this summer for future students to enjoy. Big thank you to caregiver Carroll Magill for overseeing this project with the 5th graders! It wouldn't have happened without her many hours of work with them.

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Dear Haggerty Families and Caregivers,

I'm incredibly grateful to all of our students, staff, and caregivers for an epic year! Covid continues to hand us many twists and turns, and yet, we persist! A Character Parade, Haggerty Day, 5th Grade Moving On, Art Shows, a Spring Concert, Field Trips, STEAM Night, a Talent Show and a Staff Appreciation Luncheon that had a mile long spread of food for the Haggerty Staff - Just a few events that have wrapped up the school year this spring! That's 8+ events in 3 months - none of which we could do without the dedication of our caregivers. Thank You!

I hope the summer brings you time to read, rest, play and enjoy your children and the slower pace of summer to do what you love.

I wanted to share some of the wisdom of our fifth graders; they always leave us some nuggets of knowledge and a reminder of lessons they've learned at Haggerty:

  • Friendships are important. I learned that friendship is forgiveness and joy and even sometimes anger. But the best thing is that through the hard emotions true friendship stays and lasts forever.
  • Math is important, there is so much math in the world!
  • Everyone is different and every belongs. It is rude to judge someone by the way they look or what they do. Do not discriminate.
  • Be kind. Keep yourself safe and take care of your learning.
  • Reading is essential and without it life is nearly impossible.
  • When you give kindness you will always receive it back. Kindness will always come back to you.
  • Everyone is different and everyone belongs. Everyone is special in their own way. It is rude to discriminate. Everyone deserves kindness, no matter how different they are from you.
  • Popularity does not matter...
  • Everyone is different and everyone belongs. Don't treat someone badly just because you don't like them. You are not allowed to treat them badly. I hope to understand this for the rest of my life.
  • Social Studies opened my eyes to the injustices in the world. I knew that there were injustices, but this really helped me to understand. I believe this is important because I want to be involved in activism and I need to know the problems if I want to solve them.
  • Work hard, even when things are tough. Be a good friend. Be kind.

That is all original reflective writing from our 5th graders as they've said goodbye to Haggerty and reflected on what they've learned and what they're grateful for. There's so much joy, wisdom, and comfort in their words. Fifth graders, we're all inspired by you in so many ways! We could all use some time reflecting, sharing gratitude and stories with one another. We're all better when we're in community, sharing our stories and learning with and from one another. Thanks for sharing your beautiful children; we've loved learning and growing with them this year.

Love, Nancy

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Mayor Siddiqui Visits the Haggerty School!

Mayor Siddiqui Visits the Haggerty School!On June 22, Mayor Siddiqui dropped by the Haggerty for a short visit. During
her visit, the Mayor was interviewed by two journalists from second grade and
she visited our fourth grades.

Our journalists, Ellis and Graham met with the Mayor and asked her many
questions about her work. The interview questions, created independently by
Ellis and graham also included some personal questions.

Here are a few highlights from the interview:
Ellis: Why did you want to end library fees in Cambridge?
Mayor: I think that anyone who wants to read should be able to do it... sometimes people get busy, growing up I would take books out and I would forget to take them back to the library. I'd have all these fees... we didn't have a lot of money and the fees would add up. We want people to be able to take out books, and we want to them to return the books, but we really want people to take the books. We still see people return their books on time. If It's a few days late it's ok. Most people return their books, it rarely happens that people don't give their books back.

Ellis: What does it feel like to mayor?
Mayor: As someone who grew up here, I am honored and lucky to be serving people and being in public service--I see my name and sometimes I can't believe that it's my name up there. Being mayor is very satisfying work, I really love helping people. As much as it's hard, it's very rewarding.

Graham: So what kind of books do you like?
Mayor: I like NonFiction, I like Memoir. One of my favorite books is, Becoming Michele Obama.

Graham: Do you think you will run for president?
Mayor: Well I can't because I was not born in the US. I could go for senator or congress but I'm not sure about that. Right now, I am really happy being a mayor.

Fourth Grade Meets the Mayor
Mayor's VisitAs part of the mayor's visit to 4th grade, students in Ms. Burks class presented their PASSION PROJECTS to the Mayor. The projects included: efforts to end World Hunger, advocacy for Human Rights of all kind, efforts to support Climate Change, and powerful presentations that advocate for freedom of expression. The presentations were compelling, it's good to know that these students will be working to improve the future. In Ms. Yeh's class, the students compiled a list of questions and had a very open discussion with the Mayor about issues important to them. Anna shared a petition to improve the quality of girls' softball fields. Several students asked about the process of becoming a mayor. It was a great visit and the Mayor assured us that she would be back next year to hear more from Haggerty Students.

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Ms. Favreau is Saying Goodbye to Haggerty

Dear Haggerty Families,

After 14 years, my time at the Haggerty has come to an end.I am relocating to North Carolina to be closer to family. While I will miss everyone,I am really excited for this new adventure. Thank you all for sharing your children with me over the years!

Love, Ms. Fav

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Music Corner by Mx. Irvin

The Haggerty 5th Grade Instrumental Music Video Showcase
View showcase >>

WordsmithOur June Musician of the Month is American songwriter, performer, entrepreneur, and philanthropist Wordsmith (Anthony Parker). Born in 1980 in Germany in 1980, Wordsmith has been based in Baltimore, MD since age 19, where he collaborates with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Wordsmith has an independent label and has released six albums, as well as starting his nonprofit Rise with a Purpose, Inc. Our Musician of the Month Spotify playlist has been updated with some of Wordsmith's music. Learn about Wordsmith while you pat a steady beat!

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Coach's Corner

ELA: Summer Reading
Summer Books in Backpacks and Bags!
Summer readingHaggerty families please be on the lookout for summer reading books in your child's backpack or bag! Every Haggerty student is bringing home some new books this summer. Please encourage your children to practice reading and writing this summer. If you are looking for some FUN Summer Ideas to do at home, the ELA department has put together a Summer Star Chart filled with activities to do at home. There are many additional resources on the Summer Reading 2022 - Cambridge Public Schools website. The star activity chart is linked below.
View document >> 

All graduating 5th grade students have also received books from their new middle school. Your child is taking home an assigned reading book for the start of sixth grade. On behalf of the ELA department, we wish you and your family a happy, healthy and safe summer! Here is a link to the Vassal Lane summer information. View flyer >> 

Warm wishes,
Suzanne Russell, Literacy Coach

MATH: Math Calendars
Summer MathMake Math a fun part of your summer! We are asking all students to do a few minutes of math every day! What do you see that you can count? Can you count something else?

Cambridge has summer math calendars for students entering grades 1 to 8 with engaging daily activities and suggestions for books and games. There is also information about how to sign in to ST Math. You can find all the calendars here. Watch this video about them!

Children can keep track of their activities in a journal or on paper and bring it into school next Fall.

Have a wonderful summer!

Mathily yours,
Nili AKA Ms. Pearlmutter, Haggerty Math Coach

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4th Grade to Lowell Mills!

4th Grade to Lowell Mills!

The 4th graders took an amazing end of the year field trip to Lowell Mills which was generously funded by Friends of Haggerty. Students got to participate in one of two different programs: Bales to Bolt, where they learned how to weave on looms, or Yankees and Immigrants where they learned about artifacts immigrants would bring over with them and engaged in a mock debate. The 4th graders had an insightful tour around the boarding houses of the mill girls and museums of Lowell Mills. Thank you so much Friends of Haggerty for your generous support!!!

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Friends of Haggerty

Spring Appeal is underway now!
It's time to plan for next year's field trips, artist visits, and more, so we're asking you to help with our spring appeal for donations. Any amount helps us make sure that every Haggerty student can participate in enrichment.

The preferred method for donating is through PayPal, but you can also put a donation in an envelope addressed to Friends of Haggerty.

If you are able to help, please send your donation before the end of the school year (June 29).

Thank you
Friends of Haggerty Board
Miriam Blankenship, Suzanne Bouffard, Shannon Egleson, Borjan Gagoski, Nathaniel Hammatt, Nadia Khatchadourian, and Caroline K. Logan

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Mental Health and General Health Resources                          

Movement/Physical Activity

  • Summer Activities Guide for Young Children: The Birth to 3rd Grad Partnership and Find It worked together to create this comprehensive guide for families of young children in Cambridge. Find all kinds of activities suited for your young children, like library activities, StoryWalks, playgroups, and more!

Food, Nutrition & Gardening:

  • Eat Your Water! Try these 7 foods to stay hydrated this summer as the heat starts to build. Getting kids to drink water (and some adults) can be challenging, but these delicious foods have high water content and can help all summer long!
  • Cambridge Food Resources: This regularly updated list includes food pantries, community meals, and meal delivery options so residents can get free food! Find translations in Amharic, Bengali, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish on the CiM page.

Other Resources:

  • De-Stress Monday: Use the attachments from the Monday Campaigns to guide your focus on breathing and then feel your stress melt away. A deep inhale of fresh summer air can do wonders for the body, mind, and spirit. Focusing on the rhythm of your breath, especially when enjoying the beauty of the outdoors, can help you relieve stress, manage challenging emotions, and find the energy necessary to conquer daily challenges. Incorporate these breathing meditations into your outdoor excursions and feel the benefits expand even farther!

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Banana Ice Cream

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Summer Pop-Up
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Haggerty Events & Reminders

Last Day of School
Wednesday, June 29
Early Release Day

First Day of School (1st-5th grade)
Tuesday, September 6

First Day of JK/Kindergarten
Thursday, September 8

View full calendar >>
View district calendar (2022-23) >>


Summer Contacts
We have put together a quick list of contacts for the summer while our school buildings are closed.

Student COVID-19 Vaccinations
Learn about student vaccination requirements. More details >>

In Our District & Community

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Visit Find It Cambridge for lots of great resources! You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help. 
kids playing outside
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! 
See list >>


Cambridge in Motion
Weekly Wellness
Mental health and general resources
Details >>

Updated Incident
Reporting System

All members of the school community can report any incident of inappropriate conduct, such as discrimination, harassment, retaliation, bullying, other civil rights violations or other areas of concern can be reported through SpeakfullyNow.

To learn more about the Incident Reporting System, policies, and procedures, click here.

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Haggerty School
110 Cushing Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
haggerty.cpsd.us  •  617.349.6555
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